This Natural profile parameter allows a non-Natural/HA process to simulate a Natural/HA process on startup, as far as the interaction with the state server is concerned. A temporary connection to the active state server is established and the session schema published, if it is not already available there. This allows for the testing of the active state server configuration.
Possible settings |
ON |
A temporary connection is made to the active state server on startup, and the session schema published to it, if not already available there. |
No temporary connection is made to the active state server on startup. |
Default setting |
Dynamic specification |
yes |
Specification within session |
no |
For example, the following command
natural statesrv=redis sstest=on
causes the state server configuration REDIS (case insensitive) to be tested on startup. In case of failure, a Natural startup error is raised. If the connection and the session schema synchronization succeed, then the connection is immediately closed and Natural continues to start up as normal.
The setting only applies to Natural running in a non-HA (High Availability) environment.