Natural for OpenVMS Version 6.3.12 for OpenVMS
 —  Parameter Reference  —

CF - Character for Terminal Commands

This Natural profile and session parameter specifies the control character for Natural terminal commands; that is, the character which is to be used as the first character of any terminal command.

Possible settings any special character

A terminal command must begin with the character specified here. The character specified with the CF parameter

  • must not be the same as the one specified with the HI parameter (help character) or IA parameter (input assign character).

  • should not be the same as the one specified with the DC parameter (decimal character) or ID parameter (input delimiter character).

  • In the map editor, the control character for terminal commands is always "%" (so as to avoid conflicts with delimiter characters used in maps), no matter which character is defined with the CF parameter.

OFF No control character for terminal commands is available. Terminal commands issued with SET CONTROL statements, however, are still accepted.
Default setting % A terminal command must begin with the character "%".
Dynamic specification yes
Specification within session yes Applicable statements: SET GLOBALS
Applicable command: GLOBALS
Application programming interface USR1005N  


  1. Within a Natural session, the profile parameter CF can be overridden by the session parameter CF.
  2. Under Natural Security:, the setting of this parameter can be overridden by the Session Parameters option of the Library Profile.

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