Version 6.3.13 for OpenVMS
 —  Parameter Reference  —

FSEC - Natural Security System File

This Natural profile parameter defines the database ID, file number, password, and cipher key for the Natural Security system file (FSEC), which is used by Natural Security to retrieve/store its security information.

Possible settings See FSEC Parameter Syntax.
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. This Natural profile parameter only applies if Natural Security is used.
  2. For information on system files, refer to System Files in the Operations documentation.

FSEC Parameter Syntax

The FSEC parameter syntax is as follows:



Syntax Element Value Explanation
database-ID 1-65535, except 255 Database identification of the database in which the Natural Security system file is located.


  1. Database ID 255 is reserved for logical system files for Software AG products, see Natural profile parameter LFILE.
  2. If no FSEC system file is available, do not enter anything in the file number field.
file-number 1-5000 File number of the database file in which the Natural Security system file is located.

If no FSEC system file is available, do not enter anything in the file number field.

password 1 - 8 characters Password for the Natural Security system file.


  1. A password is only required if the Natural Security system file has been password-protected using the Adabas security feature.
  2. The password feature is reserved for future use; currently, it is ignored.
cipher-key 1 - 8 numeric characters Cipher key for the Natural Security system file.
RO - Read-only option.

The RO option is not supported on this platform.



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