Version 8.2.7
 —  Natural for Ajax  —

Writing the GUI Layout

You will now create the layout for your "Hello World!" application. When you have completed all exercises in this document, the layout should look as shown below and the XML code should be the same as shown in the section About this Tutorial.


This document contains the following exercises:

Preview the layout and view the XML code each time you have completed an exercise. When important properties are not set, this is indicated in the Problems view. To get more information about problems, you can also choose Show Protocol from the Ajax Developer menu.

Specifying the Properties for the Natural Page

You will now specify the following for the Natural page:

Start of instruction setTo specify the properties for the Natural page

  1. In the layout tree, select the node natpage.

    The properties for this control are now shown in the Properties view.

  2. Specify the following properties:

    Property Value
    natsource HELLO-A
    natsinglebyte true

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Specifying a Name for the Title Bar

You will now specify the string "Hello World!" which is to appear in the title bar of your application.

Start of instruction setTo specify the name for the title bar

  1. In the layout tree, select the node titlebar (New Natural Page).

    The properties for this control are now shown in the Properties view. You can see the default entry "New Natural Page" for the name property.

  2. Specify the following property:

    Property Value
    name Hello World!

    When you press ENTER, the node in the layout tree changes to titlebar (Hello World!).

    Properties that are left blank are not shown in the XML code.

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Specifying a Name and Method for the Button

You will now specify the string "Say Hello" which is to appear on the button. And you will specify the name of the method that is to be invoked when the user chooses this button.

Start of instruction setTo specify the name and the method for the button

  1. In the layout tree, open the header node.

    By clicking the icon of a node, you hide or expand the node's subnodes.

    You can now see the entry for the button with the default name "Exit".

  2. Select the node button (Exit).

  3. Specify the following properties:

    Property Value
    name Say Hello
    method sayHello

    The method needs to be programmed in the adapter. This will be explained later in this tutorial.

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Adding the Input and Output Areas

The input and output areas in this tutorial are created using Row Area controls. These controls can be found in the Container section of the controls palette.

Each row area will contain an Independent Row control which in turn contains a Label and a Field control. These controls can be found in the Controls section of the controls palette.

For adding controls to your layout, you drag them from the controls palette onto the corresponding tree node in the layout tree. This is explained below.

Start of instruction setTo create the input area

  1. Open the Container section of the controls palette.

    When you move the mouse over a control, a tool tip appears which also displays the control name which will be used in the XML layout. For example:


  2. Drag the Row Area control from the controls palette onto the pagebody node in the layout tree.

    The row area is added as a subnode of the pagebody node. The new subnode is automatically selected so that you can maintain the properties of the row area directly in the Properties view.

  3. Specify the following property:

    Property Value
    name Input Area
  4. Drag the Independent Row control from the controls palette onto the rowarea (Input Area) node in the layout tree.

    When you drop information into the tree, the system will sometimes respond by offering a context menu with certain options about where to place the control. In this case, the following context menu appears.

    Add as

  5. Choose the Add as Subnode command.

    The control is now inserted below the rowarea (Input Area) node. The new node is shown as itr.

  6. Open the Controls section of the controls palette.

  7. Drag the Label control from the controls palette onto the itr node you have just inserted and specify the following properties:

    Property Value
    name Your Name
    width 100
  8. Drag the Field control from the controls palette onto the itr node you have previously inserted.

    A context menu appears and you have to specify where to place the control.

    Add as

  9. From the context menu, choose the Add as last Subnode command.

  10. Specify the following properties for the field:

    Property Value
    valueprop name
    width 200

Start of instruction setTo create the output area

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Adding the Image

You will now add the image which is to be shown above the input area. To do so, you will use the Icon control which can be found in the Controls section of the controls palette.

All resources that your user interface component needs (such as images) must be contained in your project directory in the Eclipse workspace. It is good practice to create a specific folder for these resources.

Start of instruction setTo create a folder for images

  1. In the Navigator view, select the user interface component for which you want to create a folder.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose New > Other.

  3. In the resulting dialog box, expand the General node, select Folder and choose the Next button.

  4. Specify a folder name (for example, "images") and then choose the Finish button.

  5. The image that you need for this tutorial is provided in the /.naturalone/apache-tomcat/webapps/cisnatural/njxdemos/images directory in your Eclipse workspace. Copy it to the images folder that you have just created.

Start of instruction setTo add the image

  1. Drag the Icon control from the controls palette onto the pagebody node in the layout tree.

    The icon is added as the last subnode of the pagebody node. It is automatically placed into an itr (independent row) node.

  2. Specify the following property for the icon:

    Property Value
    image images/hello.gif

    You can also choose the icon using the browse button which is shown next to the property name.

  3. Select the itr node containing the icon and choose the following button below the layout tree:

    Move node up to first position

    The selected node is now moved up so that it appears as the first subnode of the pagebody node.

  4. Specify the following property for the itr node:

    Property Value
    takefullwidth true

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Adding a Horizontal Distance

You will now move the image to the right side of the page. To do so, you will use the Horizontal Distance control which can be found in both the Controls section and the Container section of the controls palette.

Start of instruction setTo add the horizontal distance

  1. Drag the Horizontal Distance control from the controls palette onto the itr node containing the icon.

  2. From the resulting context menu, choose the Add as first Subnode command.

    The node hdist is inserted into the tree.

  3. Specify the following property:

    Property Value
    width 100%

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Adding an Instructional Text

You will now enter a text which is to appear below the output area and which tells the user what to do.

To do so, you will once again use the Independent Row control into which you will insert a Label control.

The Independent Row control can be found in both the Controls section and the Container section of the controls palette.

Start of instruction setTo add the independent row with the label

  1. Drag the Independent Row control from the controls palette onto the pagebody node in the layout tree.

  2. From the resulting context menu, choose the Add as last Subnode command.

    The node itr is inserted into the tree.

  3. Drag the Label control from the controls palette onto the itr node you have just created.

  4. Specify the following properties for the label:

    Property Value
    name Input your name and press the 'Say Hello' button.
    asplaintext true

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Adding a Vertical Distance

When you preview the layout, you will see that the text you have just added appears directly below the output area. You will now move the text 100 pixels to the bottom.

To do so, you will use the Vertical Distance control which can be found in both the Controls section and the Container section of the controls palette.

Start of instruction setTo add the vertical distance

  1. Drag the Vertical Distance control from the controls palette onto the itr node containing the label.

  2. From the resulting context menu, choose the Add as preceding Node command.

    The node vdist is inserted into the tree.

  3. Specify the following property:

    Properties Value
    height 100

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Saving Your Layout

If you have not already done so, you should now save your layout. Layouts are saved using the standard Eclipse functionality.

When you save a layout for the first time, an HTML file is generated (in addition to the XML file) which is placed into your user interface component (however, this HTML file can only be seen in the file system and not in Eclipse itself). This HTML file is updated each time you save the layout.

The Natural adapter is also created when you save your layout for the first time. The adapter has the name that you have specified in the natsource property of the Natural page, plus the extension that is used for adapters (HELLO-A.NS8) and is located in the SRC folder of your Natural library. Your application program will use the adapter to communicate with the page.

Start of instruction setTo save the layout

You can now proceed with the next exercise: Creating the Natural Code.

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