Overview of Command Keywords

The list contains all keywords for Migrate functions and ALF functions in alphabetical order. Keywords can not be truncated.

Command Keywords
ADA Applies to objects of type Database, Dataspace, File, Program, Storagespace and blank (all objects). Determines whether the physical attributes and the Vista elements are loaded too:

Neither physical attributes nor Vista elements are loaded.


The physical attributes only are loaded.


The physical attributes and the Vista elements are loaded.

ALF-CIPHER Cipher of the file used as ALF transfer medium (if required).
ALF-DBNR Identifies the database number of the ALF transfer medium. Used for commands PURGE and SET.
ALF-FNR Number of the file used as ALF transfer medium.
ALF-ID Up to 8 characters to identify one transfer operation created with a sequence of export commands. See Overview of Parameters in the section Coordinator Main Menu for further information.
ALF-PASSWORD Password of the file used as ALF transfer medium (if required).
ALF-TYPE ALF transfer medium type. See Overview of Parameters in the section Coordinator Main Menu for further information. Used for SET command.

Associated lower-level objects are unloaded.


Associated lower-level objects will not be unloaded. Default.


When unloading file objects: associated userviews will be unloaded, but verifications will not.


When unloading packagelist objects: related packagelists only are unloaded (subcollections of a total collection).

File descriptions will always be unloaded together with their field descriptions.

Lower-level objects are described in the diagram in the section Introduction of this documentation.

CODE Applies to the following Predict-owned external objects connected to Predict file objects:
  • DDMs

  • Copy code members

  • Card formats such as ADAWAN, ADACMP.


The connected external objects will be unloaded together with the file object only if the file has not been modified since generation.


The connected external objects will be unloaded even if the file object has been modified since generation.


A report listing is created.

DBNR For object type XR. Database number of user system file.
FDIC-CIPHER Cipher of FDIC file, if required.
FDIC-DBNR Database number of FDIC file.
FDIC-FNR Number of FDIC file.
FDIC-PASSWORD Password of FDIC file, if required.
FNR For object type XR. File number of user system file.
FROM-DATE A selection criterion for loading/unloading objects
  • for object type XREF: unload XRef data younger or equal FROM-DATE

  • for all other object types: load/unload data which was added/modified at or after FROM-DATE.

ID ID of object to be loaded/unloaded.
KEY A keyword given as selection criterion when unloading objects.
LIBRARY For object type XR. Library containing external program.
MEDIUM-CIPHER Cipher of the file used as transfer medium (if required).
MEDIUM-DBNR Identifies the database number of the transfer medium. Used for commands PURGE and SET.
MEDIUM-FNR Number of the file used as transfer medium.
MEDIUM-ID Up to 8 characters to identify one transfer operation created with a sequence of unload commands. See Overview of Parameters in the section Coordinator Main Menu for further information.
MEDIUM-PASSWORD Password of the file used as transfer medium (if required).
MEDIUM-TYPE Transfer medium type. See Overview of Parameters in the section Coordinator Main Menu for further information. Used for SET command.
MEMBER For object type XR. External program on user system file.
OWNER An owner ID given as selection criterion for unloading objects.
PREFIX A prefix of up to 20 characters to be added to the object ID of each object loaded.
If a resulting object ID is longer than 32 characters, it is truncated and a warning is given.
PROFILE For object type User.

The Predict profile and LIST XREF profile of the user(s) selected will also be loaded/unloaded.


Existing Predict object with same ID is replaced during loading


Object will not be overwritten. Default.

STATUS Restricts a Load or Unload operation to verifications of the specified type. Valid values:
A automatic
C conceptual
D documented
F free
N Natural Construct
blank all
SUFFIX A suffix of up to 20 characters to be added to the object ID of each object loaded.
If a resulting object ID is longer than permitted, it is truncated and a warning is given.

Specifies the data format when transferring data with an Export or Unload operation. Valid values:

  • S
    Natural Lightstorm 3 and Predict Case 2.5

  • S2
    Natural Lightstorm 3.2

  • 44
    Predict 4.4 format

  • 45
    Predict 4.5 format

TYPE The type of object used as selection criterion for loading/unloading objects.

Restricts the load of all predefined object types.

  • Y
    User-defined attributes are loaded.

  • N
    No user-defined attributes are loaded. This is the default.