Natural for OpenVMS Version 6.3.12 for OpenVMS
 —  Parameter Reference  —

LFILE - Logical System File Definition

This Natural profile parameter specifies information concerning the physical database file to be associated with a logical system file for Software AG products.

Possible settings See LFILE Parameter Syntax.
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  
Application programming interface USR0011N  
USR2004N (recommended)


  1. LFILE and NTFILE can be used for Software AG products which have their own system files (for example, Con-nect, Natural Review) to specify where such a system file is to be located. Such products use Database ID 255 and a logical file number (FNR) in their data definition modules (DDMs). With the LFILE parameter, you specify which physical database ID (DBID) and file number (and, if applicable, password and cipher key) are associated with that logical file number.
  2. Natural records the physical file information and uses it for any database calls to Database ID=255 and File number=logical-ID.

The following topics are covered below:

LFILE Parameter Syntax

The LFILE parameter is specified as follows:



Syntax Element Value Explanation
logical-FNR 1 - 251 Logical file number (LFL). This parameter is mandatory.
physical-DBID 0 - 65535, except 255 Physical database ID (DBID). Database ID 255 is reserved for logical system files for Software AG products.
physical-FNR 1 - 5000 Physical file number (FNR).
password 1 - 8 characters. Password and cipher key are only required if the database file has been password-protected and/or ciphered using the Adabas security feature. With FDDM, FNAT and FUSER, the password and the cipher key are reserved for future use; currently they are ignored.
cipher-key 1 - 8 numerical digits.
options RO Flag for read-only access. The RO flag is not supported on this platform.

To define different logical files, the LFILE parameter must be specified multiple times (separated by a comma or a blank); see Example of LFILE Parameter.

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Example of LFILE Parameter


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