Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

PROFILE - Activate Dynamic Parameter Profile

This Natural profile parameter can be used to activate a dynamic parameter profile.

Possible settings Profile-name or special option, see PROFILE Parameter Syntax.
Default setting    
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. The parameters defined under this profile are passed to Natural as dynamic profile parameters.
  2. You create and maintain these profiles with the utility SYSPARM (described in the Utilities documentation).
  3. See also profile parameter FPROF, which can be used to specify a system file for parameter profiles (FPROF).

PROFILE Parameter Syntax

When you invoke Natural with dynamic profile parameters, instead of having to specify a whole string of individual parameters each time you invoke Natural, you can specify the string of parameters once, store this string under a profile name and then invoke Natural with only one dynamic parameter as follows:





Syntax Element Value Explanation
profile-name 1 - 8 characters The name of the profile to be activated.
special-option AUTO Natural takes the current TP user ID (as contained in the system variable *INIT-USER) as profile name, which means that the profile defined under the name corresponding to that ID is used.

If no such profile is found, a profile named AUTO is used instead (if available). You can define such an AUTO profile as default profile for users without individual profiles.

TERMINAL Natural takes the current terminal ID (as contained in the system variable *INIT-ID) as profile name, which means that the profile defined under the name corresponding to that ID is used.

If no such profile is found, a profile named TERMINAL is used instead (if available). You can define such a TERMINAL profile as default profile for users without individual profiles.

PROGRAM Natural takes the name of the program currently executing as Natural (as contained in the system variable *INIT-PROGRAM) as profile name, which means that the profile defined under this name is used.

If no such profile is found, a profile named PROGRAM is used instead (if available). You can define such a PROGRAM profile as default profile for users without individual profiles.

Location of Parameter Profile

By default, the parameter profile is read from the current FNAT system file.

To read it from a different system file, you can specify the desired database ID (dbid), file number (fnr), password (password) and cipher key (cipher-key) after the profile-name, or after one of the above special options, as follows:


To ensure that all profile parameters are read from the same system file (other than FNAT), specify the following in the parameter module:



  1. If the PROFILE parameter is specified within a parameter module, it is evaluated after the other parameters in the parameter module, but before any dynamically specified profile parameters are evaluated; this means that parameters specified within the profile can be overridden by individually specified dynamic parameters.
  2. To restrict the use of a profile, you can use the profile parameter USER.
  3. Unlike other parameters, a PROFILE parameter specification cannot be overwritten by another PROFILE. So you can have multiple parameter profiles which are evaluated all in a sequence.
  4. The PROFILE parameter cannot be used with ADARUN MODE=SINGLE.

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