Natural for OpenVMS Version 6.3.12 for OpenVMS
 —  Parameter Reference  —

XREF - Creation of XRef Data for Natural

This Natural profile parameter is used to enable/disable the creation of XRef data for Natural. This parameter also determines how XRef data are treated when Natural members are processed with the Natural utilities SYSMAIN or INPL or with the Object Handler.

Possible settings ON XRef data are generated in the cases described above. Documentation premise is not checked.
OFF XRef data are not generated. Documentation premise is not checked.
FORCE A Natural object can only be cataloged if a documentation object already exists for this implementation object. XRef data are generated in the cases described above.
DOC A Natural object can only be cataloged if a documentation object already exists for this object. XRef data are not generated.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session yes  
Applicable statements none  
Applicable commands XREF  

The following topics are covered below:

Possibilities of Setting the XREF Parameter

There are different ways to set the Natural XREF parameter:

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XRef Data Generation

XRef data is generated in two cases:

The XREF parameter controls the compilation in two aspects:

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Extended XRef Data Generation (For Internal Use Only)

The extended XREF parameter is reserved for internal use by Natural.

The extended XREF parameter has the following syntax:


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