Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

HI - Help Character

This Natural profile parameter defines the character which is to be used to invoke a field-specific helproutine or a map helproutine (if defined for a given map).

Possible settings any special character The character which is to be used to invoke a field-specific helproutine or a map helproutine.


  1. The character specified with the profile parameter HI must not be the same as the one specified with the profile/session parameter CF (control character for mainframe terminal commands).
  2. It should not be the same as the one specified with the profile/session parameter DC (decimal character), profile/session parameter IA (input assign character) or profile/session parameter ID (input delimiter character).


  1. Numeric fields which have a helproutine assigned are internally translated to alphanumeric format so as to make it possible for the user to enter a question mark into the field to invoke the helproutine.
  2. To prevent this internal translation (that is, if you wish to make sure that alphabetical characters cannot be entered into a numeric field) you can set the profile parameter HI to blank.
  3. When HI=' ' is set, a help key must be defined in the Natural application, using the SETKEY statement correspondingly; otherwise it is not possible to invoke a helproutine for any field.
Default setting ? Question mark.
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  
Application programming interface USR0350N See SYSEXT - Natural Application Programming Interfaces in the Utilities documentation.

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