Steplib Support

Natural as well as 3GL applications allow up to 8 steplibs for one main library. This structure can be documented in Predict with the object type library structure. This structure is evaluated by LIST XREF and active retrieval functions for programs and systems.

This document covers the following topics:

General Information

Predict supports the Natural steplib concept using the features listed below.

Object Type Library Structure

An object of type library structure documents a structure which describes a runtime or development environment (for example libraries for copy code). The system objects which document these libraries are linked as children to the library structure via "Contains SY". The following rules apply:

  • The first entry in the link list is the main library, the following entries are steplibs.

  • The link list of a library structure can contain up to 10 systems of type A (Application):

    • the first system in the list is the main library

    • the default steplib *STEPLIB plus up to 8 additional steplibs can be defined.

  • The link list can contain additional systems of type G (3GL Application), but the maximum number of linked systems is 15.

  • Dummy objects and systems without an implementation pointer for Library are permitted in the link list, but these objects are ignored when the library structure is evaluated for active retrieval function Program using programs and all LIST XREF functions.

See the section Library Structure in the Predefined Object Types in Predict documentation.

Program Type Dynamic

Programs of type dynamic are used to document calls of programs of the same name from different steplibs depending on the library structure. The following rules apply:

  • Because programs of type dynamic document any number of implemented members, no check is performed as to whether the members documented by the program are actually implemented.

  • With the active retrieval function Programs using programs, programs of type dynamic are ignored as current objects.

  • Programs of this type can only have children of type program (via "Uses PR concept"). The linked programs document the possible implementations. Therefore they all must use the same programtype and member name.

See Documenting Dynamic Structures.

Metadata Diagram

The diagram below is an extract of the metadata structure in Predict showing the object type library structure and its associations.

A library structure can have system children of type Application Library.

The first system of type Application Library is the main library, the other child systems are the steplibs. The order of the children in the link list reflects the steplib hierarchy.

Active Retrieval Functions

The following active retrieval functions evaluate library structures to retrieve documentation and XRef data according to a specified steplib structure:

Documenting Dynamic Structures


In the example below, member MENU calls one of two INIT members depending which library is active at runtime.

Documentation without Library Structure

The following table shows the objects needed to document the structure above without evaluating the steplib structure.

Object Type Subtype Implementation Pointer
Member Library Fnr DBnr
DOC-LIB-MAIN System Application Library - LIB-MAIN 54 180
DOC-LIB System Application Library - LIB 54 180
DOC-LIB1 System Application Library - LIB1 64 180
DOC-MENU Program Program MENU LIB 54 180
DOC-INIT1 Program Subprogram INIT LIB 54 180
DOC-INIT2 Program Subprogram INIT LIB1 64 180

Enter DOC-INIT1 and DOC-INIT2 in the Program>Program link list of DOC-MENU. This has the disadvantage that you cannot tell which INIT member will be called by member MENU at runtime.

Documentation with Library Structure

The following table shows the objects needed to document the structure above in such a way that the steplib structure is evaluated.

Object Type Subtype Implementation Pointer
Member Library Fnr DBnr
DOC-LS1 Lib. Structure          
DOC-LS2 Lib. Structure          
DOC-LIB-MAIN System Application Library - LIB-MAIN 54 180
DOC-LIB System Application Library - LIB 54 180
DOC-LIB1 System Application Library - LIB1 64 180
DOC-MENU Program Program MENU LIB 54 180
DOC-INIT Program Dynamic INIT See note below 
DOC-INIT1 Program Subprogram INIT LIB 54 180
DOC-INIT2 Program Subprogram INIT LIB1 64 180

Enter DOC-INIT (program of type Dynamic) in the link list of DOC-MENU. Member MENU will call up the member documented by DOC-INIT1 or DOC-INIT2 at runtime depending on the library structure.

Steplib Support with Active Retrieval Functions

The following active retrieval functions use library structures:

If the first two functions listed above are executed with the parameter Library structure, the steplib structure documented by the corresponding library structure object is evaluated.

These functions are also described in the section Active Retrieval in the Predict Reference documentation. The descriptions there apply without evaluating the steplib structure.

Function Program using Program

This section describes the active retrieval function Program using program where a library structure is evaluated. See the section Active Retrieval in the Predict Reference documentation for a description of this function without evaluating the library structure.

Specifying the Library Structure

  • Enter fully qualified library structure ID. Asterisk notation can be used to select one library structure from a list.

  • If the implementation pointer of the main library in the library structure is incomplete, a window appears in which you must enter the missing parameters Library, Fnr, or DBnr.

                    +----------------- Additional criteria ---------------+
        Retrieval t ! Main Library/first Natural Library of the           !
        Output mode ! Library Structure DOC-LS1                           !
        Program ID  ! has no qualified Implementation Pointer.            !
        in system . ! Please enter following parameters:                  !
        Member .... !                                                     !
        Library ... ! Library .......... ARH1                             !
        Library str ! Fnr ..............  64                              !
        Entry ..... ! DBnr ............. 180                              !
        Restriction !                                                     !
        Output opti ! Press ENTER to confirm                              !

    If the main library in the library structure is a 3GL library, the first Natural library is taken as main library and must be given a fully qualified implementation pointer if required.

  • The implementation pointer defined for the main library (or first Natural library) is used to append all other incomplete implementation pointers for all other libraries in the library structure.

  • If you set the output option Cover page to Y, the library structure with complete implementation pointers for all libraries is displayed:

                          --------------- Cover page ---------------
        Program ID ... DOC*
        Library structure ID .. DOC-LS1
                                Library   Fnr  DBnr
                                ARH1       64   180
                                ARH3       64   180
                                ARH        54   180
                                ARH3GL2   255   255

    In the example above, the missing values have been appended with the DBnr 180 specified under Additional criteria above.

Determining the Current Objects to be Output

The following rules apply:

  • Programs of type Dynamic are ignored as current objects.

  • Only programs with identical implementation information to a system contained in the library structure are output:

    • if the implementation pointer of the program object is complete (Member, Library, Fnr, DBnr), this is evaluated;

    • if the implementation pointer of the program object is incomplete, the XRef data is evaluated.

Determining the Related Objects to be Output

Related objects are evaluated against documentation data (implementation pointer) and XRef data. The following rules apply:

  • If a program of type Dynamic is linked to the current object via "Uses PR concept", this link must be resolved. The programs represented by the program of type Dynamic are checked, and the program with the implementation pointer that best matches the library structure replaces the program of type Dynamic.

  • During checks as to whether a program is implemented, the entire library structure is evaluated. If the implemented member is found in a steplib, the program is marked as I and the comment >>>impl. in steplib XXXXXXXX DBnr 99999 Fnr 99999<<<.

Sample Output

The screen below shows sample output for function Programs using Programs.

    13:27:36             *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
                          - List Program Using Programs -
    Program ID ......... * DOC-MENU
    Type ............... Program
      Member .. MENU     Library .. ARH      Fnr .. 54  DBnr .. 180
    Cnt  Program ID                       Ty La Member   Library  Fnr DBnr L D I U
       1 DOC-INIT2                        P  N  INIT     ARH1      64  180 L D
         >>> Dynamic call defined in  DOC-INIT  <<<
    *** End of report ***
    Command ===>                                                    Scroll ==> CSR
                      Quit        RFind Flip  -     +           Left  Right 


Program DOC-INIT2 is linked via "Uses PR concept" to a program of type Dynamic named DOC-INIT. The link list of the dynamic program DOC-INIT is checked and the program with the most complete implementation pointer is given.

Function Systems containing Programs

This section describes the active retrieval function Systems containing programs where a library structure is evaluated. See the section Active Retrieval in the Predict Reference documentation for a description of this function without evaluating the library structure.

Specifying the Library Structure

  • Enter fully qualified library structure ID. Asterisk notation can be used to select one library structure from a list.

  • If the implementation pointer of the main library in the library structure is incomplete, a window appears in which you must enter the missing parameters Library, Fnr, or DBnr.

                    +----------------- Additional criteria ---------------+
        Retrieval t ! Main Library/first Natural Library of the           !
        Output mode ! Library Structure DOC-LS1                           !
        Program ID  ! has no qualified Implementation Pointer.            !
        in system . ! Please enter following parameters:                  !
        Member .... !                                                     !
        Library ... ! Library .......... ARH1                             !
        Library str ! Fnr ..............  64                              !
        Entry ..... ! DBnr ............. 180                              !
        Restriction !                                                     !
        Output opti ! Press ENTER to confirm                              !

    If the main library in the library structure is a 3GL library, the first Natural library is taken as main library and must be given a fully qualified implementation pointer if required.

  • The implementation pointer defined for the main library (or first Natural library) is used to append all other incomplete implementation pointers for all other libraries in the library structure.

  • If you set the output option Cover page to Y, the library structure with complete implementation pointers for all libraries is displayed:

                          --------------- Cover page ---------------
        System ID ... DOC*
        Library structure ID .. DOC-LS1
                                Library   Fnr  DBnr
                                ARH1       64   180
                                ARH3       64   180
                                ARH        54   180
                                ARH3GL2   255   255

    In the example above, the missing values have been appended with the DBnr 180 specified under Additional criteria above.

Determining the Current Objects for Output

XRef data is evaluated, and only systems with an identical implementation pointer to one of the systems in the library structure are given.

Determining the Related Objects for Output

A program is marked as implemented if it is contained in the current library. The current library is the library documented by the system specified.

A program is also marked as implemented if it is linked via "Uses PR concept" to a system documented as a steplib. (The program would not be marked as implemented if you were working without a library structure.)

A note is given indicating in which other steplib(s) of the library structure the program is implemented.

Steplib Support with LIST XREF for Natural

The three possible methods of evaluating XRef data are listed below. Select the method you require in the LIST XREF menu before you call a function. This option is valid for the duration of your session or until you select another option in the LIST XREF menu.

See also section LIST XREF for Natural in the Predict Reference documentation.

Using the command INFO you can display at any time during your LIST XREF session all libraries that will be evaluated by LIST XREF functions. The current library is marked with an arrow.

The Library Structure Documented in Predict

The link list Library structure to System is evaluated via "Contains SY". Each system in the list is checked as follows:

  • If no information is present in the implementation pointer of the system, the system is ignored.

  • If the implementation pointer is incomplete, the system searches for possible XRef data. This XRef data is used to supply the missing Fnr and DBnr information in the implementation pointer.

  • If no XRef data is found, the values of the current FUSER file are used to supply the missing DBnr and Fnr information in the implementation pointer.

  • If the current library is a Natural library, the structure is appended with --> *STEPLIB <--.

Runtime Structure

The runtime structure is determined as follows. The following rules apply:

  • The current library always appears first in the list. If this library is documented in Predict, the corresponding system ID is also displayed.

  • With Natural Security, up to 8 Libraries can be specified as steplibs with Library, DBnr and Fnr.

  • The default steplib is declared in the Natural parameter moduleNATPARM parameter file or allocated with the dynamic parameter STEPLIB when starting Natural (*STEPLIB).

Without any Structure

The LIST XREF functions evaluate XRef data without specification of steplibs. Only objects in the current library are displayed.

Steplib Support in Batch Mode

In batch mode, too, there are three possible methods of evaluating XRef data:

  • STRUCTURE <structure-name>
    With this command you can specify which library structure is to be used for evaluating XRef data.

    This command specifies that the runtime structure is to be used for evaluating XRef data.

  • No Structure specified
    If you do not specify any structure, LIST XREF functions work without evaluation of steplib specification.

Effects of Steplib Support on LIST XREF

Steplib support affects LIST XREF functions as follows. A distinction is made between Top-down and Bottom-up functions:


Example: Function Program using program

     09:50:43            *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
     Library: PDLX              - Invoked Programs -         DBnr:   180 Fnr:    54
     Command: PROG * (*) USING PROG * (*) WITH * VIA *                   Page:    1
          T:Program                   using                         via
        1 P:ZPDFIELD                1 N:N-BUFEDT <<- nfnd           Callnat
        2 P:ZPDP0                   1 P:ZPDP1                       Fetch
                                      via ZPDP&
                                    2 S:ZPDS1  (NEWDICLX,180,54)    Perform
                                      Function: SUB-IN-ZPDS


Only programs in the current library that call other programs are displayed.

to 1 The note <<- nfnd means that the called program was not found within the structure specified. "Not found" in this context means that no XRef data is present.
to 2 If the called program is not contained in the current library, it is displayed in parentheses with DBnr andFnr.


Example: Function Programs referenced in programs

     09:53:09            *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
     Library: PDLX              - Invoked Programs -         DBnr:   180 Fnr:    54
     Command: PROG * (*) REF PROG * (*) WITH * VIA *                     Page:    1
          T:Program                  referenced in                 via
        1 ?:*DYNAMIC
                                   1 P:ZPDP3                       Fetch
        2 ?:N-BUFEDT
                                   1 P:ZPDFIELD                    Callnat
        3 M:ZPDM1
                                   1 P:ZPDP1                       Map
                                   2 P:ZPDP2  (NEWDIC,180,54)      Map
        4 P:PGMCO002 (*SYSCOB*,255,255)
           Entry   : PGMCO002
                                   1 P:ZPDP1                       Call
                                   2 P:ZPDP2                       Call
                                   3 S:ZPDS1                       Call


to 1

*DYNAMIC produces a list of all programs that call up other programs by means of variables:

to 2

The question mark means that the program N-BUFEDT was not found within the specified structure. "Not found" in this context means that no XRef data was found for the program object.

The program is, however, referenced by program P:ZPDFIELD via CALLNAT.

to 3

Member ZPDM1 was found within the current library.

If the called program is contained in the current library (here ZPDM1), programs not contained in the current library that call this program are also displayed (here ZPDP2 in Library NEWDIC). Library, DBnr, Fnr are displayed in parentheses.

to 4 The called program (PGMCO002) was found, but in another library within the structure (library *SYSCOB*). In this case only calling programs within the current library are displayed.

Example: Function Program referenced in programs recursively

     13:44:35            *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
     Library: NEWDICLX          - Invoked Programs -         DBnr:   180 Fnr:    54
     Command: PROG XHMENU10 (*) REF REC * (*) WITH * VIA *               Page:    1
              DEPTH 7
          1 M:XHMENU10
     1 ---------2 ---------3 ---------4 ---------5 ---------6 ---------7 ---------
                                      M:XMREFE00 P:XPREFE   P:XPVERI   <--- rec
                                      P:XPCIMPL  <--- rec
                                      P:XPCMDP   M:XMCIMP00 <--- suppr
                                                 M:XMCONS00 P:XPVCONS  P:XPVERI
                                                                       <--- rec
                                                 M:XMCOPY00 P:XPCOPY   P:XPMENU
                                                                       <--- steplib




The note <--steplib means that the evaluation was stopped at this point because the called program is contained in another library.

     09:44:21            *****  P R E D I C T  *****              2007-05-31
     Library: NEWDICLX            -   XRef Menu   -          DBnr:   180 Fnr:    54
     Structure ...........: LS-NEWDICLX
                System Id                         Library  Fnr DBnr
                --------------------------------  -------- --- ----
                PD-COB                            *SYSCOB* 255  255
             -->PD-NEWDICLX                       NEWDICLX 180   54
                --> *STEPLIB <--                  SYSTEM   180   54