Starting a Server

Different methods are supported for starting a server of an Entire Systems Management product.

This section covers the following topics:


The start of a server of any Entire Systems Management product

  • Entire Operations

  • Entire Output Management

  • Entire Event Management

in any environment supported (z/OS, z/VSE, BS2000) can be performed online. Proceed as follows:

  1. Use an online Natural with the following specifications:

    • FNAT must contain the SYSSAT library (as installed in Step 2).

    • LFILE 204 must point to your local SYSSAT environment in order to find main text object SP00148 in SYSSATU (see Step 6 and Step 7 of the Installation Procedure).

  2. Log on to the appropriate product library, for which you want to start the server(s).

  3. Invoke the product-specific start command (see the documentation for the product itself).

  4. This start command reads the SATSTART parameter block of the appropriate product in SP00148 and invokes the server initialization program.

  5. You will be informed online about the success of the operation.


With AUTO-START you can automatically start one or more servers at Entire System Server startup time. Proceed as follows:

  1. Link a suitable Natural for this purpose (as described in Step 4 and Step 5):

    For z/OS and z/VSE

    This must be a subtask-Natural, because it runs in the address space of the Entire System Server.

    For BS2000

    This must be a multi-user Natural.

  2. To activate this process, adapt the startup parameters of Entire System Server:

    • Specify the name of the Natural module which should be given control.

    • Specify the LOGON commands to invoke the program SATSTART in the library SYSSAT.

    For z/OS and z/VSE

    If Natural Security is installed, specify the following parameters and supply the appropriate parameter values if required:

    STRTNTP1=STACK=(LOGON SYSSAT,nsc-user,nsc-pswd;


    nucleus-name is the name of Natural shared nucleus if used.

    subtask-maximum is the maximum number of subtasks (recommended: 20).

    subtask-module is the name of Natural subtask module as linked in Step 4.

    nsc-user is the user ID required to log on to Natural Security.

    nsc-pswd is the password required for logging on to Natural Security.

    If Natural Security is not installed, specify the following parameters:


    For BS2000

    Specify the following parameters and supply the appropriate parameter values:



    subtask-location is the JCL location for Natural subtask AUTO-Start.

    startup-parms are the parameters for ENTER/START-JOB.

    subtask-maximum is the maximum number of subtasks (recommended: 20).

    You can find an example of JCL for Natural subtask AUTO-STARTs in the member E.STARTSAT in the LIB.SATvrs library.

  3. During startup, the program SATSTART now gets control. As in the case of an online start, SATSTART uses the LFILE setting for File 204 to find its main text object.

  4. For each SATSTART instruction defined in the SP00148 text object, SATSTART starts a server. The type of the server (batch or subtask) is determined by the parameter TYPE.

      The Natural subtask module specified with the NATTASK parameter is given control.

    • For TYPE=BATCH:
      The Natural batch module specified with the NATBATCH parameter is given control. The necessary JCL for this batch job is expected in the Natural object specified with the NATSKEL parameter (library is SYSSATU). The jobname of the server task is created automatically.

    For more information on the above, see Starting Servers with TYPE=SUBTASK and Starting Servers with TYPE=BATCH.

  5. These server sessions can be adapted with the SATENV parameter block: Default settings are marked with the prefix SAT. They can be overridden by product-specific parameter blocks. The same holds true for Natural-specific parameter settings (NATENV block).

  6. During each server startup, a product-specific initialization module gets control. Its name is automatically derived from parameters given in the SATSTART block in the following way:


    where product denotes the 3-letter code of the respective product, for example, NOPSAT.

  7. This server initialization module can itself start other servers.

  8. You can check the success of this processing either by examining the Entire System Server protocol or by logging on to the online application and testing the server status online.

The following topics are covered below:

Starting Servers with TYPE=SUBTASK

For each SATSTART instruction, in the address space of Entire System Server (z/OS, z/VSE), a subtask is started which initiates the server start. The subtask name is built as follows:



ppp = product code

ddddd = DBID as specified in the SERVSYSF parameter

fffff = FNR

If you want to start servers as subtasks in a BS2000 environment, proceed as follows:

  1. Adapt either the NSBTSKIS text object (for ISP format) or the NSBTSKSD text object (for SDF format) in the SATvrs source library.

    The ADALNK parameter file is optionally supported. To use this function, you have to change the text object NSBTSKIS or NSBTSKSD correspondingly. Further information is available in the current Adabas Release Notes.

  2. Assemble it into the Entire System Server load library.

    Subtasks are simulated by Entire System Server: batch jobs are submitted under the BS2000 user ID as specified in the ESYUSER parameter. The job names of these batch jobs are built as follows:



    ppp = product code

    nnn = node number

Starting Servers with TYPE=BATCH

For each SATSTART instruction, a batch job is submitted. For this submit, the user ID specified in the ESYUSER parameter is in effect. The job name is built as follows:



ppp = prefix as specified in the JOBPREF parameter or product code

nnn = node number

rr = run number

You must prepare a job skeleton which reflects your system environment and which is used by the SATSTART program. Examples are delivered in the SYSSAT library which you can use as a basis for your skeletons. Skeletons must reside in the SYSSATU library. You can specify their names with the NATSKEL parameter, for example:

NATSKEL=JSKELMVS /* z/OS environment
NATSKEL=JSKELVSE /* z/VSE environment
NATSKEL=JSKELBS2 /* BS2000 environment

RPC Servers

If an Entire Systems Management PC product is installed, which is connected to a mainframe monitor (like Output Management GUI Client) it may be useful to start several RPC servers in parallel to balance data traffic. This could be done by starting several Natural RPC servers as batch jobs, but administration is easier, if start and stop is controlled by System Automation Tools.

For this purpose, there is the following:

  • A new product code RPC for System Automation Tools to start and stop Natural RPC servers like monitors started for Entire Output Management or Entire Operation. This means that RPC servers will come up when Entire System Server is started and be ready for use until Entire System Server stops.

  • A new Entire System Server console command SHUTDOWN RPC to end all RPC servers started by SATSTART.

  • An extra task "WATCHDOG": since no Natural program is executed in a Natural RPC server, we need an extra task that controls start and stop procedures. This task issues the control commands to shutdown RPC servers, triggered by Entire System Server (at shutdown time of Entire System Server or if a SHUTDOWN RPC command occurs).