Installing the Natural Development Server on z/OS (Com-plete)

This document describes how to install a Natural Development Server (product code: NDV) under Com-plete on z/OS.

The following topics are covered:


For details, refer to the section Prerequisites.

Content of the Development Server Distribution Medium

The installation medium contains the datasets listed in the table below. The sequence of the datasets and the number of library blocks needed are shown in the Software AG Product Delivery Report, which accompanies the installation medium.

Dataset Name Contents
NDVvrs.OBJS Contains the object modules of the development server. See Natural Development Server on Mainframes.
NDVvrs.SYSF Contains the FDT of the Development Server File (the layout is identical with PRDvrs.SYSF provided with a Predict version as specified under Natural and Other Software AG Products in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes).
NDVvrs.JOBS Example installation jobs.

The notation vrs in the dataset names and in the program samples (below) represents the version, release and system maintenance level of the product.

For the currently applicable versions refer to Empower at

Installation Procedure

Step 1: Allocate the development server LOAD library for Com-plete

(Job I008, Step 8420)

Step 2: Create member NDVCONFG for Com-plete

(Job I009, Step 8410)

Step 8410 creates a sample NDVCONFG for the batch server.

The following parameters of the configuration file must be defined. For the other parameters, the default values may be used:

FRONTEND_NAME Specify the name of the NCF front-end module of your Natural for Com-plete installation.
PORT_NUMBER Specify the TCP/IP port number under which the server can be connected.

For a description of the parameters, refer to Configuring the Natural Development Server.

Step 3: Load FDIC system file

(Job I050, Step 8403)

If you do not use Predict at all or if you have not yet migrated to a Predict version as specified under Natural and Other Software AG Products in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes, create the development server file, using the dataset NDVvrs.SYSF.

The layout of the Development Server File corresponds to the layout of the Predict dictionary file.

If you have a Predict version installed as specified under Natural and Other Software AG Products in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes, you can ignore this step.

Step 4: Link the object modules into the NDV load library

(Job I054, Step 8430)

See sample job NDVI054X on dataset NDVvrs.JOBS.

The NDV object modules must be linked with the necessary runtime extensions of your Com-plete installations into executable load modules.

The following ULIB CAT entries are necessary:

PAENSTRT 128 KB Privileged=Y
NATRDEVS 128 KB Privileged=Y
NATMOPI 128 KB Privileged=Y

The link jobs for NDV in z/OS Smarts/Complete environments use the same names as in a z/OS LE environment. In oder to avoid overriding of different environments in z/OS (LE and Smarts/Complete), the linkage libraries should be unique.

Step 5: Copy DDMs and processing rules to FDIC

If you use a Predict system file FDIC as Development Server File (FDIC), ignore this step.

If a Predict version as specified under Natural and Other Software AG Products in the current Natural Release Notes for Mainframes has not been installed or if you do not use a Predict system file FDIC as Development Server File (FDIC), you have to copy the existing DDMs and processing rules to the Development Server File (FDIC), using the copy function of the Natural utility SYSMAIN.

Step 6: Extend your Com-plete startup job by NDV-specific definitions

See sample job COMJCL on dataset COMvrs.JOBS or SMA Com-plete startup Job I025, Step 3350.

Described in the section Configuring the Natural Development Server.

z/OS Sample:




//COMPLIB  DD ...  

//         DD NDV load library must be part of the COMPLIB 


//NDVvrsE   DD SYSOUT=X                                     The error output for server id NDVvrs   

//NDVvrsC   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=PREFIX.NDV.CONFIG(NDV NDVCONFG) The configuration file for server id NDVvrs

//NDVvrsT   DD SYSOUT=X                                     The STDOUT output for server id NDVvrs   0


The sample above is not a complete startup job but just an excerpt containing the NDV relevant information.

For the necessary SYSPARM adaptations please refer to SYSPARM Example for the Natural Development Server in Configuring the Development Server.

Step 7: Debug a Natural batch job with Debug Attach for NaturalONE

(Job I200, Step 8418)

Sample JCL:

 ADARUN DB=001,DE=3390,SVC=249

Step 8: NDV clients must be defined to Natural Security

If Natural Security (NSC) is installed:

  • The NDV initial user ID (default ID is STARGATE) must be defined in Natural Security with a valid default library. Refer also to NDV configuration parameter INITIAL_USERID in the section Configuring the Natural Development Server. Alternatively, you can specify the Natural profile parameter AUTO=OFF (automatic logon) for NDV.

  • Each client user ID must be defined in Natural Security.

If the NDV initial user ID is not defined, the NDV server initialization aborts with a NAT0856 error message.

If an NDV client is not defined, the Map Environment dialog returns an NSC error.

If you logon to the server from an NDV client, make sure that the user who is defined in Natural Security has a default library or a private library defined. Otherwise, the error message NAT0815 will be displayed.

Step 9: NDV clients must be defined to the server host

If you configure the NDV server to use an external security system (see NDV configuration parameter SECURITY_MODE), the NDV clients must be defined to the external security system.