Security Profiles

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

The main task of a security administrator consists of granting users access to objects.

This access is defined in Natural Security by means of a complex relationship.

In this worklflow, the security administrator with the user ID ADMIN1 (Grantor) grants the group PRD-GROUP (Grantee) access to NSC external object type FI.

In the above example, the security administrator with the user ID ADMIN1 (Grantor) grants the group PRD-GROUP (Grantee) access to NSC external object type FI.

Access can be granted as follows:

  • Natural Security
    With Natural Security functions you can administer access rights for Predict objects, object types and functions. See also Natural Security documentation.

  • Special Function Mass Grant
    Use the special function Mass Grant to generate security definitions in Natural Security from data in Predict. Only applicable to objects.

Defining Access Rights

What can be Protected?

With security definitons in Natural Security you can protect the following:

  • Documentation objects

  • Special objects (for example Retrieval Models and Association Types)

  • External object types

  • Predict functions

  • XRef data

See complete list in Predict Security using Natural Security.

Two Levels of Definitions in Natural Security

There are two levels of security definitions Natural Security:

  • Each object in Natural Security has a default definition. This value is taken when no specific definition for a user or group exists.

  • Each object in Natural Security can have a link to a user or group. This link contains a specific security definition for an individual user or a group.

Hierarchy of Security Definitions

Object and Object Type Level

If you disallow an object type, this object type does not appear in a Predict main menu. This means you cannot process any object of this type. Example:

All objects of type database are disallowed in this example. This object type does not appear in a Predict main menu.

Granting permission for subtypes or for individual objects has no effect, because the user is not able to call the respective menu, for example Maintain Database.

If you wish to prevent access to most databases, for example, but permit access to individual databases, create the following object-level definitions:

In this example, the user can access only databases which are prefixed with ABC.

In the example above, the user can access only databases which are prefixed with ABC.

Default Definitions and Links to Users

In this workflow example, members of GROUP_1 have access to Adabas databases, but do not have access to database object PERS_01. The only user with access to PERS_01 is USER_1.

In this example, members of GROUP_1 have access to Adabas databases, but do not have access to database object PERS_01. The only user with access to PERS_01 is USER_1.


Because a default definition for an object applies to all users and groups, it can make sense to specify an asterisk as default value.

Default Definitions and Links to Users - with Inheritance

In this workflow example, members of GROUP_1 have access to Adabas databases, and also access to database object PERS_01.

In this example, members of GROUP_1 have access to Adabas databases, and also access to database object PERS_01.

Sample Security Definitions

Example 1

In this example, all users may read files of type Adabas, but only members of group DBA-GROUP may modify them.

Object Type Object Link to User READ MODIFY DELETE ADD
FI-A - default Y N N N

Example 2

In this example, USER1 can only maintain files that start with his user ID. All other users can maintain files starting with their user ID, but not those with user ID USER1.

Object Type Definition

Object Type Object Link to User READ MODIFY DELETE ADD
FI - default Y Y Y Y

Object Definition

Object Type Object Link to User READ MODIFY DELETE ADD
FI *(=all) default  N N N N
FI USER1* default  * * * *
FI USER2* default  * * * *

Example 3

In this example, User1 can maintain only the following files:

  • Files of any type that start with his user ID

  • Files of type A that start with ABC

He cannot modify

  • Files of type V, even those which start with his user ID.

Object Type Definition

Object Type Object Link to User READ MODIFY DELETE ADD
FI - default  Y N N N
FI-V - default  * * * *

Object Definitions

Object type Object Link to User READ MODIFY DELETE ADD
FI * (=all) default  * * * *
FI-A ABC* default  * * * *
FI USER1* default  * * * *

Areas of Predict that are not protected


A user can read and use the profile of another user. It is not possible to modify the profile of another user, and it is therefore not necessary to protect profiles separately with Predict Security.

What is new, Help system

No Security checks are performed for these items in the Function Main Menu.

Checks Performed when Adding Security Definitions

The following checks are performed when security definitions are added to ensure that the user is allowed to read the data he wishes to maintain.

  • User must have READ access if ADD, MODIFY or DELETE access is granted.

  • READ access cannot be denied if the user already has ADD, MODIFY or DELETE access.

  • Special syntax must be used when adding a definition for a Predict object. See diagram below.

    Example: if you enter object FI(blank)ABC*, the name is changed to the correct syntax automatically: FI(blank)(blank)ABC*.

Tips and Tricks

Deny Globally, Grant Locally

In Example 1 below, individual subtypes or functions are allowed and at the same time all others disallowed.

Example 1

In this example the user is granted EXECUTE access to Special Function Recover but is not allowed to access any other Special Functions.

Function EXECUTE Note
SPECIAL-* N All Special Functions are disallowed.
SPECIAL-RECOVER Y Special Function Recover is allowed. This specific definition has priority over the general definition.

Granting Access to a Range of Files

In Example 2, the user may only read files with a certain prefix.

Example 2

Object Type READ Note
FI Y This definition is not required if the default value = Y.. 
Object READ Note
FI * N READ access to all files is disallowed.
FI ABC* Y READ access is allowed for files starting with ABC. This definition has a higher priority than the general definition at the same level and does not contradict the definition at the higher level.

Restrict Function to a specific Group

Example 3

In Example 3, only members of group SEC-DBA are allowed to execute the Special Function Protection.

Function EXECUTE Note
Default for Group SEC-DBA
SPECIAL-PROTECTION N Y Security definitions for individual groups always have a higher priority than default definitions.

Definitions at Subtype Level have Priority over Definitions for the Main Object Type

Example 4

Object Type READ Note
FI Y  
FI-A N User may not read any files of type Adabas. 
Object READ Note
FI TEST* Y User may read files that start with TEST, but not those of type Adabas.