Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

VSEP - Parameters for z/VSE Batch

This Natural profile parameter is used to specify the parameters for z/VSE batch. It corresponds to the NTVSEP macro in the parameter module NATPARM.

Possible settings See VSEP Parameter Syntax.
Default settings See default values of keyword subparameters.
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  

The following topics are covered:

VSEP Parameter Syntax

The VSEP parameter is specified as follows:


The VSEP parameter covers a subset of the subparameters which are avilable with the NTVSEP macro. The following keyword subparameters are available with VSEP:


For subparameter descriptions, see Keyword Subparameters.

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NTVSEP Macro Syntax

The NTVSEP macro is specified as follows:

         NTVSEP FILEID=value,                                          *
               FILMNGR=value,                                          *
               FILSCAN=value,                                          *
               FLUSH=value,                                            *
               LIBRID=value,                                           *
               MAXABND=value,                                          *
               RCSIZE=value,                                           *
               RJEUSER=value,                                          *
               SEGMENT=value,                                          *
               SPOOLID=value,                                          *
               TIOBSZ=value,                                           *
               USERID=value,                                           *

For subparameter descriptions, see Keyword Subparameters.

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Keyword Subparameters


The VSEP parameter covers only a subset of the subparameters which are avilable with the NTVSEP macro. For details, see VSEP Parameter Syntax.

FILEID - String to Ignore VSE Label Information

FILEID=value specifies a string of characters which is checked against the start of a DLBL or TLBL file ID.

Value Explanation
String of up to 8 characters. Any character string, which must be enclosed in apostrophes if it contains special characters.
IGNORE This is the default value.


  1. This subparameter can be specified only in the NTVSEP macro. It cannot be specified dynamically using the profile parameter VSEP.
  2. If the string matches, the label information is ignored. This is particularly helpful when DLBL or TLBL statements for CMWKFnn* and/or CMPRTnn* are supplied in the (partition) standard labels, but should not be used.
  3. If, for example, a // DLBL CMPRT01,'...' statement is found, it is not possible to direct a WRITE(1) output to a printer SPOOL. To do so, use the JCS statement // DLBL CMPRT01,'IGNORE' and a suitable printer assignment of the relevant SYSnnn.

FILMNGR - Management of Print or Work File in Natural

FILMNGR=value specifies how a print or a work file is to be managed in Natural.

Value Explanation
ON The fact that there is label information for a print or a work file and the fact that LABEL=ON or LABEL=OFF is specified for an unlabelled work file indicates to Natural that this file is available. In particular, this is relevant if the Natural print and work files are to be managed by a file management system.
OFF The logical unit number of the Natural print or work file must be assigned to the appropriate device type.

This is the default value.

FILSCAN - Scanning of Print or Work Files

FILSCAN=value specifies whether print or work files are to be scanned.

Value Explanation
ON The Natural z/VSE interface scans the z/VSE label area for all Natural print and work files for which no specific file access method has been defined via Natural profile parameters, as this may cause overhead.

This is the default value.

OFF Access to all Natural print and work files must be specified explicitly via Natural profile parameters in order to be "available". This concentrates all file access efforts on the defined files.

FLUSH - Flush Card Input Files until EOF

FLUSH=value specifies how the Natural z/VSE interface is to proceed at session termination with the CMSYNIN/CMOBJIN card input files.

Value Explanation
ON At session termination, the Natural z/VSE interface will read the SYSIN/SYSRDR/SYSIPT card input file until EOF, unless EOF had been encountered by Natural; this means that when driving the batch mode Natural session completely with STACK data, an extra "/*" has to be provided in the JCL for a CMSYNIN/CMOBJIN null file.

This is the default value.

OFF No extra SYSIN/SYSRDR/SYSIPT card input (null) file is required, if the batch mode Natural session is completely driven with STACK data; the SYSIN/SYSRDR/SYSIPT card input file is then left as is, thus potentially resulting in INVALID STATEMENT operator prompts or job cancellation due to INVALID STATEMENT, when the Natural CMSYNIN/CMOBJIN had not been retrieved completely.

LIBRID - String to Trigger z/VSE Library Access

LIBRID=value specifies a string of up to 8 characters which is checked against the start of a DLBL file ID. If it matches, the remaining portion of that file ID is scanned for information specifying a library member in a z/VSE library or library chain.

Value Explanation
String of up to 8 characters. Any character string, which must be enclosed in apostrophes if it contains special characters.
LIBR: This is the default value.

This subparameter can be specified only in the NTVSEP macro. It cannot be specified dynamically using the profile parameter VSEP.

MAXABND - Maximum Number of Abends

MAXABND=value specifies the maximum number of abends which NATVSE tolerates (that is, NATVSE intercepts the abend and invokes the Natural abend handler) until it assumes an unrecoverable abend situation or abend loop and terminates the Natural session abnormally by itself.

Value Explanation
Numeric. Maximum number of abends.
16 This is the default value.

RCSIZE - Default Roll Cache Size for a Server Environment

RCSIZE=value specifies the default roll cache size for a server environment for the case that the roll cache size is not passed with the Initialize Environment request.

Value Explanation
Numeric. Default roll cache size in KB.
0 This is the default value.

This subparameter can be specified only in the NTVSEP macro. It cannot be specified dynamically using the profile parameter VSEP.

RJEUSER - User ID for Submission via XPCC Macro Requests

RJEUSER=value defines which user ID is to be set for submission via XPCC macro requests.

Value Explanation


The system variable *INIT-USER is used as the mandatory submission user ID.

RJEUSER=ON is the default value.

(ON,NAT) The system variable *USER is used as the mandatory submission user ID.
OFF The user ID R000 is used.

SEGMENT - Behavior at Output Spool File Close

SEGMENT=value specifies how the Natural z/VSE interface is to behave at CLOSE of an output SPOOL file (print or punch).

Value Explanation
ON A file close is accompanied by a POWER segment close unless CLOSE=FIN is in effect for that file.
OFF The SPOOL file is closed without closing the POWER segment.

This is the default value.

SPOOLID - String to Trigger Direct POWER SPOOL Access

SPOOLID=value specifies a string which is checked against the start of a DLBL file ID or the file ID of a DEFINE PRINTER or DEFINE WORK FILE statement.

Value Explanation
String of up to 8 characters. Any character string, which must be enclosed in apostrophes if it contains special characters. If it matches, the output will be directly spooled to POWER using POWER SPOOL access services.
SPL2PWR This is the default value.

This subparameter can be specified only in the NTVSEP macro. It cannot be specified dynamically using the profile parameter VSEP.

TIOBSZ - Size of Natural I/O Buffer

TIOBSZ=value specifies the size of the Natural I/O buffer which is used for all input and output operations.

Value Explanation
Minimum: 8 Size of the Natural I/O buffer in KB.
8 This is the default value.

USERID - Content of System Variable *INIT-USER

USERID=value specifies the content of the system variable *INIT-USER.

Value Explanation
ON The following logic applies:
  • if a z/VSE user ID is specified in JCL (// ID USER=xxx), this user ID is taken;

  • otherwise, if a POWER from-user is specified in JCL (* $$ JOB FROM=xxx), this user ID is taken;

  • otherwise, the VSE job name is taken for the Natural user ID.

OFF The VSE job name is taken for the Natural user ID.

This is the default value.

WAITIME - Time Limit for Session Roll-Out

WAITIME=value specifies a time limit for session roll-out.

Value Explanation
Numeric. Time limit in milliseconds.
1000 This is the default value.


  1. This subparameter applies to the CMROLL call in a Natural server environment: if the time interval passed in the CMROLL call is not less than the WAITIME interval, the session is rolled-out and the its thread is released, while the session is waiting.
  2. This subparameter can be specified only in the NTVSEP macro. It cannot be specified dynamically using the profile parameter VSEP.

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Example of VSEP Parameter


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Example of NTVSEP Macro

         NTVSEP FLUSH=ON,                                              *
               FILEID=IGNORE,                                          *
               FILMNGR=OFF,                                            *
               FILSCAN=ON,                                             *
               LIBRID='LIBR:',                                         *
               MAXABND=16,                                             *
               RCSIZE=0,                                               *
               RCSIZE=0,                                               *
               RJEUSER=ON,                                             *
               SEGMENT=OFF,                                            *
               SPOOLID='SPL2PWR',                                      *
               TIOBSZ=8,                                               *
               USERID=OFF,                                             *

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