TF - Translation of Database ID/File Number

This Natural profile parameter is used to translate the database ID/file number of a production database into the database ID/file number of a test database.

This parameter applies to user files only. It does not apply to system files.

Possible settings production-DBID 0 - 65535, except 255, or can be an asterisk (*) which stands for all DBIDs.

DBID 255 is reserved for logical system files for Software AG products, see profile parameter LFILE.

production-FNR 1 - 5000, or an asterisk (*) which stands for all FNRs.
test-DBID 0 - 65535, except 255.
test-FNR 1 - 5000
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification yes This parameter can be specified dynamically and in the Natural parameter file NATPARM.
Specification within session no  


  1. The translation of file number is relevant when developing an application in a production environment; it enables you to develop an application in a test database and then transfer the finished application to the production database without having to change or re-compile the application.
  2. The transfer is done by a translation of the application's database identification (DBID) and file number (FNR): with the TF parameter, you specify the production DBID/FNR and the test DBID/FNR. The Natural objects are then cataloged with the production DBID/FNR, but whenever a database access is executed, the production DBID/FNR is translated into the test DBID/FNR; that is, the test database is used. This means that testing can take place in the actual production environment, but not with production data.
  3. The asterisk (*) notation for production-DBID and production-FNR is mutually exclusive.

TF Parameter Syntax

The parameter is specified as follows:


The TF parameter can be specified several times. Existing specifications are displayed in a corresponding list box.

If multiple TF parameters are specified, the following applies:

  • If one TF specification exists for a specific DBID/FNR and one with a wildcard also matches the specified FNR, the one with the wildcard is used.

    For example: The TF settings (5,2,3,7) and (5,*,7,8) translate 5/2 and give 7/8.

  • If one TF specification exists for a specific DBID/FNR and one with a wildcard also matches the specified DBID, the one with the exact specification is used.

    For example: The TF settings (5,4,3,7) and (*,4,3,1) translate 5/4 and give 3/7.


  1. Production and test databases must be of the same type (Adabas/Adabas, for example).
  2. If the database type is not specified in NATPARM, the Adabas is used as default type; that is, SQL and XML databases must be specified explicitly.
  3. For SQL and XML databases, the file number must always be set to 1. The DBID must be in the range of 0-254.
  4. The profile parameter UDB (User Database ID) is evaluated before the TF parameter is evaluated.

TF Parameter Syntax

The TF parameter is specified as follows:


The TF parameter can be specified several times. Existing specifications are displayed in a corresponding list box.

If multiple TF parameters are specified, the following applies:

  • If one TF specification exists for a specific DBID/FNR and one with a wildcard also matches the specified FNR, the one with the wildcard is used.

    For example: The TF settings (5,2,3,7) and (5,*,7,8) translate 5/2 and give 7/8.

  • If one TF specification exists for a specific DBID/FNR and one with a wildcard also matches the specified DBID, the one with the exact specification is used.

    For example: The TF settings (5,4,3,7) and (*,4,3,1) translate 5/4 and give 3/7.


  1. Production and test databases must be of the same type (Adabas/Adabas, for example).
  2. If the database type is not specified in NATPARM, the Adabas is used as default type; that is, SQL and XML databases must be specified explicitly.
  3. For SQL and XML databases, the file number must always be set to 1. The DBID must be in the range of 0-254.
  4. The profile parameter UDB (User Database ID) is evaluated before the TF parameter is evaluated.