Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

DSC - Data-Stream Compression (for 3270-Type Terminals)

With this parameter, you can switch off Natural's automatic optimization and compression of the screen data stream for 3270-type terminals.

Possible settings ON Data-stream optimization and compression are used.
OFF Data-stream optimization and compression are not used.
Default setting ON  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. This Natural profile parameter only applies to 3270-type terminals.
  2. Screen optimization means that only those fields of the screen are sent to the terminal whose content has changed. Screen compression constitutes a (further) reduction of the amount of data sent by using counters for repeating characters.
  3. Natural's screen optimization causes screen data to be sent as compressed as possible. If this should conflict with any TP monitor's screen optimization or hardware limitation, you can use this parameter to switch off Natural's screen optimization; screen data will then be sent in non-compressed form; for example, see Profile Parameter DSC=OFF Recommended in the Natural under CICS documentation.
  4. This parameter has the same function as the terminal command %RO.
  5. If you use the BX session parameter settings BX=L or BX=R, you should switch off Natural's screen optimization using DSC=OFF or %ROOFF.

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