Installing and Setting Up Predict on OpenVMS

This document describes how to install Predict 8.2 on an OpenVMS platform.

The following topics are covered:

Product Requirements

The following topics are covered below:

Required Memory Space

The memory space required by Predict largely depends on the number of users.

The memory space per user is determined by the settings in the parameter file NATPARM, especially by the values of profile parameters such as USIZE and SSIZE.

In addition to the user-specific memory, memory is required for the buffer pool, which is shared among all users.

Disk Space

The space required on disk will be checked by the PCSI utility during the installation.

Approximately 81 MB of hard-disk space is required for Predict.

Related Software AG Products

The following product is required to install Predict for OpenVMS:

  • Sagbase (GBA) Version 1.3 .

Predict Version 8.2 requires:

  • Natural Version 6.3.12

  • Adabas Version 6.1 or above

  • Entire Net-Work Version 7 to access remote Adabas database systems.

Predict Distribution Kit

The Predict distribution kit on the installation medium contains the installation files for OpenVMS. An example of the directory hierarchy on the installation medium is shown in the section Directory Structure of the Installation Medium.

Please note that the license key file is not contained on this installation medium. It is delivered separately in your product package. If this is not the case, it can be obtained from Software AG.

Before You Start

This section contains important information on the necessary activities before installing Predict on an OpenVMS platform.

The following topics are covered below:

General Information

Please note the following before you start the Predict installation:

  • Software AG recommends some common steps for the installation of Software AG products on OpenVMS. See Installing and Setting Up Software AG Products on OpenVMS for a detailed description.

  • Before you start the installation, back up your current product version.

  • During the installation, you need a valid license key file.

  • Ensure that prerequisite software is installed.

Required Natural Parameters

The following Natural parameters settings are recommended during the installation of Predict 8.2:

Parameter Value

The Natural Buffer Pool must be available.

Required Adabas Parameters

The following Adabas parameter settings are recommended during the installation of Predict 8.2:

Parameter Value
LAB 200000 or greater
LBP 4000000 or greater
LP 200 or greater
LS 200000 or greater
LWP 1000000 or greater
MGC 50 or greater
NC 200 or greater
NH 10000 or greater
NISNHQ 1000 or greater
NT 2 or greater
NU 200 or greater

Installing Predict in a Cluster Environment

In a cluster environment, you must install Predict on each node on which it is to be used.

Initial Installation

Depending on the Sagbase installation, the initial Predict installation within a cluster will choose either the common or the specific root directory. Each node must first be prepared by installing Sagbase. The installation procedure checks for an existing Predict installation in the cluster.

Predict Directory Structure

Predict will be installed in the SAG$ROOT:[PREDICT.V<version>] directory.

Predict uses the following logical name assignments:

Logical Name Directory
PRD NATBIN:PREDICT<natvers>.EXE, where <natvers> represents the currently used Natural version

Overview of the Installation Procedure

The installation procedure PCSI automatically performs the following steps when used to install Predict:

  • Checks whether the prerequisite version of the operating system is running.

  • Temporarily sets the privileges (BYPASS, CMKRNL, SYSNAM).

  • Checks whether Sagbase (GBA) is installed.

  • Sets SYSTEM as owner of SAG$ROOT:[PREDICT] directory.

  • Checks whether system parameters have correct values.

  • Registers the product Sagbase to PCSI, if required.

  • Calculates and verifies the disk space needed for installation on both the work-directory device and the installation device.

  • Invokes the Predict installation.

  • Creates Predict directories, if necessary.

  • Moves all files and images to the appropriate directories.

  • Sets protections for files and directories.

PCSI Installation Procedure

Before you start installing Predict using the PCSI procedure, perform the necessary steps as described in Installing and Setting Up Software AG Products on OpenVMS.

You started the installation using the command procedure SETUP.COM located on the installation medium to install Predict in the OpenVMS environment.

SETUP.COM copies the Predict PSC file from the installation medium to the SAG$ROOT:[SAGKITS] directory and starts the Predict installation of the Polycenter Software Installation utility (PCSI). During the installation procedure, a number of general information messages are displayed. Read all messages carefully and follow any advice they may provide.

Continue the PCSI Installation

A message appears during the installation process, informing you that the product "SAG I64VMS PRD_<version> V<v.r> Layered Product" has been selected, and asks whether you want to continue.

When you answer "Yes", the installation procedure checks whether the product Sagbase (product code GBA) has already been installed and registered with the PCSI utility. If Sagbase has been installed but not yet registered, you will be asked to do so. Register by following the instructions on the screen. If the Sagbase software has not been found on your system the installation aborts. In this case, follow the steps given in Installing Sagbase on OpenVMS.

Information on the product license key is shown. Check whether the license key file is available on SYS$LOGIN of the installing user. Without a proper license key file, the installation will abort.

After a successful installation, the PCSI utility displays the message that the product "SAG I64VMS PRD_<version> V<v.r> Layered Product" has been installed.

After the Installation

The following topics are covered below:

Verifying the PCSI Installation Procedure

To verify the product entry in the PCSI database, enter the following:


Completing the Installation

The information in this section is only relevant if this is a first-time installation of Predict.

  • Make sure that Natural Version nnn is installed on your OpenVMS system.

  • Make sure that the Adabas database is running.

  • Go to the following directory:

  • In this directory, execute the following procedure:


    All Natural versions installed under SAG$ROOT:[NATURAL] will be displayed. Select one of these versions.

    The main menu will be displayed.

                        P r e d i c t  V e r s i o n 822
                              Installation Procedure
                                                              DBID  =000
       1  -  First-Time Installation of PRD82
       Please enter the function [exit]                   :
  • Enter 1 to perform a first-time installation. The following menu appears:

                         P r e d i c t   V e r s i o n  822
                                 Installation Procedure
                                                                  DBID  =000
                  First-Time Installation of PRD82
                  1  -  Specify ADABAS  DBID for FDIC file
                  2  -  Create database file for FDIC
                  3  -  Create database file for Coordinator FDIC
                  4  -  Select Natural parameter file
                  5  -  Specify installation parameters in parameter file
                  6  -  Start FDIC INPL procedure (this step takes some time)
                  7  -  Check log file of INPL procedure
       Please enter the function   [exit)           :

    Enter RETURN if you want to go back to the main menu.

To continue the installation, perform the following steps:

Step 1: Specify Adabas DBID for FDIC File

  • Choose function 1 from the installation menu.

  • Specify a DBID for the FDIC file.

Step 2: Create FDIC Database File into Adabas

  • Specify a file number for the FDIC file in your database.

    Please take the following space estimation into consideration:


Step 3: Create Database File for Coordinator FDIC

  • Choose function 3 from the installation menu.

    Specify a file number for the Coordinator FDIC.

    Please take the following space estimation into consideration:


Step 4: Verifying the Database File Creation

  • Note:
    This step is optional and must be performed manually.

    The loading of the Predict system file and documentation data can be verified with the Adabas utility ADAREP:

        Content of Database <dbid>
        Nr    Filename         loaded on      Top ISN   MAX ISN ...
       <FNR> FDIC82n           ......
       <FNR> COORD_FDIC82n  ......

Step 5: Select Natural Parameter File

  • Choose function 4 from the installation menu.

    Enter an already existing Natural parameter file for INPL.

    FNAT and FUSER in which Predict is to be installed must be contained in a parameter file. If no parameter file is specified explicitly, the default parameter file NATPARM is used.

Step 6: Specify Installation Parameters in Parameter File

  • Choose function 5 from the installation menu.

    This step calls the Configuration Utility with the parameter file specified in Step 5.

    Set the following parameters as required.

    Natural Parameters
    MADIO Must be set to 0.
    MAXCL Must be set to 0.
    FDIC, FNAT, FUSER Enter the DBID and FNR of the current Predict system file (specified in Step 1 and Step 2) and, if not yet specified, the numbers of the Natural system files.
    OPRB Must be set to OFF.

    Workfiles 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 must be specified in ASCII format for every Predict user.
    Workfiles must be specified in SAG$ROOT:[NATURAL.TMP]
    This is the standard parameter file setting. Set different values for the environment variables for different users.

    Define the library SYSLIBS as steplib of FNAT in NATENV or Environment Assignments (Natural 63np), by entering SYSLIBS and DBID and FNR of FNAT

    Your Adabas database should be active during INPL (see Step 7) if you have defined the FDIC parameter. If your Adabas database will be offline during INPL, please do not define the FDIC.

Step 7: Start FDIC INPL Procedure

  • Choose function 6 from the installation menu to start Natural with the parameter file specified in Step 5.

    This step takes some time.

    If this step is successful, the following message is given:

    "INPL loaded successfully."

    If this step is not successful, go to Step 8.

Step 8: Check Log File of INPL Procedure

  • This step is only necessary if Step 7 was not successful.

    Choose function 7 from the installation menu.

    The INPL logfile will be displayed.

Step 9: Define the Predict Libraries to Natural Security

  • Note:
    This step is optional and must be performed manually.

    If Natural Security is installed, perform the following steps:

    1. Logon to the library SYSSEC.

    2. Call up Administrator Services > Definition of system libraries.

    3. Enter AD next to Library ID Predict.

    This will define all the Predict libraries to Natural Security.

Step 10: Define Coordinator FDIC File in new SYSDIC

  • Note:
    This step must be performed manually. The Adabas database must be running.

    Start a Natural session with the parameter file that you have defined for Predict and perform the following:

    1. Logon to the library SYSDIC (via the Direct menu).

    2. Call the Function Main Menu by entering MENU.

    3. If this is the first time during the installation process you open a Predict library, you will be asked if you want to reinstall the system defaults. To confirm the reinstallation enter EXECUTE and press ENTER for each screen.

    4. Call up function Defaults > Coordinator Defaults.

    5. Specify parameters Coordinator FDIC DBnr/Fnr with the database number and file number of the Coordinator FDIC added in the previous steps.

Step 11: Load the Predict Description of the Predict System File

  • Note:
    This step is optional and must be performed manually.

    To load the Predict description of the Predict system file, assign the file PRD822.DAT to Work File 1 (work file type: Default) in your parameter file. The file PRD822.DAT can be found in: SAG$ROOT:[PREDICT.V<version>.INSTALL].

    Start Natural with PARM=<your parameter file> and enter the following commands:


    If a previous import operation with the Coordinator terminated abnormally for any reason, the Coordinator FDIC is locked and a corresponding message is returned. Enter the following commands to clear the Coordinator FDIC:


    You can execute this step in batch mode also.

Step 12: Load the Predict Example Data

  • Note:
    This step is optional and must be performed manually.

    To load the Predict example data, assign the file PRD822.DEM to Work File 1 in your parameter file. The file PRD822.DEM can be found in: SAG$ROOT:[PREDICT.V<version>.INSTALL].

    Start Natural with PARM=<your parameter file> and enter the following commands:


    If a previous import operation with the Coordinator terminated abnormally for any reason, the Coordinator FDIC is locked and a corresponding message is returned. Enter the following commands to clear the Coordinator FDIC:


    You can execute this step in batch mode also.

Your first-time installation is now complete.

Installation with Remote Adabas Database

This section describes how to install Predict for the first time when the system files (FDIC, Coordinator FDIC) reside on a remote Adabas database.

Set your default directory to SAG$ROOT:[Predict.V<version>] by entering the following command:


Then execute the command procedure REMOTE_DB.COM by entering:


This command procedure will build a set of command procedures for creating a new Predict 8.2 FDIC file and Coordinator FDIC file. At the end, the procedure will tell you which files have to be transfered to the remote node.

REMOTE_DB.COM will prompt you for

  • the installation method

  • the DBID of the remote Adabas database

  • the file number of the FDIC file

  • the file number of the Coordinator FDIC file

While you are prompted for the parameters you can cancel the procedure by pressing RETURN.

First-Time Installation of Predict 8.2

If you are installing Predict for the first time, perform the following steps:

  1. for the installation method, enter 82

  2. for the remote Adabas DBID, enter the DBID of that database

  3. for the FDIC file number, enter the file number you want to use for the Predict 8.2 FDIC file on the remote Adabas database. Make sure this file number does not exist yet.

  4. for the Coordinator FDIC file number, enter the file number you want to use for the Coordinator FDIC File on the remote Adabas database. No file with this file number may already exist!

A list of four files is shown, which need to be transferred to the remote node (all to the same directory):

  • REM_FDIC<version>.COM

  • REM_COORD_FDIC<version>.COM

  • COORD_FDIC<version>.FDT

  • FDIC<version>.FDT

On the remote node, set your default directory to the directory where these four files reside.

  • First execute REM_FDIC<version>.COM

  • Then execute REM_COORD_FDIC<version>.COM

  • Now proceed with Steps 4 to 12 as described above in Completing the Installation.