
Oracle tables and views can be documented in Predict with file objects of type OT and OV respectively. These file objects can be used to generate DDMs or CREATE TABLE/VIEW statements.

This document covers the following topics:

Naming Conventions

The following naming conventions apply for Oracle objects (Files of type OT and OV)

Upper / lower case

IDs must be entered in upper case. If the Predict parameter General Defaults > Miscellaneous > Upper/lower case / Object ID is set to L and you try and enter a file ID containing lower case letters, an error message is given.

See also section Defaults in the Predict Administration documentation.


  • Table/View names for Oracle objects can have up to 30 characters.

  • A fully qualified ID (Creator + Hyphen + Table/View name) must not exceed 32 characters.

Permitted characters

  • IDs containing special characters must be enclosed in double quotes, for example:

  • See overview of permitted characters in Naming Conventions.

Oracle Table, File Type OT

    13:33:56             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                   - Modify file -
    File ID ......... HNO-OT                          Modified 2007-05-31 at 13:23
    Type ............ Oracle table                          by HNO
    Contained in DA .
    Keys ..                                                                Zoom: N
    Literal name ....
    Average count ...
    Stability ......*   Not specified
    Pctfree .........                     Pctused ....
    Initrans ........                     Maxtrans ...
    Tablespace name .
    Cluster name ....
    Cluster column .*
    Check constraint name ..
    Storage clause
      Initial .......                     Next .......
      Minextents ....                     Maxextents .
      Pctincrease ...
    Abstract     Zoom: N
      Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N

Parameters not listed below are described in other sections of this documentation: Parameters common to all object types, for example Keys, are described under Global Attributes. Parameters common to all file types, for example Literal name, are described under Common File Attributes. See also Common Parameters for SQL File Types.

File ID

ID of the Predict object documenting the Oracle table.

See Naming Conventions for Oracle objects.

Contained in DA

ID of the database object containing the file.

To generate a DDM from files of type Oracle table, the file must be linked to a database of type Oracle Handler.


If an integer from 1 - 99 is specified here, the clause PCTFREE n is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement.

PCTFREE reserves a set amount of room in every block allocated to a table for future updates to that table's data.


If an integer from 1 - 99 is specified here, the clause PCTUSED n is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement.

PCTUSED specifies the minimum level of space usage that Oracle will maintain for each block of the table.


If a value from 1 - 255 is entered here, the clause INITRANS n is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement.

INITRANS is the initial number of transaction entries that are allocated within each block.


If a value from 1 - 255 is entered here, the clause MAXTRANS n is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement.

MAXTRANS specifies the maximum number of transactions that may update a data block concurrently.

Tablespace name If a tablespace name is entered here, the clause TABLESPACE name is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement. This name represents the tablespace in which the table will be created.
Cluster name If a cluster name is entered here, the clause CLUSTER name is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement. The table is to be included in the specified cluster.
Cluster column Table columns that correspond to the cluster columns of the cluster specified under Cluster name.
Check constraint name

If a table check expression has been defined and the name of a check constraint is entered here, the following clause is generated in the CREATE TABLE statement:

CONSTRAINT constraint_name
CHECK (check_expression)
Storage clause
If specified, the values below are used in the STORAGE clause generated with the CREATE TABLE statement. All of the values below must be specified as integers.
Initial The size in bytes of the first extent allocated when the object is created - the original amount of space allocated to the object.
Next The size in bytes of every subsequent extent to be allocated.
Minextents The total number of extents to be allocated when the segment is created.
Maxextents The total number of extents, including the first, which can ever be allocated.
Pctincrease The percent by which each NEXT extent will grow over the last extent allocated.

See your Oracle documentation for more information on these Oracle-specific parameters.

Oracle View, File Type OV

    13:35:07             *****  P R E D I C T  *****             2007-05-31
                                   - Modify file -
    File ID ......... HNO-OV                          Modified 2007-05-31 at 10:10
    Type ............ Oracle view                           by HNO
    Contained in DA .
    Keys ..                                                                Zoom: N
    Literal name .............
    Average count ............
    Stability ...............*   Not specified
    SQL attributes
      Select ................* A Select all
      With check option ...... N No
      Check constraint name ..
    Abstract     Zoom: N
      Additional attributes ..* N          Associations ..* N

Parameters not listed below are described in other sections of this documentation: Parameters common to all object types, for example Keys, are described under Global Attributes. Parameters common to all file types, for example Literal name, are described under Common File Attributes. See also Common Parameters for SQL File Types.

File ID

ID of the Predict object documenting the Oracle view.

See Naming Conventions for Oracle objects.

Contained in DA

ID of the database object containing the file.

To generate a DDM from files of type Oracle table, the file must be linked to a database of type Oracle Handler.

Check constraint name Name of check option used if parameter With check option is set to Y. See SQL Attributes.