Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

FNAT - Natural System File for System Programs

This Natural profile parameter defines the database ID, file number, password, cipher key and read-only flag for the Natural system file for Natural system programs (FNAT).

Possible settings See FNAT Parameter Syntax.
Default setting none  
Dynamic specification yes

If you specify the FNAT parameter dynamically in conjunction with any of the profile parameters DBID, FNR, SYSPSW, SYSCIP or ROSY, you must specify the FNAT parameter after any of these parameters.

Specification within session no  


  1. The Natural system file is the database file from which all Natural system programs are retrieved and upon which all system commands operate. Error texts and Natural help information are also contained in this system file.
  2. For information on system files, refer to Natural System Files in the Natural System Architecture documentation.

FNAT Parameter Syntax

The parameter syntax is as follows:



Syntax Element Value Explanation
database-ID 1 - 65535, except 255 Database identification of the database in which the Natural system file is located.

Database ID 255 is reserved for logical system files for Software AG products, see Natural profile parameter LFILE.

file-number 1 -65535 File number of the database file in which the Natural system file is located.
password 1 - 8 characters Password for the Natural system file.


  1. A password is only required if the Natural system file has been password-protected using the Adabas security feature.
  2. When Natural is used with VSAM system files, the password is used to specify the logical name (DD or DLBL) of the system file as defined to VSAM. Example: FNAT=(22,5,SYSVSAM)
cipher-key 8 numeric characters Cipher key for the Natural system file.

A cipher key is only required if the Natural system file has been ciphered using the Adabas security feature.

RO - Read-only option.


  1. RO indicates that the Natural system file is "read-only".
  2. RO is only specified if modifications on the file are to be disabled.


  1. Default values: If any subparameter of the FNAT setting is not specified, the corresponding setting of the profile parameter DBID, FNR, SYSPSW, SYSCIP or ROSY applies for the Natural system file for system programs.
  2. If you reorganize an FNAT file or if you unload/load data from/to the FNAT file (for example, by using ADAULD/ADALOD), you must specify USERISN=YES for the ADALOD utility.



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