Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

DLISIZE - Size of Natural Buffer Area for DL/I

This Natural profile parameter determines the maximum size of the buffer area required by Natural for DL/I.

Possible settings 26 - 512 Buffer size in KB.


  1. The size actually required depends on the specifications in the NDLPARM macro (see the Natural for DL/I documentation).
  2. If you use the default specifications in NDLPARM, DLISIZE=26 is sufficient.
0 If you do not need DL/I support during a Natural session, you are recommended to invoke Natural with DLISIZE=0 to avoid overhead caused by handling of unused buffers.
Default setting 0  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. This Natural profile parameter only applies to Natural for DL/I.
  2. If the size specified with the DLISIZE parameter is not sufficient, an appropriate error message at initialization of Natural for DL/I will tell you what size to specify.
  3. If Natural for DL/I is installed, the corresponding Natural buffers are requested at the initialization of the Natural session.
  4. If the requested space is not available, Natural for DL/I cannot be used.

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