LOGONRQ - Logon for RPC Server Request Required

This Natural profile parameter determines whether or not logon data are required for an RPC server request.

Possible settings ON A logon is required; that is, the server only accepts requests from clients which include logon data in the RPC server request. For conversational requests, the logon data is only necessary when the conversation is opened.

If the Natural RPC server runs under Natural Security, you are strongly recommended to set LOGONRQ=ON. For further information, see Using Natural RPC with Natural Security in the Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) documentation.

OFF A logon is not required. Logon data will be processed nevertheless.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. LOGONRQ is specified on the server side only.
  2. For Natural clients, the logon data can be requested either by setting the LOGON option of the SYSRPC Service Directory Maintenance or by using the logon indicator of parameter DFS.
  3. For information on Natural RPC, see the Natural RPC (Remote Procedure Call) documentation.