Protecting Predict Programs With Natural Security

This document covers the following topics:

Functional Scope

Protecting Entire Predict Libraries

To protect an entire Predict library, for example SYSDICCO containing all conversion programs, you must create the corresponding security definitions directly in Natural Security as in earlier versions of Predict.

Protecting Individual Predict Programs

Individual Predict functions, for example administration functions, can be protected by disallowing the respective Predict system programs in Natural Security. The following sections contain tables that can be used to determine the names of Predict programs that have to be disallowed in Natural Security to restrict access to individual functions in Predict.

However, we recommend you use the new functionality provided by Predict Security for this purpose. This is easier both for the administrator and for the user. See PRD-Docu-Object in the section Natural Security Entities in this documentation for more information.

Naming Conventions for Library SYSDIC

Combined Program Names in SYSDIC

Many program names are built by combining a function specific prefix and an object type specific suffix.

Example: the program name ACMFI that adds, copies or modifies file objects is built from the prefix ACM (add/copy/modify) and the suffix FI (file).

Prefixes of Program Names in SYSDIC

The prefixes used for program names in SYSDIC are as follows.

Prefixes of Program Names in SYSDIC
Name Subsystem Explanation and Remarks
ACM Maintenance Add / Copy / Modify objects
ACT Active Retrieval Menus  
ADA Active Retrieval List master fields/files referenced
CAT Maintenance Catalog function of the editors
CNT Active Retrieval Count functions
COM Comparison Compare
COP Maintenance Copy/Move owner
DDA Special functions DDAOB calls the Special Functions menu
DDF Defaults DDFOB calls the Defaults menu.
DEF Active Retrieval List objects not documented
DIS Administration Impl. Disconnect External Objects
DIF Retrieval Difference of Files
DSP Retrieval/Maintenance/Active Retrieval Display functions
EDT Maintenance Editors
ERM Retrieval Execute retrieval models
EXP Retrieval Explode functions
FIL File implementation  
GEN Generation Generation
IMP Retrieval Implode functions
INC Incorporation Incorporation
IPL Active Retrieval List implemented members/libraries
LNK Maintenance Link keywords to objects
LST Retrieval List functions
MNT Maintenance Maintenance menus
NEW -- Predict initialization
NOT Active Retrieval List objects not implemented/referenced
PAL Predict application programming interf.  
PRE -- The preprocessor
PUL Maintenance Push backward
PUR Maintenance Purge modules
RDO Maintenance Re-document program
RED Maintenance Read objects/text into the editors
REF Active Retrieval List objects referenced by members
REN Maintenance Renumber, rename, change type
RET Retrieval The retrieval menus
RFF Administration Impl. Refresh file
SAV Maintenance Save description; save processing rule
SEL Retrieval, Maintenance, Active Retrieval Selection
SHW Retrieval, Maintenance, Active Retrieval Display and list functions
XRF Retrieval Cross reference functions
Suffixes of Program Names in SYSDIC
Name Subsystem
AN Vista table
AVB Adabas VSAM Bridge
BAL Programming language ASSEMBLER
CCC Language C
COB Programming language COBOL
DA database
DBA Adabas database
DB2 DB2 database
DDA General (non-language-specific) system defaults
DDM Data definition module
DS Description
EL Field
EP Entry Point
ESQ Adabas SQL Server
FDT Adabas file
FI File
FOR Programming language FORTRAN
FUS Reposition implementation data
KY Keyword
IMS IMS database (EXP) or user defined field (GEN)
IP Implemented Objects
LAN Language-specific system defaults
ME Member
NAT Programming language Natural
NO File number
NW Network
OW Owner
PA Packagelist
PLI Programming language PL/I
PR Program
PRO Profile
REC Recovery
RL File relation
RU Processing rule
SAP SAP tables
SCR Adabas security
SEC Natural Security
SET Delete old sets
SG Storagegroup
SQL Adabas SQL
ST Storagespace
SY System
TAB DB2 table / view
TS Tablespace
UD User-Defined Entities
US User
USU Super Natural user
VE Verification
VM Virtualmachine
XRF Delete XRef data
Other Program Names in SYSDIC
Name Subsystem
BAT* The batch processor
CHERU* Check Rule
CMD The command processor
CON* Subroutines for Pop-Ups
DELPRD Purge (delete) Predict system data
EXIT Called if a Predict session ends without the command FIN
H-* Help texts (the string following H- specifies the function and object for which the help text was created)
HLPDSP Display help texts
MAIN The main menu program in library SYSDIC
MENU Calls the main menu program
MOVEL Move a field
N-* Common subprograms
NENEL Renumber the fields of a file
PUNCH* Punch out generated code
RESET* Reset the global variables and set the user profile
S-* Common subroutines
STOP Can be called if an appropriate PF key setting is defined
U-* User Exits
WRITE Write (punch out) generated code
X* List XRef for 3GL (without programs starting with XRF or XXX)
XXX* Check consistency of Predict data
WP* Workplan functions


Protecting Predict Administration Functions

  • To protect functions in the Defaults menu, disallow individual DDF* programs or DDFOB, the program that calls the Defaults main menu.

  • To protect functions in the Special Functions menu, disallow individual DDA* programs or DDAOB, the program that calls the Special Functions menu.

  • To protect Administration Implementation functions, disallow the respective MNTIP* programs (for example MNTIPFI for Administration Implemented File).

Protecting Functions of other types (Examples)

  • To protect DDM generation, disallow the program GENDDM.

  • To protect all generation functions, disallow GEN* programs.

  • To protect the maintenance subsystem, disallow the MNT* programs (but not the MNTIP* programs calling Administration Implementation functions).

  • To protect maintenance of fields and files, disallow the programs MNTEL (maintain field objects) and MNTFI (maintain file objects).

  • To protect the incorporation functions, disallow all INC* programs.

Protecting Programs in Library SYSDICBE

To protect Coordinator programs, we recommend you define access to the Natural Security objects in the table below. These objects are added automatically with the special function Maintain NSC Definitions > Add NSC Default Definitions. See also NSC External Object Type .

Natural Security Object Predict Coordinator Function
CO-IMPORT Import, Test, Load
CO-EXPORT Export, Unload

You may wish to create a security definition for the following programs in library SYSDICBE:

Other Program Names in Library SYSDICBE
Name Explanation
BAT* Batch Processor
CMD The command processor
EXIT Called if a Predict session ends without the command FIN
MENU Calls the main menu program


In earlier versions of Predict, Migrate functions were usually restricted to dictionary administrators. With this version, however, it is quite possible that ordinary Predict users need the Coordinator for their daily work, for example when transferring data between Predict and Natural Engineering Workbench. Please bear this in mind when maintaining your security definitions.

Naming Conventions for Library SYSDICCO

Combined Program Names in SYSDICCO

Many program names in SYSDICCO are built by combining a function-specific prefix and an object type specific suffix.

Prefixes of Program Names in Library SYSDICCO
Name Explanation
CNV Convert Predict data from V3.4 to V4.1 format
V41RP Convert reports and modules
V23NSC Add Natural Security XRef data
Suffixes of Program Names in Library SYSDICCO
Name Explanation
DA Database
DC Dataspace
EL Field
FI File
FIADA Adabas attributes
FINET Vista elements
META Meta data
OB Control program 
PR Program
SC Storagespace
SETS List XRef sets
SY System
TR Trigger
Other Program Names in Library SYSDICCO
Name Explanation
BAT* The batch processor
CMD The command processor
EXIT Called if a Predict session ends without the command FIN
MENU Calls the main menu program
MAIN The main menu program in library SYSDIC
NEW* Add new control records

Naming Conventions for Library SYSDICMA

Combined Program Names in SYSDICMA

Many program names in SYSDICMA are built by combining a function-specific prefix and an object type specific suffix.

Prefixes of Program Names in Library SYSDICMA
Name Explanation
ACM Add, copy or modify functions
DSP Display functions
MNT Maintenance menus
PUR Purge functions
REN Rename functions
SEL Select functions
XRF Cross reference functions
Suffixes of Program Names in Library SYSDICMA
Name Explanation
RM Retrieval model
UR Association type
UT Object type
Other Program Names in Library SYSDICMA
Name Explanation
BAT* The batch processor
CMD The command processor
EXIT Called if a Predict session ends without the command FIN
MAIN The main menu program in library SYSDIC
MENU Calls the main menu program