Natural for OpenVMS Version 6.3.12 for OpenVMS
 —  Parameter Reference  —

TRACE - Define Trace Level for Natural RPC Servers

This Natural profile parameter activates the Natural RPC trace facility and determines the trace level to be used.

Possible settings 0 Nothing is traced.
1 Only messages (inclusive Natural errors) are traced.
(1,E) Messages are traced in the event of an error only.
2 All messages and data from/to client are traced.
(2,E) Messages and data from/to client are traced in the event of an error only.
3 - 9 The values 3 - 9 are also accepted. These values are for future use and behave like TRACE=2.
Default setting 0  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. TRACE is specified on the server side only.
  2. For further information, see Using the Server Trace Facility p.p. in the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation.
  3. For information on Natural RPC, see the Natural Remote Procedure Call (RPC) documentation.

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