Maintaining a LIST XREF Profile

This document covers the following topics:

Functional Scope

LIST XREF parameters can be changed using a specific LIST XREF profile. The following settings can be defined:

The following rules apply for the use of the XREF profile:

  • Settings in a DEFAULT XREF profile apply when no user specific XREF profile exists. Settings in the DEFAULT profile can be changed for the current session.

  • If the user that changes an XREF profile is defined in Predict, the changes of the profile are saved and apply to all subsequent LIST XREF sessions of that user.

The LIST XREF profile is displayed with the LIST XREF command PROFILE.

Assigning Functions to PF Keys

 17:03:34            *****  P R E D I C T *****                      2009-09-02
 Library: SYSDIC         -   Add  user profile   -       DBnr:   180 Fnr:    64
 Profile name : DEF                                                            
 PF-Key definition                                                             
 Function                  PF-Nr Text    Function                  PF-Nr Text  
 Invoked programs           1    Invp    Report programs with XREF  7    Xref  
 Data areas and variables   2    GDAV    Verify applic. integrity   15   ApCh  
 Views and fields           8    View    Maintenance profile        16   Prof  
 Copycodes                  6    Copy    Return to XREF main menu   11   Main  
 Error messages             23   Erro    Return to last menu        3    Quit  
 Printers                   13   Prt     Exit                       12   Exit  
 Workfiles                  14   Work    Show PF-Keys 1-12 / 13-24  10   SPfk  
 Retained sets              4    Sets    Operate on set             9    OSet  
 Processing rules           5    Rule    Create new set             18   CSet  
 External Resources         17   NRes                                          
      Invp  GDAV  Quit  Sets  Rule  Copy  Xref  View  OSet  SPfk  Main  Exit   

All choices of the XREF menu and some additional functions can be called with PF keys. The PF key assignment and text that are displayed at the bottom of each menu for each PF key is defined in the first screen of the XREF profile.

In addition to the functions of the XREF menu, the following functions can be assigned to PF keys:

  • Display the user's LIST XREF profile for changes (Maintenance profile)

  • Return to the last menu that was displayed (the STOP function of Predict)

  • Exit: leave the XREF system and return to Natural

  • Change the display of PF key settings that appears at the bottom of every Natural LIST XREF menu

The settings for either PF keys 1-12 or 13-24 are displayed. at the bottom of each menu. The function of switching from one display to the other can be assigned to a PF key just like any other function, but this function will then automatically be assigned to the equivalent key in the alternative PF key display (either 12 more or 12 less).

Limiting the Scope of the Report Programs with XRef Data Function

 17:05:24            *****  P R E D I C T *****                      2009-09-02
 Library: SYSDIC         -   Add  user profile   -       DBnr:   180 Fnr:    64
 Profile name : DEF                                                            
 Report definition                                                             
   Report                          Nr    Report                          Nr    
   Statistical data                 1    Predict description              2    
   Natural program list             3    Using/Referenced programs        4    
   Views, Da-views and fields       5    Da-areas and variables           6    
   Workfiles, printers, errors...   7    format extended description      N    
   expand copycodes / rules         N    suppress empty reports           Y    
   Keep set after cat/stow processing ... N                                    
   Default Library Structure ...........*                                      
   Search usage in Web Services ......... Y                                    
   Verify Structure ..................... Y

      Invp  GDAV  Quit  Sets  Rule  Copy  Xref  View  OSet  SPfk  Main  Exit   

The Report programs with xref data function provides up to seven areas of information. The areas of information and the order in which they are displayed can be determined by entering the respective numbers in the column Nr.

A default value (Y or N) can also be specified for the parameters Format extended description, Expand copycodes/rules and Suppress empty reports.

Parameter Keep set after cat/stow processing

If you set this parameter to Y, the set is retained after CAT or STOW.

If you enter a CATALOG or STOW command with the option KEEP or NOKEEP, this value is set to Y or N respectively for the duration of your current session.

Parameter Default Library Structure

This parameter specifies the default library structure to be used. Enter the ID of a library structure or one of the following values:

Value Description
blank No library structure. Only objects in the current library will be evaluated.
*R The runtime structure will be used.
* The following selection window appears:
 E D I C T  *****               2009-07-31
     XRef Menu   -          DBnr:   180 Fnr:    54
           !     *** without structure ***        !
   ------  !     *** run time structure ***       !
           !     LS-NEWDICLX                      !
           !     LS-PDLX                          !
           !     PD-COB                           !
           !                                      !

In this window you can specify that

  • no library structure is to be used for evaluating XRef data the runtime structure is to be used.

  • the runtime structure is to be used.

  • a library structure defined in Predict is to be used. A list of all library structures in Predict is displayed.

See Library Structure in the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation

The Default Library Structure will be activated for the current library only if the system which documents the current library is contained in the link list Library Structure > System.

Parameter Search Usage in Web Services

If you set this parameter to Y, it is also considered for Natural members, files and fields whether they are used in Web services.

The following screen shows an example of how this parameter effects the output of the LIST XREF function Program using programs.

 15:54:46            *****  P R E D I C T *****                      2009-07-31
 Library: MUTCST            - Invoked Programs -         DBnr:   180 Fnr:    54
 Command: PROG KKUNDNM4 (*) USING PROG * (*) WITH * VIA *            Page:    1
          SAVE N                                                               
      T:Program               using                             via            
    1 N:KKUNDNM4            1 P:unknown  <<- nfnd               Call           
                              Entry   : C-ENTRY                                
      Used by Service KundeEclipseUnixClassWS                                  
      registered in                                                            
                            2 P:unknown  <<- nfnd               Call           
                              Entry   : C-ENTRY2                               
                            3 P:unknown  <<- nfnd               Call           
                              Entry   : C-ENTRY3                               
                            4 ?:CALC     <<- nfnd               Callnat        
                            5 N:KKUNDNM4                        Callnat        
                              Used by Service KundeEclipseUnixClassWS          
                              registered in                                    
 ***** END OF LIST *****                                                       

Parameter Verify Structure

If you set this parameter to Y, the scope of the function is not only the current library, but also the objects in the current library structure.

Assigning Defaults to the Verify All Function

The functions to be performed if the Verify all function is selected, can be specified in the next screen.

 17:07:07            *****  P R E D I C T *****                      2009-09-02
 Library: SYSDIC         -   Add  user profile   -       DBnr:   180 Fnr:    64
 Objects and options for function Verify all                                   
    Object consistency        Object not implemented    Object not referenced  
  X Source,Module,Xref      X Programs                X Programs               
  X Resources used in pgm.  X Externals               X Data areas             
                            X Error numbers           X Variables              
                            X Sets not built          X Copycodes              
                                                      X Error numbers          
                                                      X Data areas in Programs 
 Save set : N (Y,N)                                                            
      Invp  GDAV  Quit  Sets  Rule  Copy  Xref  View  OSet  SPfk  Main  Exit   

The Parameter Verify Structure described above is also valid for the Verify all function.