Version 8.2.2 for Mainframes
 —  Parameter Reference  —

EDPSIZE - Size of Software AG Editor Auxiliary Buffer Pool

This Natural profile parameter determines the size of the Software AG Editor auxiliary buffer pool.

Possible settings 48 -2097151 Editor auxiliary buffer pool size in KB.
0 No editor auxiliary buffer pool is used.
Default setting 0  
Dynamic specification yes  
Specification within session no  


  1. This Natural profile parameter must be used when the Software AG Editor runs in a z/OS Parallel Sysplex environment. It allows the Software AG Editor to be run without a Software AG Editor (local or global) buffer pool.
  2. Alternatively, you can use the equivalent Natural profile parameter DS or macro NTDS to specify the size of the buffer. See also Using Macros in a Natural Parameter Module in the Operations documentation.
  3. No Software AG Editor work file is required for the auxiliary buffer pool.
  4. When the auxiliary buffer pool is used, the Software AG Editor's recovery function is not available.
  5. If EDPSIZE is not zero, an auxiliary buffer pool is allocated and used although a (local or global) Software AG Editor buffer pool is defined with the BPI profile parameter or the NTBPI macro.
  6. For further information on the Software AG Editor, see Operating the Software AG Editor in the Operations documentation.

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