Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

SENDER - Screen Output Destination for Asynchronous Processing

This Natural profile parameter specifies the destination where output from an asynchronous application is to be displayed.

Possible settings 1 to 8 characters Output destination, for example, printer.
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. This Natural profile parameter only applies to Natural under CICS, Com-plete, IMS TM and openUTM.
  2. The destination specified applies to hardcopy output and primary reports.
  3. Any additional reports are sent to the destinations specified with the DEFINE PRINTER statement (just as in a synchronous online session).

Platform-specific Characteristics

The following platform-specific characteristics apply:

Platform: Comment:
CICS The profile parameter SENDER specifies the CICS transient data (TD) destination and the terminal or printer for terminal output from asynchronous sessions. If the specified destination does not exist, the session output is sent to the specified terminal or printer. If the specified terminal or printer does not exist either, the session terminates abnormally.

The default terminal output format for asynchronous sessions is a 3270 data stream. If the SENDER terminal specification is not a 3270 device, the Natural application must switch to the correct terminal type before the first output statement (for example, by specifying SET CONTROL 'T=PRNT' for a printer or by starting with profile parameter TTYPE=PRNT).

If you are routing all output to a (spool) destination, such as CSSL, the Natural application must be switched to line mode, for example, by specifying SET CONTROL 'T=xxxx' or by starting with profile parameter TTYPE=xxxx, where xxxx is BTCH or ASYL. In this case, two other profile parameters are relevant: EJ and INTENS.

  • If you set EJ=ON, all lines are routed with a leading ASA control character.

  • With EJ=OFF, there is no leading ASA control character.

  • INTENS should be set to 1, particularly if you have set EJ=OFF.

For further CICS-specific functionality, see Asynchronous Natural Processing under CICS in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Com-plete See Asynchronous Natural Processing under Com-plete/SMARTS.
IMS TM The profile parameter SENDER specifies the default LTERM. This LTERM is always used when no other printer has been specified. You should always dynamically define a SENDER parameter in the NIIBOOT module. This is important when Natural tries to output error messages when starting a session: if no SENDER parameter is specified, there is no valid LTERM and NATIMS terminates the session.
openUTM The profile parameter SENDER specifies the ID for the initialization of an asynchronous transaction; that is, the ID which identifies the transaction as asynchronous. If output from an asynchronous transaction is to be printed, the setting specified with the SENDER parameter also identifies the printer on which the output is to be printed.

For further openUTM-specific functionality, see Asynchronous Transaction Processing under openUTM in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

For further information, see also the profile parameter OUTDEST and Asynchronous Processing in the Operations documentation.

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