Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

NL - Numeric Length for Output

This session parameter determines the default input/output length for a numeric field used in a DISPLAY, INPUT, PRINT or WRITE statement.

Possible settings n.m

The length is specified as n.m, where n represents the number of positions before the decimal separator, and m represents the number of positions after the decimal separator. 

The m notation is optional. The total of n+m must not exceed 29.


  1. If NL is set less than the field length, values are truncated. No error is produced when relevant digits are truncated.
  2. If NL is set greater than the field length, values are expanded with blanks. No error is produced when an input field is truncated.
Default setting none  
Specification within session yes  
Applicable statements


Applicable command none  


  1. The NL parameter must not be specified for groups.
  2. Any edit mask specified for a field will override the NL parameter for this field.
  3. See also Parameters to Influence the Output of Fields in the Programming Guide.


DISPLAY #AA(NL=20) #AB(NL=3.2)

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