Version 8.2.3 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

BPSFI - Object Search First in Buffer Pool

This Natural profile parameter determines the sequence in which a requested object that is to be executed is searched for in the buffer pool and in the system file(s).

You can choose between three search sequences:

Possible settings ON Search Sequence 1 is used (search buffer pool first for all libraries, then the system file(s)).

Natural looks for the object in the following sequence until it is found:

  1. in the buffer pool, first in the current library, then in one steplib after another, then in the two SYSTEM libraries;

  2. in the system file(s), first in the current library, then in one steplib after another, then in the two SYSTEM libraries.

For performance reasons, it is recommended that you set BPSFI=ON in production environments.

If you set BPFSI=ON, make sure that object names are unique across all libraries that are involved in the search. If objects with the same name exist in different libraries being searched, unpredictable results may occur.

OFF Search Sequence 2 is used (alternating search in buffer pool and system file(s) for each library).

Natural looks for the object in the following sequence until it is found:

  1. in the current library, first in the buffer pool, then in the system file(s);

  2. in one steplib after another, first in the buffer pool, then in the system file(s) for each steplib;

  3. in the two SYSTEM libraries, first in the buffer pool, then in the system file(s) for each library.

BPSFI=OFF is recommended in development environments to always get the most current object from your own current library.
LIB Search Sequence 3 is used.

Natural looks for the object in the following sequence until it is found:

  1. in the current library, first in the buffer pool, then in the system file(s);

  2. in the buffer pool in one steplib after another, then in the two SYSTEM libraries;

  3. in the system file(s) in one steplib after another, then in the two SYSTEM libraries.

Default setting OFF  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. For further information, see Steplib Libraries and Search Sequence for Object Execution in the Using Natural documentation.
  2. See also profile parameter BP82 (Buffer Pool Placeholder when Object not Found).

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