Multi-Language Management

The multi-language management is responsible for changing the text IDs into strings that are presented to the user.

There are two translation aspects:

  • All literals in the GUI definitions of a layout are replaced by strings which are language-specific.

  • Literals you output within your adapter code (e.g. status messages) must be translated.

The multi-language management is internally kept cleanly behind an internal interface. This means that in the future a different implementation will be available to provide a solution to find a string for a given text ID. In this , the default implementation which simply uses comma separated value files is described.

The information provided in this is organized under the following headings:

Writing Multi-Language Layouts

When defining properties of controls inside a layout definition, there are always two options to specify fix labels: either use property name or property textid. In case your pages support multi-language ability, you only have to use the textid property. At runtime, the corresponding labels are found in the following way:

  • Each PAGE has the property translationreference. This property may be the name of the HTML file - or it may be a logical name, used by different HTML pages.

  • Inside Application Designer, there are defined directories and files in which the text information is stored: each application project is represented by a directory under the web application directory of Application Designer. Inside the project directory, there is a directory /multilanguage/. Under this directory, each language is represented by its own directory, e.g. by the directory /multilanguage/de/ for German translations.

  • Inside each language directory, there is one comma separated value (CSV) file for each page name. The name of the file is <pagename>.csv (for example, Login.csv).

  • Inside the CSV file, each line contains the text ID, a semicolon and the label text, e.g. "Label1;Login name".

The following topics are covered below:


Let us assume you have defined an application project "accountmgmt". Inside the application project, there is a layout definition account.xml that points via the translationreference property of PAGE to "account". The file structure inside your application project directory now looks as follows:

    account.html                        // generated HTML file
        account.csv                     // German text
        account.csv                     // English text
       account.xml                      // layout definition

Page Name Strategy

The previous section explained how a translation file is found for a certain HTML page. Basically, the translation reference is used to link the layout definition and the Application Designer multi-language management.

In general, there are two strategies for using this translation reference, and a mixture of both:

  • Specify one central page name for a couple of pages. Therefore, all pages share the same multi-language information (i.e. the same .csv file).

  • Specify one page name for each page. Therefore, every page has its own .csv file.

For larger projects, it makes sense to combine different literal information into one file - in order to keep consistency and to avoid redundancy. Of course, you have to synchronize the naming of text IDs for each page.

Creating the Translation File

The translation file (account.csv in the example of the previous section) is a simple comma separated file with the following format:


If your text itself contains a semicolon, then write "\;".

You can either create the file by using a text editor or you can use Application Designer's Literal Assistant which is integrated in the Layout Painter.

Pay attention: when using text editors of your own, you must configure your editor to store the text using UTF-8 character encoding. Otherwise, any characters that are not "ASCII characters < 128" will not be properly displayed. Make sure that your editor is UTF-8 capable.

Tools for Translating Text IDs

There are two tools. One is the Literal Assistant that is part of the Layout Painter. The other is the Literal Translator.

Tool for Creating Languages

Application Designer comes with two languages: "en" for English and "de" for German. When creating a new language abbreviation, you have to take care of the following:

  • You have to create language directories in your projects.

  • You have to copy certain files in which Application Designer holds text information that is language dependent.

The Language Manager automates the creation of language abbreviations.


Pay attention to the fact that Application Designer is fully based on Unicode and its UTF-8 format. All multi-language files must be in UTF-8 format. Especially pay attention when maintaining CSV files with programs like MS Excel.