Layout of Reports

The layout of reports varies with the information that has to be displayed.

This document covers the following topics:

Header Information

Header information is separated from the rest of the retrieval report by a horizontal line.

    13:57:22             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                                  - List Program -

Time, Date

The time on the left indicates the time at which the objects currently displayed were included in the report. This time changes accordingly when you page backwards and forwards.


The current function is displayed.

Page number only for Printed Output

Retrieval output is now line-oriented and not page-oriented as in earlier versions of Predict. When a retrieval report is printed, however, the page number appears in the top right hand corner. The page length is taken from the parameter Page size, which is only relevant for printed output.

Object ID is permanently displayed

For display-oriented functions and for functions with parents or with children, each new main object starts on a new screen page. Object ID and subtype (if applicable) are displayed on the left. Date and time the object was added or last modified appear on the right.

    13:26:29             *****  P R E D I C T  *****               2007-05-31
                                  - Display Program -
    Program ID ......... HEB-E
    Type ............... External program                  Added 2007-05-31 at 08:59
                                                        Modified 2007-05-31 at 13:19

Cover Page

If the parameter Cover page of the output options is set to Y, a cover page will introduce reports.

    13:54:43             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                                - Display Program -
                      --------------- Cover page ---------------
    Program ID ......... HNO-PR
    Output options
      Type independent      curr.          Type independent      curr.
      Description ........    Yes          Mark implementation     Yes
      No. abstract lines..      0          Show implementation     Yes
      Keywords ...........     20          Display modifier ...    Yes
      Extracts ...........     32          Use Conform ........     No
      Owners .............     35          Page size ..........     25
        with users .......    Yes
      Attributes .........    Yes
      Type dependent        curr.          Type dependent        curr.
      Entry points .......    Yes          Procedure code .....    Yes

The cover page contains a listing of the selection criteria, the output options and the retrieval model (if any) used for the creation of the report.

A cover page is especially useful when keeping a printed report for later use.

    13:57:22             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                                  - List Program -

  Program ID                         Type Lang Member   Library  Fnr DBnr
       1 ARH-DIALOG                          T    N
       2 ARH-DYN                             I    N   MENU
       3 ARH-DYN2                            I    N   XXX
       4 ARH-DYN3                            I    N   ARH1
       5 ARH-DYN3-1                          I    N
       6 ARH-MENU-ARH1-64-180                P    N   MENU     ARH1      64  180
       7 ARH-MENU-54-180                     P    N   MENU     ARH       54  180
       8 ARH-MENU-64                         P    N   MENU     ARH1      64  180
       9 ARH-MO-99                                                       64  180
      10 ARH-PR                              P        LSTXXR   NEWDIC    64  180
      11 ARH-PR-ARH1-54                      P    N   XXX      ARH1      54  180
      12 * ARH-PR-ARH1-54-180                P    N   ARH1     ARH2      54  180
                                      Implementation: ARH1     ARH2      54  180
      13 ARH-PR-ARH1-64                      P    N   XXX      ARH1      64  180
    Command ===>                                                    Scroll ==> CSR
                      Quit        RFind Flip  -     +           Left  Right
                                                  line 13 of ... (line 5 on screen)

Body of Report

The structure of the body of the report depends on the following factors:

  • Output mode See the description of the various output modes in this section for output examples.

  • Output options

  • Object type Sample output for each object type with output mode List is given in the respective section of the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation.


For some retrieval functions, the column Cnt contains the sequential number of the main object in the retrieval list.

This column displays a maximum of four digits, so if the list contains more than 9999 objects, the numbering restarts at 0.


Standard PF Key Assignment

PF3 Terminate the function

PF5 Repeat last search command

PF6 Flip PF key display (Switch from keys 1-12 to keys 13-24)

PF7 Scroll backwards by value in field Scroll ==>

PF8 Scroll forwards by value in field Scroll ==>

PF10 Scroll to the left

PF11 Scroll to the right

PF17 Find string under cursor

PF18 Flip PF key display (Switch from keys 13-24 to keys 1-12)

PF19 Scroll to top of report

PF20 Scroll to bottom of report

These PF key assignments cannot be modified.

Line nn of ... (line n on screen)

When the report exceeds a screen page, Line nn of ... appears in the Natural message line. These dots are replaced with the total number of lines in the report when the end of the report is reached.

Line n on screen refers to the first line of "real" data in the current screen. In the example below, the first six lines contain header information.

    Command ===>                                                    Scroll ==> CSR
                      Quit        RFind Flip  -     +           Left  Right
                                                  line 12 of ... (line 7 on screen)

Message End of Report

The end of reports is marked with *** End of report ***.