Reposition Implementation Data

If the database/file number of a user system file is changed by an Adabas utility, XRef data points to a wrong file, and the implementation pointer of the documentation may point to a wrong database/file number.

Database/file numbers and implementation pointers can be corrected with the function Reposition implementation data.

The Reposition Implementation Data function is invoked with code I in the Special Functions menu or with the command SPECIAL IMPLEMENTATION.

If a duplicate implementation pointer is found and the parameter Add to workplan is set to Y, a MODIFY command is added to the workplan for the respective documentation object.

    13:13:47             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2007-05-31
    Plan  10             - Reposition implementation data -
    Old environment                             New environment
      Database number..........                   Database number....... 180
      File number..............                   File number........... 54
      Library.................. *                 Library............... *
    What to convert
      Active References ....... Y (Y/N)
      Documentation ........... Y (Y/N)
    Processing options
      Fill in documentation...* D  Mem, Lib, FNR, DBNR
      List actions ...........* A  All actions
      Add to workplan ......... Y (Y/N)
    Command ===>
          Help  Next  Stop  Last  LnkEl Flip  Print Impl  AdmFi SelFi Prof  Main

It is possible that a large number of records is read and updated with this function. We therefore recommend running it in batch mode. See Reposition Implementation Data in Batch Mode.

Old environment
Database number Old database number (source).
File number Old file numbers (source).
Library Old library name (source). It is possible to specify the current library with an asterisk, but we strongly recommend specifying the library explicitly to prevent accidental deletion.
New environment
Database number Database number of the current environment which is always taken as the new environment.
File number File number of the current environment which is always taken as the new environment.
Library New library name (target). If an asterisk is specified in this field, the library name of the old environment is kept.
What to convert
Active References
  • Y
    Reposition XRef data. The system checks if an object module exists for the new file. If this is the case and the processing option Del. wrong XRef data is set to Y, the XRef data is moved from Old environment to New environment and the old XRef data is deleted.
    This means that the following Adabas functions must be executed first:

    • unload FUSER

    • load FUSER to another file or renumber the Adabas file.

  • N
    XRef data is not repositioned.

Documentation Y
Documentation is repositioned.
Processing options
Fill in documentation

Determines the scope of the implementation pointer. Valid values:

D Member, library, file number, database number

F Member, library, file number

L Member, library

M Member

It is not always necessary to specify all four parameters to create a unique implementation pointer.

List actions

Determines the scope of information displayed.

A All objects found under Old environment are listed.

N No actions are listed, information appears briefly on screen.

Add to workplan

Only applicable if duplicate implementation pointer is found, in which case no change is performed and an error message is given.

Y The command MOD <object type><name> is added to the workplan. The values for <object type are either PR or SY.

N No command is added to the workplan.

This section covers the following topics:

Reposition Implementation Data in Batch Mode

This function can also executed in batch mode with the command SPECIAL IMPLEMENTATION. If duplicate implementation pointers are found, no changes are performed, an error message is given and the command MOD <object type><name> is added to the workplan.

When working online, MOD <object type><name> commands are put in your own workplan. In batch mode, the workplan must be specified explicitly, whereby different considerations apply if Natural Security is installed. See table below.

Adding Commands to Workplan in Batch Mode
With Natural Security Without Natural Security

Logon user ID

Profile user ID

JOB name Profile User ID of JOB
Adding commands to workplan where profile ID = logon user ID

Commands are added to the workplan of the logon user ID.

If the user is not defined in Predict, an error message is given.

Give the job the same name as the ID of the user whose workplan is to be appended. This allows you to use the profile of another user

If naming conventions at your installation prevent you using a user ID as job name, you must code the following statement:

PROFILE <user>

This results in the user ID being stored in the parameter profile user ID. The system checks first whether the job name can also be used as user ID.

If not, the workplan of the user defined in profile user ID is appended.

Using the profile of another user

To use the profile of another user, code the following statement:

PROFILE <other-user>

Give the job the same name as the ID of the user whose workplan is to be appended.

To use the profile of another user code the following statement:

PROFILE <user>

If naming conventions at your installation do not permit using a user ID as job name, it is not possible to use the profile of another user.

Parameters for the SPECIAL IMPLEMENTATION command can be entered in positional or keyword form. The table below gives a list of keywords, the corresponding field in the Reposition implementation data screen and the relative position of the keywords.

Keyword Field Position
OLD-DBNR Database number 01
OLD-FNR File number 02
OLD-LIB Library 03
NEW-LIB Library 04
ACTIVE Active References 05
DOC Documentation 06
DEL-XREF (not used)  Delete wrong XRef data 07
FILL Fill in documentation 08
LIST List actions 09
ADD-TO-WP Add to workplan 10


In the following example, references are changed from database number 10, file number 5 to the current FUSER file number. All updates performed are listed on screen, all incorrect XRef data is deleted.


or in positional form:
