System Requirements

This document covers the following topics:

Supported Operating System Platforms

Predict supports the same operating system platforms than Natural. See the Natural documentation.

Disk Space Requirements

For the Natural programs installed with Predict, you require approximately 48 MB of disk space, plus an additional 66 MB of disk space for the installation. For the database, you require the following:

ASSO 1188 blocks (2kB)
DATA 1000 blocks (4kB)
Coordinator FDIC
ASSO 1188 blocks (2kB)
DATA 1000 blocks (4kB)

WORK must be at least 20 MB.

Product Requirements

The products listed below must be installed in order to use Predict 8.3.1.

Product Name (Product ID) Requirements
Natural (NAT)

Natural for Windows Version 8.3 SP 1 or above.

The following parameter settings are recommended during the installation of Predict:

  • MADIO=0

  • MAXCL=0

  • MT=0

  • RI=OFF

  • WORK: Workfile 1 must be specified in portable format.

The Natural buffer pool must be available.

For information on the recommended Natural parameter settings after a successful Predict installation see Completing the Installation.

Adabas (ADA)

Adabas for Open Systems Version 6.4 SP 1 or above.

The following Adabas parameter settings are recommended during the installation of Predict:

  • LAB=200000 or greater

  • LBP=4000000 or greater

  • LP=200 or greater

  • LS=200000 or greater

  • LWP=1000000 or greater

  • MGC=50 or greater

  • NC=200 or greater

  • NH=10000 or greater

  • NISNHQ=1000 or greater

  • NT=2 or greater

  • NU=200 or greater


For information on the recommended Adabas parameter settings after a successful Predict installation see Completing the Installation.

It is recommended that you use the latest versions of the above listed Software AG products. You can view all available Software AG product versions and check the dates when their maintenance ends by visiting Software AG's Empower web site at Go to Products > Product Version Availability.

Software Requirements for Using Related Predict Products

These products are not necessary in order to use Predict, but if they are installed, the following prerequisites must be met.

Other Related Software AG Products

Product Name (Product ID) Requirements
Adabas SQL Server (ESQ)

Adabas SQL Server Version 1.4 SP2 or above.

To enable Predict access to Adabas SQL Server, you have to relink your Natural environment with the command Make natural esq=yes ada=dyn.

Natural Security (NSC) The Natural Security version that corresponds to your Natural version.
Natural Business Services (NBS) Natural Business Services Version 8.2 SP2 or above.
Entire Access (OSX)

Entire Access is required if you need to access any of the following SQL or DB2 database systems.

Access to SQL databases is required for Incorporation functions. You do not need access to SQL databases to generate CREATE statements.

Access to DB2 databases is required for Incorporation, Comparison or Generation functions.

The following SQL database systems are supported:

  • Adabas D 11 or above

  • Informix 7.1 or above

  • Ingres II or above

  • Oracle 8 or above

  • Sybase 11.04 or above

The following DB2 database systems are supported:

  • DB2 8 for UNIX or above

  • DB2 8 for z/OS or above

  • SQL/DS 2.2 or above

It is recommended that you use the latest versions of the above listed Software AG products. You can view all available Software AG product versions and check the dates when their maintenance ends by visiting Software AG's Empower web site at Go to Products > Product Version Availability.

Set Adabas System Environment

The following applies when Adabas has been installed locally under Windows. As of Adabas Version 6.1.4, it is required that you start the function Set Adabas System Environment before you start the installation of Predict.

Entire Net-Work

  • Entire Net-Work Version 7.3 SP3 for Open Systems or above

This product is required if you are using Predict in a heterogeneous environment.

When the Predict FDIC file is shared between Natural on a mainframe and Natural on a Windows or UNIX platform, Entire Net-Work must be used. For details concerning each platform, see the corresponding Natural Installation documentation.

License File

During the installation of Predict, the Software AG Installer prompts you to enter the path to a valid license file. The license file is an XML file which is delivered by e-mail.

The Software AG Installer does not check all information in the license file. All license checks are done, however, when the product itself is started.