Coordinator Defaults

The Coordinator Defaults screen is used to determine the following:

  • the database and file number of the Coordinator FDIC

  • the virtual machine to which databases of type A, P and V are linked (parameter Default Virtual Machine).

  • new names/codes of UDEs defined in an earlier version of Predict, if these names/codes are now reserved. See list of reserved codes and names in Reserved Metadata for Coordinator Defaults.

This section covers the following topics:

Location Defaults

The initial Coordinator Defaults screen is called with Code C in the Defaults Menu or with the command DEFAULT COORDINATOR.

In case you want to make changes to this specific screen only, you can alternatively use the command ASSIGN COORDINATOR <DBNR> <FNR> <UTILITY-CLEAR> <DEFAULT-VM>.

17:20:52             *****  P R E D I C T  *****                     2009-07-31
                          - Coordinator Defaults -                             
                                                      Added 2008-09-25 at 11:13
                                                   Modified 2008-11-21 at 11:23
Coordinator FDIC                                                               
  DBnr ...................... 180                                              
  Fnr ....................... 211                                              
  Clear with system utility . Y   (Y/N)                                        
Default virtual machine ....*                                                  
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem depedent options  Y (Y,N)
Coordinator FDIC The Coordinator FDIC file is used as a transfer medium by the Coordinator function Import. See the Predict Coordinator documentation for more information.
DBnr Number of the database containing the Coordinator FDIC.
Fnr Number of the Coordinator FDIC file.
Clear with system utility Y

System utilities (for example AOS in a mainframe environment) are used to delete the contents of the Coordinator FDIC after a CLEAR command, a successful import operation or after Special Function Refresh Coordinator FDIC.

Setting this parameter to Y improves performance if your Coordinator FDIC contains large amounts of data.

Default Virtual Machine Virtual Machine to which Databases of type A, P or V are to be linked.
  • Enter "HOME" if all Databases are to be linked to the default Virtual Machine HOME.

  • Enter "*OPSYS" if Databases are to be linked to different Virtual Machines depending on the attribute Operating system type.

  • Enter an "asterisk" to display a list of Virtual Machines for selection.

Unload Defaults

Press ENTER in the Location Defaults screen to call the Unload Defaults screen.

This screen contains the available coordinator unload options.

16:18:54                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2011-10-17
                       - Coordinator Unload Defaults -                         
                                                   Modified 2011-08-22 at 11:31
Mark with 'X' the unload options which may be modified by the user.            
General options                                                                
X With internal ID ....... Y  (Y/N)                                            
X Target environment ....* 82                                                  
X Create Report listing .. Y  (Y/N)                                            
Object options                                                                 
X With code .............* N                                                   
X With profile ........... N  (Y/N)                                            
X Include Extracts ....... N  (Y/N)                                            
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem dependent options Y (Y,N)

For further details on the parameters explained in the following table, please refer to Unload Options in the Predict Coordinator documentation.

With internal ID If set to Y, the objects are unloaded with their internal ID.
Target environment
S Natural LightStorm 3 and Predict Case 2.5
S2 Natural LightStorm 3.2
46 Predict 4.6
82 Predict 8.2
Create Report listing If set to Y (default), a report listing of type UNL is created on the Main FDIC.
With code
N Do not unload generated code.
Y Unload generated code, if not modified after generation.
M Same as Y, but also unload modified code.
With profile If set to Y, Predict and LIST XREF profiles are also unloaded.
Include Extracts If set to Y, extracts are also unloaded.

Load Defaults

Press ENTER in the Unload Defaults screen to call the Load Defaults screen.

This screen contains the available coordinator load options.

16:19:43                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2011-10-17
                       - Coordinator Load Defaults -                           
                                                   Modified 2011-08-22 at 11:31
Mark with 'X' the load options which may be modified by the user.              
General options                                                                
X Replace ................... Y (Y/N)                                          
X Create Report listing ..... Y (Y/N)                                          
Object options                                                                 
X With code ................. N (Y/N)                                          
X With profile .............. N (Y/N)                                          
X Load physical attributes .* A                                                
X Load user def. extensions . N (Y/N)                                          
X Prefix ....................                                                  
X Suffix ....................                                                  
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem dependent options Y (Y,N)

For details on the parameters explained in the following table, please refer to Load Options in the Predict Coordinator documentation.

Replace The system behavior depends on whether the objects in the Migrate file have an internal ID or not. Refer to Load Options in the Predict Coordinator documentation for details.
Create Report listing If set to Y (default), a report listing of type LOA is created on the Coordinator FDIC.
With code If this parameter is set to Y, the connected external objects will be loaded together with the file object.
With profile If set to Y, Predict and LIST XREF profiles are also loaded.
Load physical attributes
N None.
A Physical attributes.
S Vista elements.
Load user def. extensions If set to Y, user-defined attributes will also be loaded.
Prefix Up to 20 characters to be added as prefix to the object ID of each object loaded (if applicable).
Suffix Up to 20 characters to be added as suffix to the object ID of each object loaded (if applicable).

Reserved Type Codes

Press ENTER in the Load Defaults screen to call this screen.

This screen contains the codes that are reserved in Predict together with an information on the Predict version where the code was reserved first. If you defined UDEs with codes from this list in earlier versions, you must enter a new code with this function.

If your data contains UDEs with reserved codes and you do not enter a new code in this table, the Load function of the Predict Coordinator will terminate.
15:49:30                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2012-04-05
                          - Coordinator Defaults -                             
                                                      Added 2012-04-05 at 15:49
                                                         by XYZ                
Object type code   since Version          Object type code   since Version     
  AN ....               8.2                 OF ....               3.3          
  ZD ....               4.6                 PG ....               3.3          
  O4 ....               4.3                 RC ....               3.3          
  TR ....               4.2                 RT ....               3.3          
  IE ....               4.1                 SC ....               3.3          
  MD ....               4.1                 SN ....               3.3          
  PY ....               4.1                 SV ....               3.3          
  AT ....               3.3                 XF ....               3.3          
  BF ....               3.3                 YF ....               3.3          
  CR ....               3.3                                                    
  DC ....               3.3                                                    
  ET ....               3.3                                                    
  JF ....               3.3                                                    
  LS ....               3.3                                                    
  NO ....               3.3                                                    
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem dependent options Y (Y,N)
Object type code

The screen contains all reserved codes that are used in Predict for predefined object types.

If you created a user-defined object type with a code that is reserved, enter a new code here.

Reserved Metadata for Coordinator Defaults

Press ENTER in the Reserved type codes screen to call the following screen.

This screen contains the names that are reserved in Predict together with an information on the Predict version where the name was reserved first. If you defined UDEs with names from this list in earlier versions, you must enter a new name with this function.

15:49:41                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2012-04-05
                          - Coordinator Defaults -                             
                                                      Added 2012-04-05 at 15:49
                                                         by XYZ                
Object type name                      since Version                            
  ACCESSDEFINITION                         8.2                                 
  CONNX-ENTRY .....                        4.6                                 
  OS4-FILE ........                        4.3                                 
  TRIGGER .........                        4.2                                 
  VISTA-DA ........                        4.2                                 
  VISTA-FI ........                        4.2                                 
  INTERFACE .......                        4.1                                 
  METHOD ..........                        4.1                                 
  PROPERTY ........                        4.1                                 
  ESD-TABLE .......                        3.3                                 
  EXTRACT .........                        3.3                                 
  FILERELATION ....                        3.3                                 
  INFORMIX-TABLE ..                        3.3                                 
  INGRES-TABLE ....                        3.3                                 
  LIBRARYSTRUCTURE                         3.3                                 
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem dependent options Y (Y,N)
Object type name

The screen contains all reserved names that are used in Predict for predefined object types.

If you created a user-defined object type with a name that is reserved, enter a new name here.

Press ENTER in the above screen to call the following screen.

This screen contains the names that are reserved in Predict together with an information on the Predict version where the name was reserved first. If you defined UDEs with names from this list in earlier versions, you must enter a new name with this function.

15:51:20                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2012-04-05
                          - Coordinator Defaults -                             
                                                      Added 2012-04-05 at 15:49
                                                         by XYZ                
Object type name                      since Version                            
  NODE ............                        3.3                                 
  OBJECTS .........                        3.3                                 
  ORACLE-TABLE ....                        3.3                                 
  REPORTLISTING ...                        3.3                                 
  SERVER ..........                        3.3                                 
  SQL-CREATE ......                        3.3                                 
  SYBASE-TABLE ....                        3.3                                 
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem dependent options Y (Y,N)
Object type name

The screen contains all reserved names that are used in Predict for predefined object types.

If you created a user-defined object type with a name that is reserved, enter a new name here.

Press ENTER in the above screen to call the following screen.

This screen contains the retrieval models that are reserved in Predict together with an information on the Predict version where the retrieval model was reserved first. If you defined a retrieveal model from this list in earlier versions, you must enter a new retrieval model with this function.

15:53:11                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2012-04-05
                          - Coordinator Defaults -                             
                                                      Added 2012-04-05 at 15:53
                                                         by XYZ                
Retrieval model    since Version                                               
  AP (SY) ..            4.2                                                    
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. MORE Subsystem dependent options Y (Y,N)
Retrieval model

The screen contains all reserved retrieval models that are used in Predict for predefined object types.

If you created a user-defined object type with a retrieval model that is reserved, enter a new name here.

Press ENTER in the above screen to call the following screen.

This screen contains the associations that are reserved in Predict together with an information on the Predict version where the association was reserved first. If you defined an association from this list in earlier versions, you must enter a new association with this function.

15:51:59                *****  P R E D I C T  *****                  2012-04-05
                          - Coordinator Defaults -                             
                                                      Added 2012-04-05 at 15:49
                                                         by XYZ                
            Active    Passive   since                                          
Association code      code      Version                                        
  (EL->AN)    AN ..     AN ..     8.2                                          
  (FI->AN)    AN ..     AN ..     8.2                                          
  (SY->SY)    LL ..     LL ..     4.3                                          
  (SY->PR)    SO ..     SO ..     4.3                                          
  (FI->TR)    TR ..     FI ..     4.2                                          
  (PR->FI)    IN ..     IP ..     4.2                                          
  (PR->FI)    RE ..     RS ..     4.2                                          
  (SY->SY)    CS ..     CS ..     4.2                                          
  (SY->PR)    CP ..     CP ..     4.2                                          
  (SY->VE)    CV ..     CV ..     4.2                                          
  (SY->FI)    CF ..     CF ..     4.2                                          
  (SY->SY)    LI ..     LI ..     4.2                                          
  (PR->PR)    MS ..     MS ..     4.2                                          
For HELP enter '?' in the first field. To terminate enter '.'                  
Association, Active/Passive code

The screen contains all reserved association names and codes that are used in Predict for predefined object types.

If you created a user-defined object type with an association name and/or code that is reserved, enter a new association name and/or code here.