Adabas VSAM Bridge Transparency Table

The Adabas VSAM Bridge supports conversion from VSAM files of type KSDS (key sequenced data set) organization to Adabas files without the need to change existing COBOL programs. Both single-record and multi-record files are supported. The conversion of the VSAM record structures into an Adabas file is described by a transparency table which can be generated with Predict.

For details of the application of Adabas VSAM Bridge transparency tables, see the Adabas VSAM Bridge Installation and Operations documentation.

The optional parameters KEYB, PCKKEY, PFOFF1, PKOFF2, PREFSZE and RESET are not supported.

This document covers the following topics:


Before Predict can be used to generate a transparency table for a VSAM file and an Adabas file, both files must be defined in Predict file and field objects.

  • A single-record VSAM file must be completely defined in a file of type V and corresponding fields.

  • A multi-record VSAM file must have a file of type V with field objects at least for the primary key, alternate keys and indicator field. The records are identified by the indicator field: its field short name must always be II. The different record structures must be defined as separate logical VSAM files in separate files of type L and respective fields.

    The indicator value of the records must be entered as V-PREFIX to the logical VSAM file objects. The primary key, alternate keys and indicator field must be defined with the same format and length in all files. The offset must be the same in all records.

A VSAM file, single-record or multi-record, is always converted into one Adabas file. Corresponding fields in an Adabas file, a VSAM file and logical VSAM files are connected using the field short name.

Rules Applying to the Design of the Adabas Files

The following points should be considered when designing an Adabas file:

  • The format buffer definition in the transparency table is generated only for Adabas fields on level 1 so MU-fields must always be defined on level 1;

  • The group structure in the VSAM file(s) and the Adabas file are independent but it must be possible to generate a format buffer for all VSAM record structures from the Adabas fields or groups on level 1;

  • PE groups with more than 99 occurrences and MU fields with more than 191 occurrences must be split up in the Adabas file into several contiguous segments. The first segment must have the same field short name as that PE group or MU field has in the VSAM file; later segments must have field short names that do not exist in the VSAM file. All segments except the last must have 64 occurrences.

  • The maximum length of the indicator field is 20 bytes and the indicator values must not contain blanks.

Calling the Function

The Generate Transparency Table screen is displayed with function code G and object code AV in a Predict main menu, or with the command GENERATE ADAVSAM.

09:28:23              *****  P R E D I C T  *****            2007-05-31
Plan   0               - Generate Transparency Table -

VSAM file ID ............*

Related Adabas file ID ...

Save as member ...........                   Save in library ...... AVBLIB
Overwrite option ......... Y  (Y,N)          Op. system member ....
Punch / output ..........* N                 Save incorrect code .. N (Y,N)

List generated code ...... Y  (Y,N)          Adabas version ......* I1
List key table ........... Y  (Y,N)
List Adabas relations .... Y  (Y,N)
List VSAM relations ...... Y  (Y,N)
Change Adabas file ....... N  (Y,N)

Command ===>
      Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main


Values for fields which have been locked by your data dictionary administrator cannot be overwritten. These fields are skipped when positioning the cursor with the TAB key. See Generation Defaults.

The parameter below can be changed in the Modify Adabas/VSAM Bridge Defaults screen. See Generation Defaults.

Library system Library system for which the generated code is punched. Determines which additional cards need to be punched. An operating system member must be entered for the additional cards to be generated.
The parameters Save as member, Save in library, Overwrite option, Op. system member, Punch/output and List generated code are described in Parameters Specifying the Form of Output.
VSAM file ID ID of the Predict VSAM file object from which the definitions are to be generated. The file must be of type V (VSAM).
Related Adabas file ID ID of the Predict file object from which the definitions are to be generated. The file must be of type A (Adabas). This parameter can be omitted if generation of a transparency table for the same two files has been started before.
Save incorrect code
Y A punch or save is performed even if errors are found.
Adabas version Version of Adabas for which the transparency table is to be generated. Enter an asterisk for valid values or see Adabas Version for more information.
List key table
Y Summary of all VSAM keys is to be listed. In the case of a multi-record type file, the definitions of the indicator and the logical VSAM file with the indicator value are listed.
List Adabas relations
Y Attributes of the fields of the Adabas file and their corresponding VSAM fields are to be listed.
List VSAM relations
Y The fields of the different VSAM record types and corresponding VSAM fields are to be listed.
Change Adabas file
Y A transparency table is generated even if one has already been generated for the same VSAM file and a different Adabas file, provided that the newly specified Adabas file is not related to any other VSAM file.

Generate Transparency Table in Batch Mode


Enter parameters on next line in positional or keyword form. VSAM File ID is obligatory, all other parameters are optional. If a parameter is not specified, the default value is taken.

Field Keyword Position
Related Adabas file ID Adabas-FILE-ID 2
Save as member MEM 3
Save in library LIB 4
Overwrite option REP-OPT 5
Op. system member OS-MEMBER 6
List key table LIST-KEY 7
List Adabas relations LIST-Adabas 8
List VSAM relations LIST-VSAM 9
List generated code LIST-TT 10
Change Adabas file REPLACE-ADA 11
Punch / output PUNCH 12
Save incorrect code SAVE-CODE 13
Adabas version ADA-VER 14
If Entire System Server is used
- Data set NP-DSNAME 16
- Volume NP-VOLSER 17
- Library NP-LIB 18
- Sublibrary NP-SUBLIB 19
- Member type NP-MEMTYPE 20
- VSAM catalog NP-VSAMCAT 21

Parameters NP-LIB, NP-SUBLIB and NP-MEMTYPE must be specified if the generated code is written to workfile 1 (Punch/output=Y) and Library system=3.


Layout lists of the four files we have used as examples (one Adabas file, one physical VSAM file and two logical VSAM files) are given below. They are followed by part of the output produced when generating a transparency table for these files: the key table; the beginning of the description of the Adabas file; the beginning of the description of one logical VSAM file; and, finally, the transparency table. In the description of the logical VSAM file, the column headed FB DB gives the field short name used for the format buffer and the column headed OFF FB gives the offset of the field in the group used for the format buffer.

Sample File Definition

This sample file definition was used to create the sample output.

File ID ............ AZ-QA-AVB-A-ART
  ADABAS test file ARTICLE

                                                                      Off  Off
Cnt  Ty L Field ID                         F    Length   Occ D DB S   Dec  Hex

     **   *** FIX PART OF VSAM RECORDS ***
   1 GR 1 ART-FIX                                              AA       0    0
   2    2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0        D AB N     0    0
   3    2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0          AC N    32   20
   4    2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0          AD N    38   26
   5 GR 2 ART-NR                                               AE      44   2C
   6    3 ART-REC-KEY                      A      5.0          II N    44   2C
   7    3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0        D AF N    49   31
   8    3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0          AG      53   35
   9    3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0          AH N    56   38
  10    3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0          AI N    58   3A
  11    2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0        D AJ N    60   3C
  12    2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0        D MI N    90   5A
  13 SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0        D SK N
     **   *** SALES INFORMATION ***
  17    1 PRICE                            N      5.2          AM N    92   5C
  18 MU 1 DISCOUNT                         N      5.2      6   AN N    99   63
  19    1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY-CNT           N      2.0          B1 N   141   8D
  20 MU 1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY               A     12.0     20 D AO N   143   8F
  21 PE 1 STATISTICS-MONTH                                12   AP     383  17F
  22    2 TURNOVER                         N      5.0          AQ N   383  17F
  23    2 QUANTITY                         N      5.0          AR N   388  184
     **   *** COMPONENTS OF ARTICLE ***    A
  24    1 COMPONENTS-NR                    N      2.0          AS N   503  1F7
  25 PE 1 COMPONENTS                                      64   AT     505  1F9
  26    2 COMPONENT-ART-NR                 A     12.0          AU N   505  1F9
  27    2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY               P      5.0          AV     517  205
  28 PE 1 COMPONENTS-C                                    35   AW    1465  5B9
  29    2 COMPONENT-ART-NR-C               A     12.0          AX N  1465  5B9
  30    2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY-C             P      5.0          AY N  1477  5C5
  31    1 STOCKS-CNT                       N      2.0          B2 N  1990  7C6
  32 PE 1 STOCKS                                          30   AZ    1992  7C8
  33    2 STOCK-NR                         A     12.0          A0 N  1992  7C8
  34    2 STOCK-QUANTITY                   I      4.0          A1 F  2004  7D4

          *** TOTAL LENGTH ***                                       2472  9A8

*** End of report ***

File ID ............ AZ-QA-AVB-V-ART
Type ............... VSAM file

  VSAM test file article

                                                                      Off  Off
Cnt  Ty L Field ID                         F    Length   Occ D DB S   Dec  Hex

   1 GR 1 ART-FIX                                              AA       0    0
   2    2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0        A AB N     0    0
   3    2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0          AC N    32   20
   4    2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0          AD N    38   26
   5 GR 2 ART-NR                                               AE      44   2C
   6    3 ART-REC-KEY                      A      5.0          II N    44   2C
   7    3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0          AF N    49   31
   8    3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0          AG      53   35
   9    3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0          AH N    56   38
  10    3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0          AI N    58   3A
  11    2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0        A AJ N    60   3C
  12    2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0          MI N    90   5A
  13 SP 1 REC-ART-KEY                      A     16.0        P SK      44   2C

          *** TOTAL LENGTH ***                                         92   5C

*** End of report ***

File ID ............ AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
Type ............... Logical VSAM

                                                                      Off  Off
Cnt  Ty L Field ID                         F    Length   Occ D DB S   Dec  Hex

     **   *** FIXED PART ***
   1 GR 1 ART-FIX                                              AA       0    0
   2    2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0        A AB N     0    0
   3    2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0          AC N    32   20
   4    2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0          AD N    38   26
   5 GR 2 ART-NR                                               AE      44   2C
   6    3 ART-REC-KEY                      A      5.0          II N    44   2C
   7    3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0          AF N    49   31
   8    3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0          AG      53   35
   9    3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0          AH N    56   38
  10    3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0          AI N    58   3A
  11    2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0        A AJ N    60   3C
  12    2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0          MI N    90   5A
  13 SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0        P SK      44   2C
     **   *** VARIABLE PART ***            A
  14    1 COMPONENTS-NR                    N      2.0          AS N    92   5C
  15 PE 1 COMPONENTS                                      99   AT      94   5E
  16    2 COMPONENT-ART-NR                 A     12.0          AU N    94   5E
  17    2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY               P      5.0          AV     106   6A
  18    1 STOCKS-CNT                       N      2.0          B2 N  1579  62B
  19 PE 1 STOCKS                                          30   AZ    1581  62D
  20    2 STOCK-NR                         A     12.0          A0 N  1581  62D
  21    2 STOCK-QUANTITY                   I      4.0          A1 F  1593  639

          *** TOTAL LENGTH ***                                       2061  80D

File ID ............ AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE
Type ............... Logical VSAM

                                                                      Off  Off
Cnt  Ty L Field ID                         F    Length   Occ D DB S   Dec  Hex

     **   *** FIXED PART ***
   1 GR 1 ART-FIX                                              AA       0    0
   2    2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0        A AB N     0    0
   3    2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0          AC N    32   20
   4    2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0          AD N    38   26
   5 GR 2 ART-NR                                               AE      44   2C
   6    3 ART-REC-GROUP                    A      5.0          II N    44   2C
   7    3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0          AF N    49   31
   8    3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0          AG      53   35
   9    3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0          AH N    56   38
  10    3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0          AI N    58   3A
  11    2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0        A AJ N    60   3C
  12    2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0          MI N    90   5A
  13 RE 1 ART-FIX                                                       0    0
  14    2 DEMO1                            A     22.0                   0    0
  15 PE 2 DEMO-PE                                          1           22   16
  16    3 DEMO2                            A     22.0                  22   16
  17 RE 1 ART-FIX                                                       0    0
  18 PE 2 DEMO-PE2                                         1            0    0
  19    3 DEMO3                            A     44.0                   0    0
  20 SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0        P SK      44   2C
  21    1 PRICE                            N      5.2          AM N    92   5C
     */   *** VARIABLE PART ***
  22 MU 1 DISCOUNT                         N      5.2      6   AN N    99   63
  23 PE 1 STATISTICS-MONTH                                12   AP     141   8D
  24    2 TURNOVER                         N      5.0          AQ N   141   8D
  25    2 QUANTITY                         N      5.0          AR N   146   92
  26    1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY-CNT           N      2.0          B1 N   261  105
  27 MU 1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY               A     12.0     20   AO N   263  107

          *** TOTAL LENGTH ***                                        503  1F7

*** End of report ***

Sample Output

File: AZ-QA-AVB-V-ART                                                Fnr:126

                              *** Table of Keys ***

                      Type   Offset   Length  DD name  Unique

                        P        44     16    AVBVART    Y

                        A         0     32    ARTDESC
                        A        60     30    ARTSPEC

                  *** Sorted table of logical VSAM files ***

 Indicator - Offset:   44  Length:    5  Number of logical VSAM files:   2

    156 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP             IND-V: 5x3b1
    155 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE             IND-V: 12345

File: AZ-QA-AVB-A-ART                                               Fnr:     76
T  L          Adabas Field            F   Length  D DB Occ      File name
       Corresponding VSAM Field(s)
-- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- --------------------

GR 1 ART-FIX                                        AA
GR 1 ART-FIX                                               AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
GR 1 ART-FIX                                               AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0  D AB
   2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0  A        AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0  A        AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0    AC
   2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0    AD
   2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE
GR 2 ART-NR                                         AE
GR 2 ART-NR                                                AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
GR 2 ART-NR                                                AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   3 ART-REC-KEY                      A      5.0    II
   3 ART-REC-KEY                      A      5.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 ART-REC-GROUP                    A      5.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

File: AZ-QA-AVB-A-ART                                               Fnr:     76
T  L          Adabas Field            F   Length  D DB Occ      File name
       Corresponding VSAM Field(s)
-- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- --------------------

   3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0  D AF
   3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0    AG
   3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0    AH
   3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0    AI
   3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE
   3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0    AG
   3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0    AH
   3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0    AI
   3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  D AJ
   2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  A        AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  A        AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0  D MI
   2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
   2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  D SK
SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  P        AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  P        AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

File: AZ-QA-AVB-A-ART                                               Fnr:     76
T  L          Adabas Field            F   Length  D DB Occ      File name
       Corresponding VSAM Field(s)
-- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- --------------------

   1 PRICE                            N      5.2    AM
   1 PRICE                            N      5.2           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

MU 1 DISCOUNT                         N      5.2    AN   6
MU 1 DISCOUNT                         N      5.2         6 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY-CNT           N      2.0    B1
   1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY-CNT           N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

MU 1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY               A     12.0  D AO  20
MU 1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY               A     12.0        20 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

PE 1 STATISTICS-MONTH                               AP  12
PE 1 STATISTICS-MONTH                                   12 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 TURNOVER                         N      5.0    AQ
   2 TURNOVER                         N      5.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   2 QUANTITY                         N      5.0    AR
   2 QUANTITY                         N      5.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE

   1 COMPONENTS-NR                    N      2.0    AS
   1 COMPONENTS-NR                    N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

File: AZ-QA-AVB-A-ART                                               Fnr:     76
T  L          Adabas Field            F   Length  D DB Occ      File name
       Corresponding VSAM Field(s)
-- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- --------------------

PE 1 COMPONENTS                                     AT  64
PE 1 COMPONENTS                                         99 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP
       >>> Check different field occurrences <<<

   2 COMPONENT-ART-NR                 A     12.0    AU
   2 COMPONENT-ART-NR                 A     12.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

   2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY               P      5.0    AV
   2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY               P      5.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

PE 1 COMPONENTS-C                                   AW  35

   2 COMPONENT-ART-NR-C               A     12.0    AX

   2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY-C             P      5.0    AY

      >>> Splitting of VSAM tables supposed. <<<

   1 STOCKS-CNT                       N      2.0    B2
   1 STOCKS-CNT                       N      2.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

PE 1 STOCKS                                         AZ  30
PE 1 STOCKS                                             30 AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

   2 STOCK-NR                         A     12.0    A0
   2 STOCK-NR                         A     12.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

   2 STOCK-QUANTITY                   I      4.0    A1
   2 STOCK-QUANTITY                   I      4.0           AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP

File: AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP                                          Fnr:    156
 CNT T  L           VSAM field             F   Length  D DB Occ  OFF  FB   OFF
             Corresponding Adabas field                               DB   FB
---- -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- ----- -- -----

1    GR 1 ART-FIX                                        AA     0     AA 0

2       2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0  A AB     0     AA 0
          ART-DESC                                     D

3       2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0    AC     32    AA 32

4       2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0    AD     38    AA 38

5    GR 2 ART-NR                                         AE     44    AA 44

6       3 ART-REC-KEY                      A      5.0    II     44    AA 44

7       3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0    AF     49    AA 49
          ART-GROUP                                    D

8       3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0    AG     53    AA 53

9       3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0    AH     56    AA 56

10      3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0    AI     58    AA 58

11      2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  A AJ     60    AA 60
          SPECIALIST                                   D

12      2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0    MI     90    AA 90
          REC-TYPE                                     D

13   SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  P SK     44
          ART-KEY                                      D

11      2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  A AJ     60    AA 60
          SPECIALIST                                   D

12      2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0    MI     90    AA 90
          REC-TYPE                                     D

13   SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  P SK     44
          ART-KEY                                      D

14      1 COMPONENTS-NR                    N      2.0    AS     92    AS 0

15   PE 1 COMPONENTS                                     AT  99 94    AT 0

File: AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-COMP                                          Fnr:    156
 CNT T  L           VSAM field             F   Length  D DB Occ  OFF  FB   OFF
             Corresponding Adabas field                               DB   FB
---- -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- ----- -- -----

               >>>> Table is splitted in the Adabas file   <<<<

16      2 COMPONENT-ART-NR                 A     12.0    AU     94    AT 0

17      2 COMPONENT-QUANTITY               P      5.0    AV     106   AT 12

18      1 STOCKS-CNT                       N      2.0    B2     1579  B2 0

19   PE 1 STOCKS                                         AZ  30 1581  AZ 0

20      2 STOCK-NR                         A     12.0    A0     1581  AZ 0

21      2 STOCK-QUANTITY                   I      4.0    A1     1593  AZ 12

File: AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE                                          Fnr:    155
 CNT T  L           VSAM field             F   Length  D DB Occ  OFF  FB   OFF
             Corresponding ADABAS field                               DB   FB
---- -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- ----- -- -----

1    GR 1 ART-FIX                                        AA     0     AA 0

2       2 ART-DESC                         A     32.0  A AB     0     AA 0
          ART-DESC                                     D

3       2 DATE-ADD                         N      6.0    AC     32    AA 32

4       2 DATE-MODIFIED                    N      6.0    AD     38    AA 38

5    GR 2 ART-NR                                         AE     44    AA 44

6       3 ART-REC-GROUP                    A      5.0    II     44    AA 44

7       3 ART-GROUP                        A      4.0    AF     49    AA 49
          ART-GROUP                                    D

8       3 DEPARTMENT                       N      3.0    AG     53    AA 53

9       3 SEQ-NR                           N      2.0    AH     56    AA 56

10      3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0    AI     58    AA 58

11      2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  A AJ     60    AA 60
          SPECIALIST                                   D

12      2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0    MI     90    AA 90

File: AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE                                          Fnr:    155
 CNT T  L           VSAM field             F   Length  D DB Occ  OFF  FB   OFF
             Corresponding ADABAS field                               DB   FB
---- -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- ----- -- ----- 

13   SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  P SK     44
          ART-KEY                                      D
10      3 CHECKDIGIT                       N      2.0    AI     58    AA 58

11      2 SPECIALIST                       A     30.0  A AJ     60    AA 60
          SPECIALIST                                   D

12      2 REC-TYPE                         N      2.0    MI     90    AA 90
          REC-TYPE                                     D

13   SP 1 ART-KEY                          A     16.0  P SK     44
          ART-KEY                                      D

14      1 PRICE                            N      5.2    AM     92    AM 0

15   MU 1 DISCOUNT                         N      5.2    AN   6 99    AN 0

16   PE 1 STATISTICS-MONTH                               AP  12 141   AP 0

17      2 TURNOVER                         N      5.0    AQ     141   AP 0

File: AZ-QA-AVB-L-ART-SALE                                          Fnr:    155
 CNT T  L           VSAM field             F   Length  D DB Occ  OFF  FB   OFF
             Corresponding ADABAS field                               DB   FB
---- -- - -------------------------------- -- -------- - -- --- ----- -- -----

18      2 QUANTITY                         N      5.0    AR     146   AP 5

19      1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY-CNT           N      2.0    B1     261   B1 0

20   MU 1 STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY               A     12.0    AO  20 263   AO 0
          STOCKS-NR-DELIVERY                           D

File: AZ-QA-AVB-V-ART                                               Fnr:    126
*             ADABAS FILE: AZ-QA-AVB-A-ART
*                      ON: 2007-05-31 AT 13:48:07
         MCTAB TYPE=GEN,FN=AVBVART,FNR=76,RECSIZ=2061,                 -
               KEY1=SK,KEYLEN=16,KEYOFF=44,INDXTYP=P,                  -
               ODNAME=(AZ,AO),                                         -
               ODLEN=(2,2),                                            -
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               ODOFF=(1579,261),ODPOS=(0,0),OSSIZ=(16,12),             -
               RECTFMT=A,                                              -
         MCTAB TYPE=GEN,FN=ARTDESC,FNR=76,RECSIZ=2061,                 -
               KEY1=AB,KEYLEN=32,KEYOFF=0,INDXTYP=S,UNIQUE=N,          -
               ODNAME=(AZ,AO),                                         -
               ODLEN=(2,2),                                            -
         MCTAB TYPE=GEN,FN=ARTDESC,FNR=76,RECSIZ=2061,                 -
               KEY1=AB,KEYLEN=32,KEYOFF=0,INDXTYP=S,UNIQUE=N,          -
               ODNAME=(AZ,AO),                                         -
               ODLEN=(2,2),                                            -
               ODFMT=(U,U),OSOFF=(1581,263),                           -
               ODOFF=(1579,261),ODPOS=(0,0),OSSIZ=(16,12),             -
               RECTFMT=A,                                              -
         MCTAB TYPE=GEN,FN=ARTSPEC,FNR=76,RECSIZ=2061,                 -
               KEY1=AJ,KEYLEN=30,KEYOFF=60,INDXTYP=S,UNIQUE=N,         -
               ODNAME=(AZ,AO),                                         -
               ODLEN=(2,2),                                            -
               ODFMT=(U,U),OSOFF=(1581,263),                           -
               ODOFF=(1579,261),ODPOS=(0,0),OSSIZ=(16,12),             -
               RECTFMT=A,                                              -

*** End of transparency table ***