NaturalONE Version 8.3.7
 —  Release Notes  —

What's New in Version 8.3.5?

This document covers the following topics:


The Software AG Designer 9.8, which includes NaturalONE, now uses Eclipse Version 4.4. If you prefer to use NaturalONE in your existing Eclipse environment, Eclipse Version 4.4 is required. In addition, Java 1.8 is now required. See also Using Your Own Eclipse in the Installation documentation.

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Basic Functionality for Natural Application Development

This section describes new features and enhancements in NaturalONE's basic functionality for Natural application development. It covers the following topics:

Renumber Line Numbers in Constants

The new Renumber line numbers in constants option in the project properties, which was already available with NaturalONE Version 8.3.3, is now documented. See Editor in Changing the Project Properties which is part of Using NaturalONE.

Natural Profiler

It is now possible to display the event data of a Natural mainframe batch application which has been written to a Natural Profiler resource file (extension .nprf). For this purpose, the new command Open with Natural Profiler is available in the Natural Server view. See Displaying Natural Batch Profiler Data in Using the Natural Profiler which is part of Using NaturalONE.

Arabic Shaping

With NaturalONE Version 8.3.5, support for Arabic shaping is still provided as a preview version. There will be no support for this preview version. Any feedback from our customers on this new feature is greatly appreciated. Since support for Arabic shaping is still under development, a later version of NaturalONE may include substantial changes to this type of support. See Arabic Shaping in Using NaturalONE.

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Natural for Ajax / Ajax Developer

This section describes new features and enhancements in Natural for Ajax and Ajax Developer. It covers the following topics:


While typing, it is now possible to select a value from a pre-populated list of values. With the new AUTOCOMPLETE control, you can add this functionality to a FIELD control.

Custom Value Help Keys in FIELD Controls

For FIELD controls, it is now possible to customize the keys which open the pop-up and/or combo box for the value help. The new parameter valuehelpkeys is supported in the cisconfig.xml configuration file. You specify the keys in the same way as hot keys. Example:

valuehelpkeys = "ctrl-65;ctrl-alt-66"

See also Configuration in the Application Designer documentation, which is available separately.

Deployment Support for Customized Logon and Disconnect Pages

When generating a WAR deployment file for your project, this file will now contain all required rules for deploying your customized NatLogon and NatDisconnect page layouts. See also Developing Customized Logon and Disconnect Pages in the Natural for Ajax documentation.

Browser Standards Mode and HTML5

With Internet Explorer 11, Firefox and Chrome, Natural for Ajax applications now run in standards mode in the browsers. This mode supports HTML5 and CSS3. For information on how to upgrade your applications and environments, see Browser Standards Mode and HTML5 in the Natural for Ajax documentation.

With Internet Explorer 10, Natural for Ajax applications now run in the Internet Explorer 10 quirks mode, which already supports many HTML5 and CSS3 features.

Documentation for Test Automation

A new chapter Test Automation of Natural for Ajax Applications is now available in the Natural for Ajax documentation. It explains how to use stable identifiers for automated tests.

Documentation for the Styling of User Interfaces

A new chapter Styling the User Interface is now available in the Natural for Ajax documentation. It explains how to use the Style Sheet Editor tool to develop your own application-specific style sheet.

Documentation for Customization of Grids

A new chapter Styling Grids is now available in the Natural for Ajax documentation. It provides hints on the most frequent customizations of grids.

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