Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

YD - Year Differential

This Natural profile parameter can be used to adjust the current machine date (as read by using the internal machine time) by adding/subtracting a number of years to/from it. This may be useful for countries that use different calendars.

Possible settings -499 to 499

The parameter is specified as YD=+nnn or YD=-nnn

where nnn is the number of years. If the profile parameter MAXYEAR is set to 9999, the upper value limit is +7999.

Default setting 0  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. If the current year is a leap year, but the year resulting from the YD setting is not, the 1st March will be used instead of the 29th February.
  2. The year resulting from the sum of the profile parameters TD, DD and YD must be in the range of 1583 through 2699. If the profile parameter MAXYEAR is set to 9999, the upper year limit is 9999.

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