Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

IMSPE - Environment Parameters for Natural IMS TM Interface

This Natural profile parameter can only be specified with the NTIMSPE macro, dynamic parameter specification is not possible yet.

The NTIMSPE macro is used to define environment-specific parameter sets which can be assigned to transaction definitions (ENVPID keyword subparameter of NTIMSPT macro).

You can only define an NTIMSPE macro to the Natural parameter module if the module already contains at least one NTIMSPT macro. Otherwise, an assembly error occurs when trying to assemble the module.

Possible settings See below.
Default setting See below.
Dynamic specification no
Specification within session no

This section covers the following topics:

NTIMSPE Macro Syntax

The NTIMSPE macro is specified as follows:

         NTIMSPE ACTACTV=value,                                        *
               ACTAHDR=value,                                          *
               ACTARID=value,                                          *
               ACTLOG=value,                                           *
               BMPABER=value,                                          *
               BROACTV=value,                                          *
               CMBSIZE=value,                                          *
               COLPSCR=value,                                          *
               ENDMODN=value,                                          *
               ENTRYNM=value,                                          *
               ERRLHDR=value,                                          *
               HCBSIZE=value,                                          *
               HDENSDU=value,                                          *
               LINPSCR=value,                                          *
               MISIZE=value,                                           *
               MONACTV=value,                                          *
               MOSIZE=value,                                           *
               MSACTV=value,                                           *
               MSCMPTB=value,                                          *
               MSCRKEY=value,                                          *
               MSDBD=value,                                            *
               MSMAX=value,                                            *
               MSRSKEY=value,                                          *
               NSBNAME=value,                                          *
               PRTDRIV=value,                                          *
               ROLLSRV=value,                                          *
               ROLLFN=value,                                           *
               SPASIZE=value,                                          *
               SPATID=value,                                           *
               SUPNONC=value,                                          *
               TERMDB=value,                                           *
               TERMIPL=value,                                          *
               THBELOW=value,                                          *
               THSIZE=value,                                           *

See Keyword Subparameters.

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Keyword Subparameters


ACTACTV - Activate Accounting

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

ACTACTV=value specifies whether the accounting function is activated.

Value Explanation
ON An accounting record is written with each terminal I/O.
OFF No accounting record is written.

This is the default value.

ACTAHDR - Header for Accounting Records

This keyword subparameter only applies to the accounting function.

ACTAHDR=value defines the header for the accounting records if written to the IMS log file. This keyword subparameter is only evaluated if the ACTLOG keyword subparameter is set to CMD.

Value Explanation
1 - 8 characters A header name.
SAG$$$$$ This is the default value.

ACTARID - Accounting Record ID

This keyword subparameter only applies to the accounting function.

ACTARID=value specifies the accounting record ID if the accounting record is written using the LOG or SMF settings of the ACTLOG keyword subparameter.

Value Explanation
A0 - FF The log code if ACTLOG is set to LOG.
128 - 255 The number of the SMF record type if ACTLOG is set to SMF.

There is no default value.

ACTLOG - Write Accounting Records to Log File

This keyword subparameter only applies to the accounting function.

ACTLOG=value specifies how accounting records are written.

Value Explanation
CMD Accounting records are written to the IMS log file using the CMD call.

This is the default value.

LOG Accounting records are written to the IMS log file using the LOG call.
SMF Accounting records are written to SMF using the Authorized Services Manager (see the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation).

BMPABER - Specify Termination Error for BMP Run

BMPABER=value specifies how a BMP run should be terminated if either a Natural runtime error or a Natural IMS TM Interface non-recoverable error occurs.

Value Explanation
ON The BMP run is terminated with user abend code U3521.
OFF The BMP run is terminated normally with the Natural termination error as the condition code. If the BMP run is terminated with a non-recoverable Natural IMS TM Interface error, condition code 1024 is set.

This is the default value.

BROACTV - Enable/Disable Broadcasting

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

BROACTV=value enables or disables the broadcasting function.

Value Explanation
ON The broadcasting function is enabled
OFF The broadcasting function is disabled.

This is the default value.

CMBSIZE - Command Buffer Size

CMBSIZE=value specifies the size of the command buffer.

The command buffer is used by the Application Programming Interfaces NIICMD and NIIGCMD, the service module CMCMMND and the accounting function. For details, see the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

The size of the command buffer must accommodate the maximum length of the IMS commands to be processed and the maximum length of the accounting record including the user extension.

Value Explanation
100 – 16777216 A buffer size in KB.
1024 This is the default value.

COLPSCR - Number of Screen Columns

COLPSCR=value specifies the number of columns per screen.

Value Explanation
35 – 250 A screen width.
80 This is the default value.

ENDMODN - Format of Termination Screen

ENDMODN=value specifies the MOD name to be used for formatting the screen which appears after a Natural session is terminated successfully. ENDMODN enables Natural to be included in a customer-specific menu.

The value of ENDMODN can be overridden by the Application Programming Interface NIIEMOD and the service module CMEMOD. For details, see the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

If a Natural session terminates with an error, DFSMO2 is always used to issue the appropriate Natural error message.

Value Explanation
1 - 8 characters A valid MOD name.
DFSMO2 This is the default value.

ENTRYNM - Identify Current Environment Parameter Set

ENTRYNM=value identifies the current environment-specific parameter set.

Value Explanation
1 - 8 characters The name of the environment parameter set currently used.
ENV00000 This is the default value.

ERRLHDR - Header for IMS TM Error Logs

ERRLHDR=value specifies the header of the IMS TM log records which are written when errors occur in the Natural IMS TM Interface.

If you do not wish a message to be written to the IMS TM log in the case of a non-recoverable Natural IMS TM Interface error, explicitly set ERRLHDR to null, that is, specify ERRLHDR=,.

For further information, see Recovery Handling in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Value Explanation
1 - 8 characters A header name.
NIIERR$$ This is the default value.

HCBSIZE - Size of Hardcopy Print Buffer

HCBSIZE=value specifies the size of the hardcopy print buffer.

Records which are sent to a printer destination using the Natural hardcopy function are buffered.

Value Explanation
0 – 16777216 A buffer size in KB.
1024 This is the default value.

HDENSDU - High-Density Dump

HDENSDU=value specifies whether a snap dump provoked by a Natural IMS TM Interface error is to be written as a high-density dump to a 3800 printing subsystem.

Value Explanation
ON A high-density dump is written.
OFF No high-density dump is written.

This is the default value.

LINPSCR - Number of Screen Lines

LINPSCR=value defines the number of lines per screen.

Value Explanation
1 – 250 A screen size.
24 This is the default value.

MISIZE - Buffer Size for Input Message

MISIZE=value specifies the size of the buffer which is to contain the input message.

This area must be as large as the largest input message to be received from IMS TM.

Value Explanation
100 – 16777216 A buffer size in KB.
4096 This is the default value.

MONACTV - Enable/Disable Monitoring

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

MONACTV=value enabled or disables the monitoring function. If enabled, the session status is written to the SIP server at each terminal I/O. If disabled, no session status is maintained.

Value Explanation
ON The monitoring function is enabled.
OFF The monitoring function is disabled.

This is the default value.

MOSIZE - Buffer Size for Output Message

MOSIZE=value specifies the size of the buffer which is to contain the output message. This area must be as large as the largest output message to be sent to IMS TM.

Value Explanation
2048 - 16777216 A buffer size in KB.
4096 This is the default value.

MSACTV - Enable/Disable Multi-Session Function

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

MSACTV=value enables or disables the multi-session function.

Value Explanation
ON The multi-session function is enabled.
OFF The multi-session function is disabled.

This is the default value.

MSCMPTB - Compatible Session Mode

This keyword subparameter only applies to the multi-session function.

MSCMPTB=value specifies whether sessions are switched in a mode compatible with Natural IMS TM Interface Version 2.2/Natural under IMS TM Advanced Interface Version 2.2.

Value Explanation
ON Compatible session mode is set.
OFF Compatible session mode is not set.

This is the default value.

MSCRKEY - PF Key for Session Start

This keyword subparameter only applies to the multi-session function.

MSCRKEY=value specifies with which PF key a new session can be started.

Value Explanation
PF1 - PF24 The PF key to be used for session start.
NONE No PF key is specified.

This is the default value.

If MSCMPTB=ON, MSCRKEY must be set to NONE.

MSDBD - Multi-Session Database ID

This keyword subparameter only applies to the multi-session function.

MSDBD=value specifies the ID of the multi-session database.

Value Explanation
database-id A valid database ID.

There is no default value.

MSMAX - Maximum Number of Parallel Sessions

This keyword subparameter only applies to the multi-session function.

MSMAX=value specifies the highest possible number of parallel Natural sessions per terminal.

Value Explanation
2 - 9 The maximum number of parallel sessions.
9 This is the default value.

MSRSKEY - PF Key for Session Restart

MSRSKEY=value specifies the PF key with which an old session can be restarted.

Value Explanation
PF1 - PF24 The PF key to be used for session restart.
NONE No PF key is specified.

This is the default value.

If MSCMPTB=ON, MSCRKEY must be set to NONE.

NSBNAME - Use NSB Name of Natural DL/I Interface

NSBNAME=value sets the name of the NSB to the NSB used by the Natural DL/I Interface.

Value Explanation
ON Sets the NSB name to the PSB name defined by the PSB keyword subparameter of the NTIMSPT macro for the transaction code in use.
OFF Sets the NSB name to the PSB name used by IMS TM.

This is the default value.

PRTDRIV - Driver for IMS TM Printer

PRTDRIV=value specifies the print driver to be used for reports which are directly written to an IMS TM printer.

For further information, see Support of the Natural WRITE (n) Statement in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Value Explanation
driver-name A driver name as listed in the following tables:

Drivers for SCS Printers
Drivers for Non-SCS Printers
Drivers for JES API

SCS_S2 This is the default value.
Drivers for SCS Printers
Driver Purpose
SCS_B1 Form feed at start and end of report, starts page on line 1.
SCS_B2 Form feed at start and end of report, starts page on line 2.
SCS_E1 Form feed at end of report, starts page on line 1.
SCS_E2 Form feed at end of report, starts page on line 2.
SCS_N1 No form feed at start or end of report, starts page on line 1.
SCS_N2 No form feed at start or end of report, starts page on line 2.
SCS_S1 Form feed at start report, starts page on line 1.
SCS_S2 Form feed at start of report, starts page on line 2.
Drivers for Non-SCS Printers
Driver Purpose
NSCS_B1 Form feed at start and end of report, starts page on line 1.
NSCS_B2 Form feed at start and end of report, starts page on line 2.
NSCS_E1 Form feed at end of report, starts page on line 1.
NSCS_E2 Form feed at end of report, starts page on line 2.
NSCS_N1 No form feed at start or end of report, starts page on line 1.
NSCS_N2 No form feed at start or end of report, starts page on line 2.
NSCS_S1 Form feed at start report, starts page on line 1.
NSCS_S2 Form feed at start of report, starts page on line 2.
Drivers for JES API
Driver Purpose
JES The following data set processing options for JES are taken from the corresponding NTPRINT macro parameters or DEFINE PRINTER statement (see the Statements documentation) options:

The generated JES API parameter string is:


Unspecified NTPRINT/DEFINE PRINTER parameters/options are ignored.

JES xxxxx The data set processing options for JES are taken from the OUTPUT JCL statement with the name JESxxxxx where xxxxx can be up to 5 characters.

The generated JES API parameter string is:


The OUTPUT JCL statement may look like:


If the OUTPUT JCL statement is missing in the job stream, an error is reported.

ROLLSRV - Natural Thread Storage

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

ROLLSRV=value specifies the medium for saving a Natural thread between terminal output and input.

See also Roll File and Roll Server in the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation.

Value Explanation
ON The Natural roll server is used.

This is the default value.

OFF Roll files are used: see ROLLFN.

ROLLFN - Number of Roll Files

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

ROLLFN=value specifies the number of roll files to be used if ROLLSRV is set to OFF.

Value Explanation
1 - 5 The number of roll files to be used.
1 This is the default value.

SPASIZE - Buffer Size for Scratch-Pad Area

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

SPASIZE=value specifies the size of the buffer which is to contain the scratch-pad area.

In a non-conversational environment, this is also the size of the simulated SPA which is written to the SIP server.

Value Explanation
256 - 16777216 A buffer size in KB.
1024 This is the default value.

SPATID - Subsystem ID for ASM

SPATID=value specifies the Natural subsystem ID for the Authorized Services Manager (ASM) which is used to save the SPA for a non-conversational driver. The ASM is described in the Operations documentation.

Value Explanation
1 - 5 characters A subsystem ID.

This value must be the same for all parameter tables and must be the same as the value specified for SPATID in the NIMPIXT macro (see the TP Monitor Interfaces documentation).

NAT2 This is the default value.

SUPNONC - Enable/Disable Environment Switching

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented conversational environments.

SUPNONC=value specifies whether switching from a terminal-oriented non-conversational environment to a conversational environment is possible.

Value Explanation
ON Switching is allowed.
OFF Switching is not allowed.

This is the default value.

TERMDB - Session Termination for Missing DL/I Database

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

TERMDB=value specifies whether the Natural session is to be terminated if one of the DL/I databases specified in the PSB is not available.

Value Explanation
ON The Natural session terminates.
OFF The Natural session does not terminate.

If one of the databases is not available when it is accessed, the Natural transaction code is suspended by IMS TM.

This is the default value.

TERMIPL - Session Termination for IPL

This keyword subparameter only applies in dialog-oriented environments.

TERMIPL=value specifies whether a Natural session is terminated with an error message when an IPL has occurred between the current transaction step and the start of the session.

Value Explanation
ON The Natural session terminates.
OFF The Natural session does not terminate.

This is the default value.

THBELOW - Natural Thread Allocation

THBELOW=value specifies whether the Natural thread is allocated below or above the 16 MB line. For batch message processing, the thread is always allocated below the 16 MB line.

Value Explanation
ON The Natural thread is allocated below the 16-MB line.

This is the default value.

OFF The Natural thread is allocated above the 16 MB line.

THSIZE - Natural Thread Size

THSIZE=value specifies the size of the Natural thread. This is the area which contains all Natural buffers that relate to user sessions.

Value Explanation
100000 - 99999999 A thread size in multiples of eight greater than or equal to 100000.
1048576 This is the default value.

USERID - Determine *INIT-USER Value

This keyword subparameter only applies to the BMP driver.

USERID=value specifies how the value of the system variable *INIT-USER (see the System Variables documentation) is determined.

Value Explanation
ON The Natural user ID specified in *INIT-USER is either taken from the security access control block if a security package is active or from the USER parameter of the job card.
OFF The Natural user ID specified in *INIT-USER is taken from the job name.

This is the default value.

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Example of NTIMSPE Macro

         NTIMSPE ENTRYNM=ENV0021,                                      *
               ACTACTV=ON,                                             *
               ACTLOG=LOG,                                             *
               ACTARID=A1,                                             *
               PRTDRIV=SCS_E,                                          *
               THBELOW=OFF,                                            *
               THSIZE=1000000,                                         *

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