Text |
Too many vertical entries in one INPUT/WRITE/DISPLAY. |
Explanation |
One INPUT, WRITE or DISPLAY statement can generate a maximum of 250 lines vertically. The row value in the notation "X/Y" must not exceed 250. The number of header lines must not exceed 14. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
No header text allowed for VERT, NOHDR, second DISPLAY. |
Explanation |
- Header text is not allowed for any other than the first DISPLAY statement of a report. - In VERT mode, header text for individual fields can only be specified if the option "CAPTIONED" is used; the header texts for the fields will then be placed vertically above the column as header text. - If the option AS "text" is used together with CAPTIONED, the text specified for an individual field will be placed in the same line as as the field value before the field value in the column. - No header text is allowed for a DISPLAY statement which refers to the same report as a previous DISPLAY statement which has already created a header. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
SF parameter in FORMAT/SET GLOBALS > 30 or not numeric. |
Explanation |
The value for the parameter SF must be specified as a numeric integer constant. The maximum value is 30. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Parameter must not be previously defined. |
Explanation |
Only the first parameter address is passed to the called program. All other parameters must be physically positioned immediately after the first parameter. This can only be achieved if the parameter variables are newly defined in the CALL FILE or READ WORK FILE statement respectively. |
Action |
Do not refer to previously defined variables in a CALL FILE statement. |
Text |
Filler character for input field specified incorrectly. |
Explanation |
The character which is to be used to fill the empty part of an input field must be specified as a single character enclosed in apostrophes. It may be specified anywhere in the list of values of the AD parameter. Example: INPUT (AD="<") #FIELDA #FIELDB |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Invalid attribute definition element after "AD=". |
Explanation |
See the Natural documentation, session parameter AD, for information on valid values for the AD parameter. Furthermore, this error appears in a INPUT statement if - (AD=M) is specified for a system variable other than *COM; - (AD=T) is specified for a system variable. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Incorrect usage of ADJUST clause. |
Explanation |
The ADJUST option can only be provided for a field inside the SELECT option. The operand for which the ADJUST is supplied must be an X-ARRAY with an unique dimension and the index expression "(*)". After the ADJUST option, the field list must not be continued, that is, the specification of further variables is not permitted. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid entry for OFFSET/FILLER in READ WORK FILE. |
Explanation |
The OFFSET/FILLER in a record layout for READ WORK FILE must be specified as an integer numeric constant. The filler entry may be specified in the form "nX". This error also occurs if the OFFSET or FILLER option is placed in the wrong position within the READ WORK FILE statement. See the Natural documentation for the valid READ WORK FILE statement syntax. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
No attribute definition specified after "AD=". |
Explanation |
At least one attribute setting is required when using "AD=". |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Processing loop in subroutine not closed. |
Explanation |
If a processing loop is initiated in a subroutine, it must be closed within the same subroutine with a LOOP statement. The LOOP statement must precede the RETURN statement. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
No executable statement in IF condition. |
Explanation |
Statements such as REDEFINE or FORMAT do not generate executable code; therefore, they are not allowed as the only statements in an IF condition. A redefinition of a variable is true under all conditions; it is therefore not recommended to place a REDEFINE or FORMAT statement within an IF condition. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Printer number not allocated. |
Explanation |
Either a corresponding JCL statement for the specified printer was not specified; or, if a TP monitor is used, either the TP monitor does not support offline printers or the necessary parameter module was not generated. |
Action |
Correct the printer number or contact your Natural administrator. |
Text |
Recursive definition of a subroutine. |
Explanation |
A subroutine definition, which is initiated with a DEFINE SUBROUTINE statement, must be terminated with an END-SUBROUTINE or RETURN statement before another subroutine definition can be initiated. A DEFINE SUBROUTINE statement within another DEFINE SUBROUTINE statement block is not possible. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid definition of a subroutine. |
Explanation |
A DEFINE SUBROUTINE statement must not be placed within any of the following condition statement blocks: - AT START OF DATA - AT END OF DATA - AT TOP OF PAGE - AT END OF PAGE - AT BREAK - BEFORE BREAK PROCESSING - AT END OF FILE - IF NO RECORDS FOUND - ON ERROR |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Inconsistency in multiple writing to the same work file. |
Explanation |
This error occurs if one program contains two (or more) WRITE WORK FILE statements that write data to the same work file: - Writing to the same work file must be either all in fixed length or all in variable length; that is, the keyword "VARIABLE" must be specified either in every WRITE WORK FILE statement concerned or in none. (Please note that in this context an EXPORT statement corresponds to a WRITE WORK FILE (1) VARIABLE statement.) - If writing to the same work file is all in fixed length, the sum of field lengths must be the same for every WRITE WORK FILE statement concerned. |
Action |
Correct error in program. |
Text |
Invalid use of Natural system function. |
Explanation |
Natural system functions like MAX, MIN, SUM or AVER can only be used with the conditions AT BREAK, AT END DATA, AT END PAGE. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid reference of Natural system function. |
Explanation |
Natural system functions like MAX, MIN, SUM and AVER may only be used in an AT END OF PAGE condition if their evaluation per page has been requested with the GIVE SYSTEM FUNCTIONS clause of a DISPLAY or WRITE statement. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Search field for a descriptor is too long. |
Explanation |
The maximum length for a search field is 126 bytes. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Parameter DY may only be used with alphanumeric fields. |
Explanation |
Dynamic attributes (blinking, intensified, underlined, color, etc.) may only be applied to alphanumeric fields. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid concatenation of alphanumeric constants. |
Explanation |
A concatenation character ("-") was found, but the linked constant segment is missing or of an incorrect format. When an alphanumeric constant ("text" or H"..") is followed by a hyphen character ("-"), another alphanumeric constant has to follow. Example: "ABC"-"DEF"-H"F1F2F3"-"XYZ" When a constant of format Unicode (U"text" or UH"..") is followed by a hyphen character ("-"),another constant of format Unicode has to follow. Example: U"ABC"-U"DEF"-UH"00310032"-U"XYZ" A mix of alphanumeric and Unicode constant segments is not permitted. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid output length for (PM=D) field or constant. |
Explanation |
If attribute (PM=D) is used to display an alphanumeric field or constant, its content is considered DBCS data without surrounding Shift-OUT/Shift-IN characters. To ensure the proper display of such data on the screen, the output length must be even. The following rules apply to type Alphanumeric: If the field length is odd (e.g. (A9)), provide option AL=/DL= to reduce the display length. If AL= or DL= (or both) are specified, only an even length is permitted. The following rules apply to type Unicode: If the field length is odd (e.g. (U7)), provide option AL=/DL= to set the output length to an even number. Since one Unicode character corresponds to one DBCS double-byte, the number of output positions needed is twice the field length (i.e. DL=14 for (U7)). |
Action |
Provide correct length option AL= or DL=. |
Text |
Error in increment specification for RENUMBER. |
Explanation |
The line editor allows an increment, in the form (nnnn), to be specified for renumbering. The increment you have specified would cause line numbers greater than 9999. |
Action |
Choose an increment for renumbering that does not cause the line numbers to exceed 9999. |
Text |
Invalid value for format element. |
Explanation |
For this type of format element, the only possible values are "ON" and "OFF" (or "T" and "F" respectively). |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Global variables ... do not match. |
Explanation |
The global variables that are to be passed between programs do not agree in format and/or length. Global variables with the same name must agree in format and length to allow for a value transfer of the global variable across multiple programs when referenced as data as "+NAME". |
Action |
Check the currently existing global variables and compare them to the reference in the current program. Adjust format/length or clear global variables with the LOGON command. |
Text |
Field must not be placed under group using "/" notation. |
Explanation |
If a group of fields is referenced in a DISPLAY statement, the group creates a layout of multiple columns for all individual fields in the group. No individual field can be placed under the group layout. |
Action |
Place individual field in a separate column. |
Text |
Error in construction of print positioning of form "x/y". |
Explanation |
The positioning notation "x/y" can only be used with constants for "x" and "y". The positioning must not place the current print position outside the range of line and column positions that are available with the current line size and page size limits. The line position must not overlay an already occupied print position. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Error in the construction of a dynamic source variable. |
Explanation |
The character "&", which indicates a dynamic source variable, was found, but the "&" was not followed by a valid variable name. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Source program in source work area incorrectly numbered. |
Explanation |
To ensure that all references in a program can be resolved correctly, it is necessary that the source code lines are numbered in ascending order. |
Action |
Use the RENUMBER command to renumber the program, check all references for consistency with intended reference (when duplicate numbers exist). All references will be renumbered automatically. |
Text |
Explicit format specification required. |
Explanation |
The FS parameter has been set with a SET GLOBALS statement or GLOBALS command to indicate that no default format/length is to be used. Therefore the format/length of all user-defined variables must be explicitly specified. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Values for DC, IA, ID parameters must exclude one another. |
Explanation |
The values for the session parameters DC, IA and ID must exclude one another. The value for each of these parameters must be different from the values for the other two. |
Action |
Use the GLOBALS command to check the values for DC, IA and ID and make sure that the 3 parameter have 3 different values. |
Text |
Undefined global variable used for source reference. |
Explanation |
All global variables that are to be referenced for source parameters in the form "&NAME" must have been previously defined from the execution of a program that assigns a value to this global variable. If a source program using global notations is to be created, this can be done without control of the syntax checker, using the EDIT command. When the syntax checker is to be active during the creation of such program, the proper global variable environment must be created prior to any "&NAME" reference. |
Action |
Either create program in EDIT mode or establish proper global variable environment by executing programs that define the global variables prior to any "&NAME" reference. |
Text |
Modification of a named constant not allowed. |
Explanation |
If a variable is to have an initial value, which will be changed in the program, and the original value is to be used again later in the program, use the INIT clause of the DEFINE DATA statement and a RESET INITIAL statement. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid reference "0000" specified. |
Explanation |
When you reference a database access statement by specifying the line number, the line number can never be "0000". |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Variable of format/length F16 is not allowed here. |
Explanation |
A floating-point variable of length 16 is not allowed with the following statements: - DISPLAY - WRITE - PRINT - INPUT |
Action |
Do not use an F16 variable in any of the above statements. |
Text |
Invalid operation with date or time variable. |
Explanation |
This error may be caused by the following: - An arithmetic operator other than "+","-","*" or "-" was used between a date/time operand and/or a numeric operand. - An arithmetic operator with one date/time operand and one floating-point operand was used. - A field of a format other than date is assigned to a date variable. See Natural documentation, Arithmetic Operations with Date and Time, for further information. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Program cannot be executed. |
Explanation |
1) An attempt was made to - execute a Natural programming object or - load a GDA, LDA, PDA or map at compilation which is not supported by the current version of Natural. For a list of supported Natural program versions, see the corresponding Natural documentation. 2) The program to be executed is contained in the blacklist of the current buffer pool (see the SYSBPM utility documentation). |
Action |
1) Re-compile the program under the current version of Natural. 2) Remove the program from the blacklist. |
Text |
Invalid format specification. |
Explanation |
See the Natural session parameters documentation for details. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Attribute "CV" must be defined before "HE" definition. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Roman edit mask for input fields not allowed. |
Explanation |
A roman edit mask can be used in an INPUT statement, but only for output fields. Example: INPUT #D (EM=R AD=O) |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
Invalid index range in INPUT or WRITE statement. |
Explanation |
In an INPUT or WRITE statement, the index range notation of an array is invalid because the number of occurrences is not known during compilation. Examples of invalid index ranges: - range with different variables : (#I:#J) - range with constant and variable : (1:#i) - complete range notation of an X array: (*) Examples of valid index ranges: - range with constants : (1:5) - range with the same variabes : (#I:#I+5) |
Action |
Supply a valid index range. |
Text |
Label definition must be coded at beginning of line. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |
Text |
INCLUDE statement must be only statement in source line. |
Explanation |
The INCLUDE statement must be the only statement contained in a given source code line. |
Action |
Check program and correct error. |