NaturalONE Version 8.3.7
 —  Using NaturalONE  —

Modifying Objects in the Natural Environment or in the Repository

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

For catalog purposes, you can upload your new and changed sources to the appropriate Natural environment (Natural server or local Natural runtime). The appropriate Natural environment (that is, the environment to which your sources will be uploaded) is defined on the Runtime page of the project properties.

Objects are always uploaded to the active system file.

When Natural Security is active on the Natural server, the SAVE command must be allowed in the "Command Restrictions" of the library security profile of Natural Security in order to upload objects.

Different parsers are used with NaturalONE and in the Natural environment. The parser in the Natural environment is responsible for the syntactical correctness of a source. Since the NaturalONE parser may indicate errors which are not problematic in a Natural environment, the sources are always uploaded to the Natural environment, even if they contain errors. However, when the parser in the Natural environment then detects an error in a source, this source is not saved, not compiled and a cataloged object is therefore not created - the existing source and cataloged object are not replaced in this case.

You can also commit your new and changed sources to the repository of your version control system. When you work in local mode, it is most likely that your sources are kept in a version control system.

NaturalONE uses two different types of build commands. The Eclipse-specific build commands in the Project menu apply to the contents of the workspace (the Navigator view or Natural Navigator view). The NaturalONE-specific build command which is described under Updating the Objects in the Natural Environment applies to the contents of your Natural environment (Natural server or local Natural runtime).

See also Understanding the Behavior of the Natural Builder.

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Updating the Objects in the Natural Environment

The following topics are covered below:

Automatic Update

When the option Build Natural projects automatically is enabled in the Natural preferences (see Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences), the appropriate Natural environment (Natural server or local Natural runtime) is automatically updated each time you save a source in the Eclipse workspace or when you add a new source. The source is uploaded to the Natural environment and is stowed there.

Manual Update

When the Build Natural projects automatically option is disabled in the Natural preferences, the following commands can be used to update the Natural environment manually:


  1. In Natural, the term "stow" is used for the following: the source code is compiled and, when no errors are found, the resulting generated object code is stored as a cataloged object in a Natural system file. In addition, the source code is also stored in a Natural system file; it receives the same timestamp as the cataloged object.
  2. In Natural, the term "catalog" is used for the following: the source code is compiled and, when no errors are found, the resulting generated object code is stored as a cataloged object in a Natural system file. The source code itself is not stored in a Natural system file.

When the option Prompt on compile errors is enabled in the Natural preferences, a message box will appear in the case of a compile error. For further information on this message box, see Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences.

Actions which have been disallowed in Natural Security are not disabled in the context menus of the Navigator view or Natural Navigator view. If data is transferred to a Natural server (for example, with the Build Natural Project command) and an action is not allowed on this server, the server responds with an error message.

Start of instruction setTo upload and stow all new and changed sources

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the project which contains the sources that you want to upload and stow.

    Select any source within the project.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Build Natural Project.

    Choose the following icon in the local toolbar:


    For the Build Natural Project command, the STOW command must be allowed in the "Command Restrictions" of the library security profile. See also Protecting the Natural Development Environment in Eclipse in the Natural Security documentation, which is part of the Natural documentation.

    The Build Natural Project command always updates all sources in the Natural environment which have been changed in the project, or which are new. Even if you have selected a single file in the project (and this file has not even been changed), all changes in the project are updated in the Natural environment.

    The library into which the sources are written and stowed is determined by the mode you have defined for the project (either shared mode or private mode). See Steplibs in Changing the Project Properties for further information.

Start of instruction setTo upload selected sources without cataloging

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the source(s) that you want to upload.

    Select a library, if you want to upload all sources in this library.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Upload.

    Choose the following icon in the local toolbar:


    If more than one Natural object is about to be uploaded, a dialog box appears, asking whether you really want to upload the selected objects and replace the corresponding objects on the server.

  3. Optional. Select the check box Always process selected objects without prompt.

    When you select this check box, Confirm server processing of selected objects is automatically deselected in the preferences. See Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences.

  4. Choose the Yes button.

    Other than the Build Natural Project command, the Upload command only updates the sources in the Natural environment which have been selected in the project (that is, either single sources or, when a library has been selected, all sources in this library).

Start of instruction setTo upload and stow selected sources

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the source(s) that you want to upload and stow.

    Select a library or even a project, if you want to upload and stow all sources in this library or project.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Update.

    Choose the following icon in the local toolbar:


    If more than one Natural object is about to be updated, a dialog box appears, asking whether you really want to update the selected objects and replace the corresponding objects on the server.

  3. Optional. Select the check box Always process selected objects without prompt.

    When you select this check box, Confirm server processing of selected objects is automatically deselected in the preferences. See Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences.

  4. Choose the Yes button.

    For object types that only have sources (such as copycode and text), the Update command behaves just like the Upload command.

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Build Sequence

When the Build Natural Project command is used to upload and stow objects in the Natural environment, the following sequence is used by default:

Data definition modules
Global data areas
Local data areas
Parameter data areas

This default sequence can be changed for all Natural projects in the Natural preferences (see Natural > Build Sequence in Setting the Preferences) or for a specific Natural project in the project properties (see Builder in Changing the Project Properties).

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Canceling a Build

When you build a project with a large number of objects, this may take a while. You can watch the build progress in the Progress view. This is a standard Eclipse view. It is not part of the NaturalONE perspective. You can display it with Window > Show View > Other > General > Progress or by double-clicking the progress indicator at the bottom right of the Eclipse workbench.

Using the Progress view, it is possible to cancel a build.

It is recommended that you do not cancel a build since this will result in inconsistent builder data. This in turn may cause NaturalONE not to work properly anymore until a full build of the project is performed.

When you still decide to cancel a build, a dialog box appears, asking whether you really want to cancel the current build of the project. This dialog box contains the Always cancel the build without prompt check box. When you select this check box, Confirm cancelation of builds is automatically deselected in the preferences. See Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences.

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Flags in a Label Decoration

When the Build Natural projects automatically option is disabled in the Natural preferences, different types of flags can be shown in the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, indicating the status of the corresponding object. The following flags are used by default (see also Label Decorations in Setting the Preferences). They are shown with the name of a source.

Flag Type of Flag Description
^ Upload flag

Indicates that the source for which this flag is shown needs to be uploaded to the appropriate Natural environment.

% Stow flag

Indicates that the source for which this flag is shown needs to be stowed in the appropriate Natural environment.

For example, when a program has been changed, the program shows the upload flag and the stow flag.

° Catalog flag

Indicates that the source for which this flag is shown uses another source which has been changed. The source for which this flag is shown needs to be cataloged in the appropriate Natural environment.

For example, when a program uses copycode and this copycode is changed, the copycode then shows the upload flag and the program shows the catalog flag.

When a program uses, for example, a subroutine and this subroutine is changed, the subroutine then shows the upload flag and the stow flag. The program itself, which has not been changed, shows the catalog flag.

As a rule, the catalog flag is only shown when the stow flag does not apply.

~ Scratch flag

Only shown when the Clean command from the Project menu is used while the Build Natural projects automatically option is disabled in the Natural preferences. Indicates that the source and the generated object for which this flag is shown need to be deleted in the appropriate Natural environment.

Flags are not only shown for sources but also for other nodes. By default, an update flag is shown for all upper nodes (project nodes, library nodes, and the subnodes of a library). When a project node is collapsed, you can thus see immediately that this project contains sources that need to be updated in the appropriate Natural environment.

Flag Type of Flag Description
* Update flag Indicates that one or more sources need to be updated in the appropriate Natural environment.

All of the above flags disappear when the command Build Natural Project is issued.

The following flags are displayed independently of the Build Natural projects automatically option and they do not disappear when the command Build Natural Project is issued. These flags are not shown by default. You have to define them in the Natural preferences by adding the corresponding variables (see Label Decorations in Setting the Preferences).

Flag Type of Flag Description
+ Private-mode flag

Shown for all objects that are available in a private-mode library.

- Consolidate flag

Only shown when the Find Objects to Consolidate command was used in order to find all objects which are obsolete in the private-mode library. See also Consolidating Objects in Private-Mode Libraries.

Flags are not shown for excluded objects. See also Excluding Objects from Processing in the Natural Environment.

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Resetting Flags

You can reset the flags in the label decorations (which are described above) so that they are no longer shown. Any information on the objects that need to be updated in the Natural environment is then lost.

Resetting flags is helpful when you are sure that the objects in your workspace are the same as those in the Natural environment. This may be the case, for example, when you are working with a version control system and the objects in the Natural environment are automatically updated each night. When you update the objects in your workspace with the modifications of another user, you can then safely reset the flags.

Start of instruction setTo reset the flags

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the node(s) for which you want to reset the flags. This may be a Natural project, library, library folder or Natural object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Reset Flags.

    When all objects in the selected node are currently excluded from processing in the Natural environment, the Reset Flags command is not available.

    A dialog box appears, asking whether you really want to reset the flags.

  3. Optional. Select the check box Always reset without prompt.

    When you select this check box, Confirm resetting flags is automatically deselected in the preferences. See Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences.

  4. Choose the Yes button.

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Consolidating Objects in Private-Mode Libraries

Only available in private mode.

You can show which objects are stored in private-mode libraries and which objects are obsolete in the private-mode libraries because they are identical to those stored in the base libraries. Obsolete objects can be consolidated. The following commands are available for this purpose:

The above-mentioned flags are part of the label decoration. However, they are not shown by default. You have to define them in the Natural preferences by adding the corresponding variables. For more information, see Label Decorations in Setting the Preferences.

Start of instruction setTo find the objects that can be consolidated

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the node that you want to check. If you want to find all objects in a project which can be consolidated, it is recommended that you choose the project node.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Find Objects to Consolidate.

    All objects which can be consolidated are marked with the consolidate flag.

Start of instruction setTo consolidate the found objects

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the node that you want to consolidate. If you want to consolidate all objects in a project, it is recommended that you choose the project node.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Consolidate.

    This command is only available if objects to be consolidated have been found.

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Rebuilding all Objects in the Natural Environment

Only available in shared mode.

Instead of updating only the new and changed objects in a Natural environment, you can also update all objects in the Natural environment which belong to your project.

When you rebuild all objects in the Natural environment, this will delete any changes of other users in the affected libraries.

Rebuilding the objects in the Natural environment is also helpful, for example, in the following cases:

Start of instruction setTo rebuild all objects in the Natural environment

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the project that you want to rebuild.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Rebuild Natural Project.

    A dialog box appears, asking whether you really want to rebuild the project.

  3. Optional. Activate the check box Delete the contents of the affected libraries on the server first.

    When you activate this check box, the entire contents of all libraries within your project are deleted from the Natural environment before the objects from the Eclipse workspace are uploaded and stowed in the Natural environment. This avoids an inconsistent state in the Natural environment. Libraries of the FNAT system file and the SYSTEM library of the FUSER system file will not be deleted.

    The deletion may also include objects in the Natural environment that do not exist in the project of your Eclipse workspace.

    When this check box is not selected, any objects that are not part of the project remain in the Natural environment. This may cause problems.

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Using the Compare Editor

You can use the compare editor of Eclipse to compare the sources from your Natural projects in the workspace with the corresponding objects in the Natural environment (for example, with the objects on a mainframe server). The sources can be compared with both, the objects on the server which are stored in the base library (that is, the library which has the same name as in the workspace) and, if private mode has been enabled, with the objects on the server which are stored in a private-mode library.

You can invoke the compare editor either for single sources or for several sources. In the latter case, you can select, for example, the node for a project or library. If the compare editor is invoked for more than one source, it shows a tree in the upper pane listing all sources which are different. You can then double-click a source to view the differences. For example:

Compare editor

If you invoke the compare editor for more than a single source this may take some time. For example, if you invoke the compare editor for a library with many sources, all sources in that library need to be compared first before the structure of the compare tree can be filled.

For more information on the compare editor, see the Eclipse online help.

Start of instruction setTo compare sources with the objects in the server's base library

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the source that you want to compare.

    Select a node (such as a project or library node) which contains the sources that you want to compare.

    In the Time Stamp Conflicts view, select the source that you want to compare. See Checking the Time Stamps in the Natural Environment for more information on this view.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Compare With > Base Library on Server.

    If there are no differences, a corresponding message is shown. If differences are found, the compare editor appears.

    Using the compare editor, it is possible to copy the changes from the object on the server (right side) to the source in the workspace (left side). The following buttons are available for this purpose: Copy All Non-Conflicting Changes from Right to Left (Copy All Non-Conflicting Changes from Right to Left) and Copy Current Change from Right to Left (Copy Current Change from Right to Left). You can then use the standard Eclipse functionality to save the changes in the source. If you close the compare editor and there are still unsaved changes, you are asked if you want to save them.

    It is not possible, however, to copy changes from the source in the workspace to the object on the server using the compare editor. To do so, you have to use NaturalONE's update functionality.

Start of instruction setTo compare sources with the objects in the server's private-mode library

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the source that you want to compare.

    Select a node (such as a project or library node) which contains the sources that you want to compare.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Compare With > Private-Mode Library on Server.

    If there are no differences, a corresponding message is shown. If differences are found, the compare editor appears.

  3. The following applies only, if the differences for a single source are shown in the compare editor: If you also want to display the content of the object in the server's base library, choose the Three-Way Compare (Three-Way Compare) button and then the Show Ancestor Pane (Show Ancestor Pane) button.

    The content of the object in the base library is then shown in the upper pane of the compare editor. For example:

    Compare editor

    When comparing with a private-mode library, the compare mode is read-only. It is not possible to copy changes from one source to another.

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Checking the Time Stamps in the Natural Environment

The following topics are covered below:

General Information on Time Stamp Checking

This feature is helpful, for example, when part of the development team works with Eclipse and another part of the development team works directly in the Natural environment (for example, on a mainframe server). You can find out whether the source has been modified on the server in the meantime. Thus, you can avoid that an object which another user has changed on the server is overwritten with your changes.

The objects are checked in the following way: The time stamp of the source in the local workspace is compared with the time stamp of the corresponding source on the server. When the time stamps are different, the contents of the sources are compared. When the sources are identical, no conflict occurs. When the sources are not identical, a time stamp conflict occurs. This approach makes sure that a time stamp conflict occurs only when the content of the source on the server has been modified. This makes sense, for example, when the system command CATALL * STOW has been executed on a mainframe server, which changes the time stamps of the sources but not their contents.

In order to use this feature, you must make sure that the Check time stamp on server option is enabled in the Natural preferences (see Natural > Builder in Setting the Preferences).


  1. The time stamp of an object in the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view is shown in the properties of the object. See also Changing the Object Properties.
  2. The time stamps are not checked for objects in private-mode libraries. When the objects on a Natural server are stored in a private-mode library, a time stamp conflict cannot occur because the sources can only be modified by a single user via changes in the Natural project. For more information on private-mode libraries, see Steplibs in Changing the Project Properties.
  3. The time stamps are not checked for excluded objects.
  4. When you upload a data area to the server and time stamp checking is enabled, the size of the data area on the server is approximately twice as large as without time stamp checking. When time stamp checking is enabled, the normalized data area (see also Editing Data Areas) is stored as a comment in the source to avoid unnecessary content-related differences (such as blanks that might be missing after the normalization). When the source is later changed on the server, the comment is automatically deleted.
  5. In projects that are assigned to mainframe servers, the time stamps are not checked for error messages and Natural resources.
  6. Due to the additional checks, a performance degradation may occur when updating the Natural environment if time stamp checking is enabled.

Time Stamp Conflicts During an Update of the Natural Environment

When the Check time stamp on server option is enabled in the preferences, the commands for updating the Natural environment (Upload, Update, Build Natural Project and Rebuild Natural Project) check for every object whether a time stamp conflict occurs. They do this before the object is updated in the Natural environment.

When the Confirm time stamp conflict option is also enabled in the Natural preferences, a dialog appears in case of a time stamp conflict, asking whether you want to upload the object anyway.

Time stamp conflict

This dialog box offers the following options:

Command Button Description
Yes The time stamp conflict for the current object is ignored and the Natural environment is updated.
Yes To All Same as Yes. In addition, this action is applied for all following time stamp conflicts.
No The Natural environment is not updated with the current object.
No To All Same as No. In addition, this action is applied for all following time stamp conflicts.
Cancel The execution of the command is canceled.

The dialog box also contains the Always skip objects without prompt (No To All) check box. When you select this check box, Confirm time stamp conflict is automatically deselected in the preferences.

When the option Confirm time stamp conflict is not enabled in the Natural preferences, objects with time stamp conflicts are not updated in the Natural environment. This corresponds to No in the above dialog box.

All time stamp conflicts are collected in the Time Stamp Conflicts view (see below). In addition, a label decoration indicating the conflict is displayed in the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view. The following example shows this decoration for a program for which a conflict has been detected:

Time stamp conflict for program

The label decorations for the server problems are controlled by the preferences under General > Appearance > Label Decorations. If you do not want to have these label decorations, just go to the above mentioned preference page and deselect Natural Compiler Problems.

Resolving a Time Stamp Conflict

If a time stamp conflict occurs, it is your responsibility to find the differences and to resolve the conflict. You do this by looking at the contents of the local object and the object in the Natural environment.

When you decide to download the object from the Natural environment into your workspace, the object in the workspace receives the time stamp of the server and the conflict is resolved.

When you choose Yes or Yes to All in the dialog box (that is, when you ignore the conflict and update the Natural environment in spite of the conflict) the conflict is also resolved. Keep in mind that in this case it is no longer possible to compare the contents of the sources in the different environments. You should only update the Natural environment when you are absolutely sure that it is correct to overwrite the source with the content of your local source. It is therefore recommended that you first find out why the conflict has occurred - for example, you look at the code in the Natural environment, include any changed code from the Natural environment into your local source, resolve the conflict using the Set Resolved command and then build the project.

The Set Resolved command updates the time stamp of the object in the workspace with the time stamp of the object in the Natural environment. It also removes the label decoration in the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view which indicates the time stamp conflict.

Start of instruction setTo resolve a time stamp conflict in the Navigator view or Natural Navigator view

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the object for which the time stamp conflict occurred.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Set Resolved.

Start of instruction setTo resolve a time stamp conflict in the Time Stamp Conflicts view

  1. In the Time Stamp Conflicts view (see below), select the object for which the time stamp conflict occurred.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Set Resolved.

Comparing the Time Stamps Before an Update of the Natural Environment

Before updating the Natural environment, you can compare the time stamps of the sources that are flagged for update in the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view with the time stamps of the sources in the Natural environment.

The sources in the Natural environment are not locked when you compare the time stamps. Keep in mind that is possible that another user changes the source in the Natural environment between your time stamp comparison and your subsequent update.

Start of instruction setTo compare the time stamps

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the object to be compared or the node containing the objects to be compared.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Compare Time Stamps For > command, where command can be one of the following, depending on your selection:

    Compare Time Stamps For is only visible in the NaturalONE context menu if the Check time stamp on server option is enabled in the Natural preferences.

  3. Go to the Time Stamp Conflicts view (see below) and check the output.

Time Stamp Conflicts View

The Time Stamp Conflicts view is not shown by default when you open the NaturalONE perspective. However, as soon as you enable the Check time stamp on server option in the Natural preferences, this view is automatically shown. If it is currently not shown, see Showing a View of the NaturalONE Perspective.

Time stamp conflicts view

In the Time Stamp Conflicts view, "Time stamp mismatch" is shown for all sources which have changed in the Natural environment.

If an object in your workspace does not yet have a time stamp (for example, this is a new object or a Natural project has been checked out from a repository), the contents of the local source in the workspace is compared with the contents of the source in the Natural environment. If the sources are identical, no conflict occurs and the time stamp of the local source is set to the time stamp of the source in the Natural environment. If the sources are not identical, a time stamp conflict occurs. In this case, "No local time stamp - local source and server source are not identical" is shown in the Time Stamp Conflicts view.

For each object that is shown in the Time Stamp Conflicts view, you can invoke the compare editor of Eclipse. See Using the Compare Editor for further information.

Logging Time Stamp Conflicts with Command Line Arguments

You can start NaturalONE with special command line arguments. Using these arguments, you can write the time stamp conflicts for the objects in a project to a log file or, if no conflict occurs, update all objects of the project. In this case, NaturalONE is started as usual, with the Eclipse workbench user interface, but after handling the command line arguments, NaturalONE is shut down automatically. This feature works regardless of the setting of the Natural preference Check time stamp on server.

If you want to use this feature, you have to specify all of the following command line arguments:

natural.TSProject "project-name"

Specifies the name of the Natural project for which time stamp checking and update is to be performed. This project must be located in the active workspace. If the project is not found in the workspace, an error is displayed in the Error Log view of Eclipse and NaturalONE is not shut down.

natural.TSLogFile "path-to-log-file"

Specifies the path to the log file (including the log file name) in which all time stamp conflicts of the specified project are to be logged. If no time stamp conflicts are found, the log file is not created. If time stamp conflicts are found and a log file with the specified name already exists, it is overwritten (if no time stamp conflicts are found, an existing log file with the specified name is deleted). If the directory specified in the path does not exist, an error is displayed in the Error Log view of Eclipse and NaturalONE is shut down.

natural.TSCommand [ Compare | CompareAndUpdate ]

Specifies the command to be executed. This can be one of the following:

Command Description
Compare Only compare the time stamps for all objects of the specified project.
CompareAndUpdate Compare the time stamps for all objects of the specified project. If no time stamp conflicts are found, execute the Update command for all objects of the project.

If a wrong command is specified (that is, a command which is neither Compare nor CompareAndUpdate), an error is displayed in the Error Log view of Eclipse and NaturalONE is shut down.

The command line arguments are only executed if all of the above arguments are specified and if no error occurs in the definition of the arguments.

Like other Eclipse command line arguments, the NaturalONE arguments can be specified on the command line of your operating system or in the eclipse.ini file.

Example for the command line:

eclipse.exe natural.TSProject "My Sample Project" natural.TSLogFile "c:\temp\timestamp.log" natural.TSCommand CompareAndUpdate

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Excluding Objects from Processing in the Natural Environment

You can exclude projects, folders, library folders or objects from being uploaded to the Natural environment. The names of the excluded items of a project are listed in the file .excludes. This file is stored in the root of a Natural project.

The .excludes file is created with the Exclude command (see below). Once this file has been created, it is possible to invoke an excludes editor (see below). Using the excludes editor, you can define to exclude, for example, specific Natural object types or files which match a particular pattern.

If you use the Exclude command in the Natural Navigator view, the content of the .excludes file depends on the type of node that you have selected before issuing the command:

You must not change .excludes file manually since this may result in damaging your project.

Start of instruction setTo exclude objects from processing in the Natural environment

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the node(s) that you want to exclude from any processing in the Natural environment. This may be, for example, a Natural project, library, library folder or Natural object.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Exclude.

    In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, the label for each excluded node is shown with a gray color.

Start of instruction setTo include excluded objects in processing in the Natural environment

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, select the previously excluded node(s) that you want to include again. This may be any node for which the label is currently shown with a gray color.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose NaturalONE > Include.

    In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, the label for each included node is no longer shown with a gray color.

Start of instruction setTo exclude objects using the excludes editor

  1. In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, go to the project in which you want to exclude objects and select the .excludes file.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open With > Excludes Editor.

    The excludes editor is invoked. This is a multi-page editor which provides the following pages:

    The Navigator section on the left side of the Excludes page shows the same tree which the Navigator view shows for a project. When you expand the nodes, all items which have been excluded are shown with a gray color. All nodes for which an exclude definition has been defined are shown in bold. When an exclude pattern has been defined for the selected node, this is shown at the bottom right. Example:

    Excludes editor

    The Exclude Rules section on the right side of the Excludes page always shows the path for the selected library, folder or object. This is the path for which your exclude rules will be saved. A path is not shown when the project is selected; in this case, your exclude rules will apply to the entire project.

    The option buttons Library and Folder specify the exclude range for the current path. When a library is selected, the Library option button is selected by default. In this case, your exclude rule will be applied to the selected library, to all library folders that belong to the library, and to all subfolders (such as SRC) of the library. When the Folder option button is selected, your exclude rule will only be applied to the currently selected library folder and all of its subfolders; it does not apply to the entire library to which a library folder is assigned. When the label of the Library or Folder option button is shown in bold, this indicates that an exclude rule has been defined.

    When you click a gray object in the Navigator section, the Applied Exclude Rules section indicates the node on which the corresponding exclude rule has been defined. For example, when an object name is shown, this means that an individual object has been excluded. Or when a project or library name is shown, this means that the exclude definition has been done on project or library level; when you click on the entry in the Applied Exclude Rules section, the corresponding definitions (including the path) are then shown in the editor.

  3. On the Excludes page, you can exclude objects as follows:

  4. Save your changes using the standard Eclipse functionality (for example, press CTRL+S).

    In the Navigator view or in the Natural Navigator view, the label for each excluded node is now shown with a gray color.

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Committing the Objects to the Repository of the Version Control System

You use the standard Eclipse functionality to commit the objects to your version control system.

It is important that you also keep the following in your version control system, in addition to the sources. Otherwise, your project will be corrupted.

Name Type Description
.project File Contains standard project information which is required by Eclipse.
.settings Folder Contains standard project information which is required by Eclipse.
.natural File Contains many settings which are written to the project when downloading libraries from a Natural environment or when changing the project properties.
.paths File Contains the mappings of the folder names to Natural library names.
.excludes File Contains all items which are to be excluded from any server operations.

The files .paths and .excludes are only available when the corresponding actions have been performed in your project. Therefore, these files need not necessarily exist in your project.

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