Inplace Conversion from a Previous Version

The inplace conversion will result in considerable modifications to the internal structure of your dictionary data. Software AG recommends that, before you execute the following installation steps you back up your Predict system file using the backup procedures usually performed in your environment.

Please read the following operating system specific information before you start installing Predict.

This document covers the following topics:

Installing under BS2000, z/OS or z/VSE with SMA

  1. Set the SMA switches as shown in the table below.

    SMA Switch For Migrate from Version 4.6 and beyond

    Leaving a field blank is the equivalent of entering N.

  2. Copy the installation medium contents to disk. The steps required depend on your operating system environment and are described in the section Copying the Installation Medium Contents to Disk for

  3. For the conversion from Version 4.6, perform the following Installation Steps and continue.

Considerations Prior to Upgrading to Version 8.3

The following must be considered prior to an upgrade:

Superfluous Fields

A Predict system file converted with Inplace conversion will still contain a number of Adabas fields no longer used in Predict 8.3. These can be ignored.

User Exit Routines

Predict provides a number of user exits which can be used to customize many Predict functions to meet special needs. Sample user exit routines illustrating the use of user exits and explaining the parameters are delivered with Predict.

All user exit routines from previous Predict versions with the prefix U- together with their parameter data areas will be replaced by new sample routines during the installation.

Other Programs Delivered in Source Form

In addition to user exits, a number of other Predict programs are delivered in source form. During installation, these source programs replace those delivered with the previous Predict version.

The following source programs in the library SYSDIC are replaced:

EXIT        MAIN__         MAINM1         MAINM2         MAINM3         PUNCH01

The program MAIN__ is the equivalent of the former program MAIN. You are recommended to remove existing old sources of MAIN.

The following type-dependent user exits are also replaced:

ACM**EX     CAT**EX      PUR**EX

The asterisks above represent an object type code, for example FI or SY.

If you adapted any of these programs to meet special needs at your site, save them to a different library before starting the installation.

User Programs which access the Predict System File

All fields in the Predict system file (FDIC) that have been modified since the last version are assigned the keyword SAG-PRD-V83-MOD.

All new fields in Predict 8.3 are assigned the keyword SAG-PRD-V83.

All fields that are no longer used in Predict 8.3 are assigned the keyword SAG-PRD-V83-DEL.

If you have written your own programs which access these fields in the Predict system file, check that these programs are still compatible with these modified fields.

To access Predict data, use API USR3005N.

Help Texts

Predict supplies a large number of online help texts as Natural text members with the prefix H- in the library SYSDIC. These texts can be customized and extended with the special function Maintain Predict Help Texts.

All help texts with the prefix H- are replaced during installation. To prevent user-modified help texts being replaced with new texts supplied by Software AG, rename the prefix H- of modified help texts to T-.

If a help text with the prefix T- exists, this is always used by the Predict help system instead of the standard help text with the prefix H-.

Inplace Conversion from Version 4.6 or Version 8.2

The inplace conversion will result in considerable modifications to the internal structure of your dictionary data. Software AG recommends that, before you execute the following installation steps you back up your Predict system file using the backup procedures usually performed in your environment.

Before starting installation with this method, carefully read the section Conversion in the Predict Administration documentation.

There are no physical changes in the Predict system file from Version 4.6 or Version 8.2 to Version 8.3.

Installation Steps

Perform the following steps after copying the installation medium contents to disk.

Step 1 - Delete Modules No Longer Used 

(Job I051, Steps 0613 - 0616)

Predict modules from earlier versions which were copied to libraries different from the original libraries after installation must be deleted from these libraries using the Natural utility INPL with the data sets PRDvrs.DE44, PRDvrs.DE45, PRDvrs.DE46, PRDvrs.DE82 and PRDvrs.DE83 as input.

Step 2 - Relink your Natural Nucleus

(Job I060 for Batch Mode, Job I080 for Online Operation)

Predict requires the following Natural parameter settings:

The size parameters are only recommendations. It may be necessary to adapt these values to your particular environment.

  • DATSIZE must be at least 200.

  • SSIZE=64

  • RI=OFF

  • If you are using work files, you are recommended to specify WORK=(...,OPEN=ACC) instead of using the Natural default.

  • If Predict XRef data is to be used: set the XREF parameter to ON or FORCE.

  • If you want to use the feature Search usage in Web Services, Natural must be started with the following parameter settings:


Adapt your Natural parameter module with the new parameters and assemble it.

Link the new Natural parameter module and the following modules to the environment-independent part of the Natural nucleus:


Operating System Module Load Library

For details see the corresponding Natural Installation for Mainframes documentation and the Natural Operations for Mainframes documentation.

Step 3 - Load Predict System Programs

(Job I061, Step 0600)

The Predict system programs are contained in the data set/file PRDvrs.INPL. Load these programs into your Natural system file using the Natural utility INPL. This data set/file also contains the Predict error messages.

Step 4 - Convert the Data on the Predict  System File to 8.3 Format 

(Job I200, Step 0606)

This job converts Predict 4.6 or 8.2 data to Version 8.3 format. If the data on your Predict system file is already in Version 8.3 format, a corresponding message is returned.

We recommend you save your Predict system file in Version 4.6 or 8.2 format before proceeding with the steps below.


Now the data is in Version 8.3 format.

Step 5 - Adapt the Text Modules in Library SYSEXT

(Job I200, Step 0608)

This step is optional.

Start a Predict 8.3 online session or perform the following batch mode commands:


If you execute this function in batch, please ensure that you have set Batch execution to N (No) on the Natural Security Modify Library screen of library SYSEXT.

Step 6 - Load the Predict Description of the Predict System File

(Job I500, Step 0605)

This step is optional. Please note that, due to the number of checks performed by the Coordinator when loading this data set/file, this step may take a long time.

The installation data set/file PRDvrs.DATA contains a description of the Predict 8.3 system file in Migrate 8.3 format. Load the description into the Predict system file with the Predict Coordinator.

The following syntax is used:


If a previous import operation with the Coordinator terminated abnormally for any reason, the Coordinator FDIC is locked and a corresponding message is returned. Enter the following commands to clear the Coordinator FDIC:


Step 7 - Load the Predict Example Data

(Job I500, Step 0606)

This step is optional. Please note that, due to the number of checks performed by the Coordinator when loading this data set/file, this step may take a long time.

The installation data set/file PRDvrs.DEMO contains the example data in Migrate 8.3 format. Load the description into the Predict system file with the Predict Coordinator. The following syntax is used:


If a previous import operation with the Coordinator terminated abnormally for any reason, the Coordinator FDIC is locked and a corresponding message is returned. Enter the following commands to clear the Coordinator FDIC:


Upgrading from Predict Version 4.5 or below

For users of Predict Version 4.5 or below:
If you are using Predict Version 4.5 or below and want to migrate to a newer version, it is necessary to perform the following actions in the order given below.
  1. Perform a Predict Unload operation using Predict Version 4.5 or below.

    The following data need to be unloaded:

    • If user-defined object-types (UDEs) exist, then their metadata must be unloaded using UNLOAD METADATA <UDE-name> <parameters>. Specify the unload parameters that meet your requirements.

    • All documented objects using UNLOAD OBJECTTYPE ALL CODE=Y,INTERNAL-ID=Y <parameters>. Specify the unload parameters that meet your requirements.

    • If XRef data are to be transfered to the new FDIC, then they must be unloaded using UNLOAD OBJECTTYPE XR <parameters>. Specify the unload parameters that meet your requirements.

    • If user-defined Retrieval Models exist, then these must be unloaded using UNLOAD RETRIEVALMODEL <object type> <parameters>. Specify the unload parameters that meet your requirements.

  2. Install Predict Version 8.3.

  3. Perform a Predict Load operation using Predict Version 8.3.