Completing the Installation

This document covers the following topics:

Setting Up Your Products Using the SYSPCI Utility

After you have installed your product, you need to set up a number of files, parameters and individual settings depending on your environment. These are described below. To set them up, you use the SYSPCI utility. For detailed information on this utility, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.

Predict requires the following Adabas system file:

FDIC, where the logical file number (LFILE) is 253.

The database ID and file number of the new or existing file that you specify using the SYSPCI utility are entered into the parameter files PRDPARM and NATPARM. If applicable, database ID and file number will be entered into further parameter files like NDVPARM, NSCPARM and NBSPARM.

For the Predict Coordinator functions Load or Import the following Adabas system file is required:

COORDINATOR_FDIC, where DBID and FNR will be stored on the FDIC by the SYSPCI utility.

The required Adabas files can either be local or remote.

  • Remote Access
    If the file is located in a remote database, Entire Net-Work must be active and the database must be accessible.

  • Existing Local File
    Before you start the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the Adabas database containing the required files is active. With this version, you can continue to use your existing files. No migration of data from the previous version to the current version is necessary.

  • New File
    Before you start the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the Adabas database which will contain the required files is active. The SYSPCI utility will load and initialize these files. This should be also done if another file is required for your product.

Before you create new files with the SYSPCI utility, make sure that the ASSO and DATA sizes of your Adabas database are appropriate for these files. It is therefore recommended that you check the Adabas .fdu files in the <install-dir>/<product>/INSTALL/<product-code> directory for the used sizes. If required, change your database setup so that the files can be created.

For Predict, the SYSPCI utility offers the following optional functions:

Option Description
Convert FDIC data If marked the Data on the Predict System File are converted to 8.3 Format, see Convert the Data on the Predict System File to 8.3 Format in Optional Steps below.
Load FDIC description If marked, the Predict Description of the Predict System File is loaded.
Load example data If marked, the Predict example data is loaded.

Invoking the SYSPCI Utility

In order to invoke the SYSPCI utility, you must first invoke Natural. You can then invoke the SYSPCI utility using the Direct Command window.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the SYSPCI utility

  1. Enter the following command at the UNIX system prompt to invoke Natural:

  2. Select the Direct menu and press ENTER to invoke the Direct Command window.

  3. Enter the following command in the Direct Command window:


    For more information, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.

Invoking the SYSPCI Utility Using a Shell Script

It is possible to execute certain functions of the SYSPCI utility with a UNIX shell script. Two shell scripts are available in <install-dir>/Natural/INSTALL directory. They are called and These scripts can be used to automatically call SYSPCI for each installed product to intialize the product.

The scripts can be used for the following tasks:

    This script executes the SYSPCI utility to initialize installed Natural products with already existing Adabas files.

    The necessary conversion of Adabas files to the new version has to be done before starting this script.

    This script executes the SYSPCI utility to initialize installed Natural products and create the required Adabas files.

For more information, see SYSPCI Utility - Product Configuration and Initialization in Natural's Tools and Utilities documentation.

Optional Steps

SYSPCI may perform the optional steps Initialize product, Assign Coord. FDIC, Load FDIC description or Load example data.

If the optional installation steps are not performed by SYSPCI or if Natural Security (NSC) is installed, perform the following steps:

Perform the steps in the given order unless mentioned otherwise. Please observe the notes where available.

Convert the Data on the Predict System File to 8.3 Format

This step is not required for first-time installations.

This step must be performed manually by starting Natural with PARM=PRDPARM.

This step converts Predict Version 4.6 or Version 8.2 data to Version 8.3 format. If the data on your Predict system file already is in Version 8.3 format, a corresponding message is returned.

We recommend you save your Predict system file in Version 4.6 or 8.2 format before proceeding with the steps below.

To set up your environment so you can use the Coordinator, start a Predict 8.3 online session (using the newly installed FDIC file) and perform the following:

  • Log on to the library SYSDICCO

  • Call the Function Main Menu by entering MENU at the NEXT prompt

  • Call the function C > Version 4.6 (or Version 8.2) data

When you execute this step in batch mode, the CMSYNIN file should contain the following:


Now the data is in Version 8.3 format.

Update the Predict Metadata

This step is optional.

Start a Predict 8.3 online session or perform the following batch mode commands:


Define the Coordinator FDIC in the New SYSDIC Manually

This step is not required for upgrade installations. This step can also be performed by SYSPCI if the options Initialize product or Assign Coord. FDIC have been selected.

This step must be performed manually by starting Natural with PARM=PRDPARM.

To set up your environment so you can use the Coordinator, start a Predict 8.3 online session (using the newly installed FDIC file) and perform the following:

  • Log on to the library SYSDIC

  • Call the Function Main Menu by entering MENU at the NEXT prompt

  • Call the function Defaults > Coordinator Defaults

  • Specify the parameters Coordinator FDIC DBID/FNR with the file number and database ID of the Coordinator FDIC.

Define the Predict Libraries to Natural Security Manually

This step must be performed manually by starting Natural with PARM=PRDPARM.

If Natural Security is installed, define the following libraries to Natural Security:


Load the Predict Description of the Predict System File

This step can also be performed by SYSPCI if the option Load FDIC description has been selected.

This step is optional.

To load the Predict description of the Predict system file, enter:

setenv WRKF1 <install-dir>/Predict/INSTALL/data/ALLDATA.DAT

Start Natural with PARM=PRDPARM.

When you execute this step in batch mode, the CMSYNIN file should contain the following:


If a previous import operation with the Coordinator terminated abnormally for any reason, the Coordinator FDIC is locked and a corresponding message is returned. Enter the following commands to clear the Coordinator FDIC in batch mode:


Load the Predict Example Data

This step can also be performed by SYSPCI if the option Load example data has been selected.

This step is optional.

To load the Predict example data, enter:

setenv WRKF1 <install-dir>/Predict/INSTALL/data/ALLDEMO.DAT

Start Natural with PARM=PRDPARM.

When you execute this step in batch mode, the CMSYNIN file should contain the following:


If a previous import operation with the Coordinator terminated abnormally for any reason, the Coordinator FDIC is locked and a corresponding message is returned. Enter the following commands to clear the Coordinator FDIC in batch mode:


Adapt the Text Modules in Library SYSEXT

This step is optional.

Start a Predict 8.3 online session or perform the following batch mode commands:


If you execute this function in batch, please ensure that you have set Batch execution to N (No) on the Natural Security Modify Library screen of library SYSEXT.