Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Terminal Commands  —

%CS and %CC - Copying Data to Stack or *COM





C C color
S Lnn

1 and W cannot be specified with Lnn.

With this terminal command, you can copy parts of a screen into the Natural stack (%CS) or into the system variable *COM (%CC). The protected data from a specific screen line are copied field by field (except with option A; see below).

The second letter in the command determines where the data are copied to:

The third letter in the command determines the line from which the data are copied:

Moreover, you have the following options:

When you enter the command directly as %C... (or assign it to a PF-key), it applies to the entire physical screen; this means that you can copy from the entire screen, no matter whether the data you wish to copy are inside or outside an active window.

When you issue the command via a SET CONTROL statement, it applies to the logical page built by Natural. In conjunction with the stay option, this allows you to copy all data you need from an entire logical page (which may be larger than the actual physical screen), before you process these data.

See also Copying Data from a Screen (in the Programming Guide).

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