Predict Coordinator Commands

These commands are available from library SYSDIC and offer a subset of the options available from library SYSDICBE. Full functionality is available using the Predict Coordinator. See also the descriptions of each Coordinator command in the Predict Coordinator documentation.

CHECK Use this command to check the integrity of data on the Coordinator FDIC.
CLEAR This command deletes the contents of the current Coordinator FDIC file. Use this function to clear the Coordinator FDIC for another import/load operation.
CONTINUE Use this command to restart an import/load operation that was interrupted.
IMPORT This command imports all objects from the transfer medium (workfile 1) into the Coordinator FDIC file. The Replace option is set to Yes, that is, objects which exist on the Coordinator FDIC file will be overwritten.
After execution of the command IMPORT, a window appears which indicates how many objects were imported and how many objects could not be imported.
This command corresponds to the Coordinator command IMPORT OBJECTTYPE ALL