Natural for OpenVMS Version 6.3.12 for OpenVMS
 —  Parameter Reference  —

SUTF8 - UTF-8 Format for Sources

This Natural profile parameter specifies the default format to be used when Natural sources are saved.

This profile parameter is valid only for Natural Development Server sessions; it will be ignored in a native Natural for OpenVMS session.

Possible settings ON The default format for saving Natural sources is UTF-8.


  1. All sources will be saved in UTF-8 format, which assures that the source content does not depend on the installed system code page.
  2. If the profile parameter SRETAIN is also set to ON, only newly created sources will be saved in UTF-8 format. Existing sources will then be saved in the original encoding, if possible.

The default format for saving Natural sources is "code page".

Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification no  
Specification within session no  

See also Profile Parameters in the Unicode and Code Page Support documentation.

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