Database-Specific Maintenance

This document covers the following topics:

Purge Database

Predict objects of type Database are purged with the Delete command.

The Delete command applies to all database types apart from IMS. The following objects are deleted:

  • the database object

  • all links to parent and child objects.

  • Rules which apply to the individual database types are given below.

Database-specific Rules

For Database Objects of Type Adabas

  • A Purge operation is not executed if the database and files in the database are implemented.

  • The Delete operation purges a database object and all links to related objects. All Adabas attributes for files which are contained in this database are purged or changed to default if the file is not contained in another database.

  • File objects for which DDMs or table/cluster descriptions exist will not be purged.

For Database Objects of Type SQL

  • A Purge operation is not executed if the database and files contained in the database are implemented.

  • File objects for which DDMs or table/cluster descriptions exist will not be purged.

For Database Objects of Type IMS

  • The Purge function will not be executed if UDFs exist for the IMS files.

Changing Database Attributes

The following topics are covered below:

The database type can only be changed with Predict on the server side.

General Rules

  • Changes to database attributes are also applied to file objects if applicable. For example: if a database is linked to another virtual machine, existing Vista elements of files linked to the database are adapted accordingly.

  • Special rules apply when renaming/renumbering databases that are connected to implemented databases. Connecting documentation and external objects is described in the section Handling of External and Documentation Objects in the External Objects in Predict documentation.

Changing the Database ID

The database ID can be changed with the Rename command.

The new database ID must not already exist in the dictionary.

Linking the Database to another Virtual Machine

Another virtual machine can be specified on the Mandatory Association tab.

The following rules apply to Adabas databases:

  • Old virtual machine and new virtual machine are in the same network: the change is applied to the database and all files linked to the database.

  • Old virtual machine and new virtual machine are in different networks: new Vista elements are created and/or existing Vista elements are purged. .

  • If the Database is connected to an implemented database the new virtual machine must be in the same network as the old virtual machine.

Non-Adabas databases can be linked to another virtual machine without restrictions.

Changing the Run mode Parameter

The Run mode can be changed on the Database Attributes tab.

The following rules apply:

  • Changing from Run mode parameter I (isolated) or L (local) to V (Vista) is not possible if a replicated or master file for Entire Transaction Propagator is linked to the database.

  • Changing from Run mode parameter V (Vista) to I (isolated) or L (local) is not possible if:

    • files with Vista elements are linked to the database, or

    • Vista elements for the database exist, or

    • files with phys. distribution type P (partitioned) are linked to the database.

Changing the Database Number

The database number can be changed in the Physical database number text box of the Database Attributes tab.

The following rule applies:

  • If files contained in the database are connected to implemented files, the database number (DBnr) cannot be changed.

Changing the Parameter Vista Access Only

Vista access can be changed on the Database Attributes tab.

The Vista Access Only flag indicates whether Adabas Vista is required to access files in a database. When creating a database object, Predict sets this flag to Y or N (according to the attributes of the database). The following rule applies:

  • Setting the flag from N to Y: Only possible for databases of type V (Vista). Vista elements for files will be created if they do not already exist.


If prerequisites for renaming/renumbering databases are not met, one of the following messages is issued.

Implemented file exists in the database

If files contained in the database are connected to implemented files, the database number (DBnr) cannot be changed.

File with physical distribution type 'partitioned' found / File with Vista element found / Database Vista element found

At least one file defined for use with Vista (phys. distribution type or Vista element is specified) is linked to the database. The Run mode parameter therefore must be V (Vista).

File with PROPAGATOR type 'master' or 'replicated' found

At least one replicated or master file for ENTIRE TRANSACTION PROPAGATOR has been found. The Run mode parameter can therefore not be changed to V (Vista).

Different File types in the database

Files of different types are linked to the database. Database therefore must be of type C (conceptual).