Predict Functionality

Predict is an active data dictionary system which is used to describe information processing systems. It also provides functions to use this information when designing, implementing, using and maintaining the system.

The following types of information can be stored and maintained:

  • What data is stored and where. This data reflects the information structure of an organization.

  • Which processing objects work with the data. This data reflects the functional structure of an organization.

  • Who creates data and/or objects that process the data. This data reflects the personnel working with the data processing system.

A data dictionary serves as the central repository of information for all people involved in producing, processing and maintaining a software package or data processing application. Information held in the data dictionary can be understood as the submodel of the complete enterprise model dealing with the operational data.

This section contains general information on the object types contained in the Predict metadata structure and the functions provided by Predict to maintain a metadata model and retrieve information from the model. This section covers the following topics:

General Information on Predict Functions
Predict Object Types
Creating Documentation Data
Dummy and Placeholder Objects
Attributes Of Predict Objects
Enforcing Standards
XRef Data
Active Use of Predict Information
Retrieving Information from Predict
Protecting your Environment with Predict Security