This section provides you with a step-by-step introduction on how to update your programs written for the Natural Web Interface (SYSWEB) to run with the new interface (SYSWEB3).
You have to use the new interface programs nww3
instead of the old nww
* programs. Copy the appropriate programs to
your HTTP server, and configure your HTTP server.
Adapt your nww3*.ini file settings.
Adapt external URLs to nww3
* instead of
It is possible to rename the nww3
* interface
programs - but the new interface programs will only work with Natural
subprograms stowed with SYSWEB3 and the old interface programs will only work
with Natural subprograms stowed with SYSWEB.
If you are running a Natural RPC server
On Windows or Linux without Natural Security, modify your steplib settings at NATPARM. Replace steplib SYSWEB with steplib SYSWEB3 (or use a new, different RPC server instead)
On mainframe systems without Natural Security, modify your server startup logon from SYSWEB to SYSWEB3 (or use a new, different RPC server instead)
With Natural Security (all platforms), modify your steplib settings at Natural Security. Replace steplib SYSWEB with steplib SYSWEB3 (or use a new, different RPC server instead)
Check your EntireX Broker settings. You may have to expand
settings, depending on the maximum page length
you want to transfer.
If you are running a DCOM server (Windows only),
Unregister your class (usually named according to your library name) first.
Delete your class (usually named according to your library name) and the associated LDA (usually named L)
Use the Web Interface plug-in and generate a new class for SYSWEB3 with a new LDA (new GUIs).
Register the new class.
Adapt URLs, read work files, templates, etc. to point to SYSWEB3 instead of SYSWEB.
If you rename SYSWEB3 to SYSWEB your application may work,
but internal programs delivered with SYSWEB3 may not work correctly and may
deliver wrong or unexpected results.
Recatalog all your programs that reference web interface programs by using SYSWEB3 as steplib instead of SYSWEB.
All your programs should now run the same way, they did with SYSWEB before.