Quick Start

This section is for running the Natural Availability Server on an embedded Tomcat server. It should not be used for production.

After Natural Availability Server is installed, a directory /NaturalAvailabilityServer is placed under the /Software AG installation directory.

Follow the steps below to run the Natural Availability Server after installation.

  1. Configure the connectivity to Natural (WebIO server) in the application.properties file under /NaturalAvailiabilityServer/conf.

    In case the default connectivity parameters need to be adapted to your environment, refer to the explanation in the section Configuring Connectivity to Natural Host to learn how to update the application.properties.

  2. Configure SSL-related parameters in the application.properties file:

    • For connection with SSL, set the following properties:

      com.softwareag.natural.chimera.connection.certificatePath[0]=<cert path>

      For details, see section Configuring Connectivity to Natural Host.

    • For a connection without SSL, set the following properties:


      For development only. Not recommended for production!
  3. Run startup.sh from the directory /NaturalAvailabilityServer/bin.

These steps will run the Natural Availability Server using its embedded Tomcat®.

To connect to the Natural program from the Angular© web application browse to http://localhost:8080