Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

RECAT - Dynamic Recataloging

This Natural profile parameter specifies the action to be taken if Natural detects an inconsistency in the global data area definition as defined in the program currently being executed; that is, the global data area in the program does not correspond to the definition of the global data area currently in use.

This profile parameter only applies to Natural objects of Version 2.3 and above.

Possible settings ON

An error message is issued if an inconsistency concerning a Version 2.2 program and/or global data area is detected.


  1. If the adjusted object invokes an object from a steplib library that also has to be adjusted, the object from the steplib library will be copied to the library of the invoking object.
  2. Natural automatically adjusts the object and disables the system commands CATALOG and SAVE.
  3. RECAT=ON is not possible for programs cataloged with the Natural Optimizer Compiler.
OFF Natural issues an error message.
Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  
Application programming interface USR1005N See SYSEXT - Natural Application Programming Interfaces in the Utilities documentation.

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