Overview of API Calls

This section provides an overview of all available API calls, grouped according to the following functional areas:

See the descriptions below for detailed information on these API calls (including associated events).


When starting a session, the API client can either attach to a running terminal or create a new terminal.

Start of instruction set To find out the session names of any running terminals (synchronous call only)

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetRunningTerminalSessions(TerminalNames, NumTerminals)

    This returns an array of currently running terminals that can be attached. GetRunningTerminalSessions is the only call that can be made before calling Initialize.

Start of instruction set To attach to a terminal

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = Initialize(CreateSession, LinkSessionName, UserLoggedOn, OpenSession)

    The parameters are:

    CreateSession Boolean. "true" indicates that a new terminal is to be created.
    LinkSessionName String. The name of an existing terminal to attach to. The name is one of the terminal names that is returned by the GetRunningTerminalSessions function.
    UserLoggedOn Boolean. Returns "true" if the logon to Entire Connection has already taken place on the workstation. In order to use a terminal, a user has to log on once per workstation. If UserLoggedOn is "false", the API client has to log on now.
    OpenSession String. Normally empty. In a special case, this contains the name of an open session.

    If "true" was returned for CreateSession or if it is not possible to attach to the specified terminal, the API control creates a new session.

    If the connection to an existing terminal has been established and if in the meantime a session has been opened in this terminal, the OpenSession parameter contains the name of the session. In this special case, the API client has to decide whether it wants to work with this session which has not been opened under its control. This can only happen if an existing terminal is attached that is currently in the process of opening a session, and this process takes a while and has not yet been completed.

Start of instruction set To log on to Entire Connection

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = LogonEntireConnection(UserName, Password)

Opening a Session

The API client can either query the available session names from the share file or open a known session directly.

Start of instruction set To query all sessions defined for the Entire Connection user

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetAvailableSessions(SessionNames, DefaultSession)

    The parameters are:

    SessionNames Variant Array(Strings). The names of all defined sessions.
    DefaultSession String. The name of the default session.

Start of instruction set To open one of these sessions

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = OpenSession(SessionName)

    The parameter is:

    SessionName String. The name of the session that is to be opened.

    The session is now open and can be used.

Associated Events:

  • FirstScreenArrived

    Fired when the session receives the first data from the host.

  • ScreenSizeChanged(NumRow, NumColumns)

    Notifies the initial screen size, and also whether the terminal changes dynamically during a session.

  • SessionOpened(SessionName)

    Fired if a session opens without the API client calling the OpenSession method. This may happen, for example, when a startup task is used. The parameter is:

    SessionName String. The name of the open session.

General Control

Start of instruction set To send commands to the open session

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = RunHostCommand(CommandName)

    The parameter is:

    CommandName String. The name of the command that is to be executed on the host.

    The string is sent to the host and then to the function key ENTER.

Start of instruction set To send general text and key codes

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = PutData(Text, KeyCode)

    The parameters are:

    Text  String. The text that is to be transferred to the host.
    KeyCode Integer. The key that is to be sent after the text has been transferred.

    The text that is sent with this command can contain line feeds. These are interpreted as if the function key NEWLINE has been pressed. If you only want to send a key code, you have to pass an empty string for the text.

Start of instruction set To enable data notifications (synchronous call only) 

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = SetDataNotificationFlag(Enable)

    The parameter is:

    Enable Boolean. When you set this to "true", data notifications are switched on. Default: off.

Start of instruction set To show and hide the terminal window

  • Set the API control property TerminalInteractive (boolean).

    If you connect to a terminal, it stays visible until this value is set to "false".

    If you create a new terminal, it is invisible until this value is set to "true".

Associated Events:

  • CursorPositionChanged(XPosition, YPosition)

    Fired when the terminal is in interactive mode and the cursor position is changed with the mouse (not when the cursor moves due to typing).

  • NewScreenDataArrived()

    If enabled, this indicates that new data has arrived from the host.

Screen Data

Screen text is available as the raw text as it is received by the host and as the processed text as it is displayed on the terminal. The raw text contains all characters - including those that are not to be displayed (for example, password) - and can contain zero values.

Since the raw text can contain zero values, it can only be returned as an array of unsigned characters. The screen text is returned as an array of strings.

Start of instruction set To return screen text

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetScreenText(ScreenTextArray, TopLeftX, TopLeftY, BottomRightX, BottomRightY)

    The parameters are:

    ScreenTextArray Variant Array(Strings). One string per line of text requested.
    TopLeftX Integer. Starting coordinate.
    TopLeftY Integer. Starting coordinate.
    BottomRightX Integer. Ending coordinate.
    BottomRightY Integer. Ending coordinate.

    If any of the coordinates is set to -1, the entire screen is returned.

Start of instruction set To return raw data

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetScreenRawText(ScreenTextArray)

    The parameter is:

    ScreenTextArray Variant Array(Unsigned chars). Raw data buffer.

Start of instruction set To return screen attributes

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetScreenAttributes(Attributes, AttributesDescription)

    The parameters are:

    Attributes Variant Array(Unsigned chars). Attribute buffer.
    Variant Array(Unsigned chars). The description of an attribute is an array of 6 values containing the bit patterns for the attribute properties:
    Member 0: Attribute
    Member 1: Protected
    Member 2: Numeric
    Member 3: No display
    Member 4: High display
    Member 5: Modify data tag

Start of instruction set To return extended screen attributes

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetExtendedAttributes(ExtendedAttributes)

    The parameter is:

    ExtendedAttributes Variant Array(Unsigned chars). Extended attribute buffer.

Start of instruction set To read and set the current cursor position

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetCursorPosition(XPosition, YPosition) APIReturn = SetCursorPosition(XPosition, YPosition)

    The parameters are:

    XPosition Integer. X indicates the cursor position in the column.
    YPosition Integer. Y indicates the cursor position in the line.

Start of instruction set To remove all editable text in the specified area

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = ClearScreenText(TopLeftX, TopLeftY, BottomRightX, BottomRightY)

    The parameters are:

    TopLeftX Integer. Starting coordinate.
    TopLeftY Integer. Starting coordinate.
    BottomRightX Integer. Ending coordinate.
    BottomRightY Integer. Ending coordinate.

    -1 in any value indicates the whole screen.

Start of instruction set To call the IF command used to check for screen text

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = CheckForScreenText(Text, Result, Position, TopLeftX, TopLeftY, Length, CaseSensitive)

    The parameters are:

    Text String. Text to check for.
    Result Boolean. "true" if the text was found.
    Position Integer. Screen position where the text was found.
    TopLeftX Integer. Starting coordinate.
    TopLeftY Integer. Starting coordinate.
    Length Integer. Text length.
    CaseSensitive Boolean. True if case-sensitive check.

Data Transfer

Start of instruction set To prepare for data transfer to be processed directly by the API client

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = SetAPIFileDetails(WorkFileNumber, UploadFlag, BinaryFlag, ReportFlag)

    The parameters are:

    WorkFileNumber Integer. Work file number.
    UploadFlag Boolean. Is set for upload.
    BinaryFlag Boolean. Is set for binary transfer.
    ReportFlag  Boolean. Is set for report format.

    This results in the following events being fired during upload:

    GetAsciiUploadFileBuffer(ErrorCode, FileNumber, Data, DataLength, DataFormat)

    GetBinaryUploadFileBuffer(ErrorCode, WorkFileNumber, Data, DataLength)  

    and the following events being fired during download:

    AsciiFileDataArrived(ErrorCode, FileNumber, DataLength, Data, DataFormat)

    BinaryFileDataArrived(ErrorCode, FileNumber, DataLength, Data, DataFormat)  

    The event parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. Must be set to 0 by the API to indicate that all was processed without error.
    FileNumber Integer. The work file to be processed.
    DataLength Integer. Upload: the expected size is passed; the actual size is returned. Download: is set to the size of the transmitted data.
    Data Variant Arry(unsigned char). Data that are to be transferred.
    DataFormat String. Description of the record format.

    For a normal transfer operation, the API client has to to provide a file name. This can be done by presetting a file name.

Start of instruction set To preset a file name

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = SetWorkFileDetails(Name, FileNumber, Upload, Binary, Report)

    The parameters are:

    Name String. The file name that is to be used.
    FileNumber Integer. The work file being processed.
    Upload Boolean. Is set for upload.
    Binary Boolean. Is set for binary transfer.
    Report Boolean. Is set for report format.

    If no preset values are found for the work file being processed, the API client will be asked for a file name.

Start of instruction set To return a file name

  • Respond to the following event:

    APIReturn = GetFileName(ErrorCode, FileNumber, Upload, Binary, ToPrinter, Landscape, ControlChars, DosFormat, FileName)

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. If set to zero, the file name is used and processing starts. If set to any other value, processing is canceled.
    FileNumber Integer. Work file being processed.
    Upload Boolean. Is set for uploading a file name.
    Binary Boolean. Is set for binary transfer.
    ToPrinter Boolean. Is set to download to a printer.
    Landscape Boolean. Is set to print in landscape format.
    ControlChars Boolean. Is set to interpret control characters.
    FileName String. The file name to be used.

Start of instruction set To cancel a running data transfer

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = CancelFileTransfer(FileNumber)

    The parameter is:

    FileNumber Integer. The number of the work file for which the data transfer is to be canceled.

    This call is synchronous. It queues a cancelation request. When data transfer has completed, the FileTransferComplete event is fired.

Associated Events:

  • FileTransferStarting(ErrorCode, FileNumber, Upload, Binary, Headings)

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. If set to zero, the file name is used and processing starts. If set to any other value, processing is canceled.
    FileNumber Integer. The work file being processed.
    Upload Boolean. Is set for uploading a file name.
    Binary Boolean. Is set for binary transfer.
    Headings Variant Array (Strings). Contains the field names of the record for the transfer.
  • FileTransferComplete(FileNumber, Upload, ErrorCode)

    The parameters are:

    FileNumber Integer. Work file being processed.
    Upload  Boolean. Is set if upload is completed.
    ErrorCode Integer. Is set to zero if the data transfer was processed without error.
  • FileTransferProgress(ProgressMessage)

    The parameter is:

    ProgressMessage String. Message that normally appears in the output window of the terminal application window.

Tasks and Procedure Files

Start of instruction set To run an Entire Connection task or procedure file

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = RunEntConTask(TaskName)

    The parameter is:

    TaskName String. The name of an Entire Connection task or procedure file.

    For a synchronous connection, the application programming interface returns to the calling application after the TaskName has been checked and the task or procedure file has been started (not when the task or procedure file is completed). For an asynchronous call, the application programming interface immediately returns to the calling application.

Start of instruction set To access the global parameters +PARM0 to +PARM9

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = SetGlobalParameter(ParamNumber, Value) APIReturn = GetGlobalParameter(ParamNumber, Value)

    The parameters are:

    ParamNumber Integer. From 0 to 9 for the required parameter.
    Value String. Value of the parameter.

Start of instruction set To cancel a running procedure file (synchronous call only)

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = CancelRunningTask()

    This will return immediately. The procedure file will notify termination by firing the EntConTaskComplete event.

Associated Events:

  • EntConTaskStarting(ErrorCode, TaskName)

    Is called when a task is started other than explicitly by the application programming interface (for example, a logon task).

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. Has to be set to 0 (zero) so that the task can be started.
    TaskName String. The name of the task that has been started.
  • EntConTaskComplete(ErrorCode, TaskName)

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. Is set to zero if the task has completed without error.
    TaskName String. Task name.
  • TaskInputRequest(ErrorCode, DisplayOne DisplayTwo, Flags, ReturnData)

    This event is fired if an INPUT statement is executed in a procedure file.

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. Is set to zero after input has been provided.
    DisplayOne String. First line of prompt text.
    DisplayTwo String. Second line of prompt text.
    Variant Array. Display flags (see below).
    Flags(0) Must return some data; blank is invalid.
    Flags(1) Numeric data only.
    Flags(2) Password field.
    Flags(3) Maximum length of the requested data.
    ReturnData String. Data that are to be returned to the procedure.
  • TaskDisplayMessageRequest(ErrorCode, Text, DialogBox, MessageType, Response)

    This event is fired if a WAIT statement is executed in a procedure file.

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode Integer. Is set to 0 (zero) if the procedure is to continue. If zero is not set, the procedure is canceled.
    Text String. The message to be displayed.
    DialogBox Boolean. "true" if a message box is expected.
    MessageType Variant. Display parameters.
    Response Integer. Standard Microsoft response code of the MessageBox (for example, "IDOK") if DialogBox is "true".
  • TaskError(ErrorCode, ErrorText)

    The parameters are:

    ErrorCode  Integer. Error code from the task.
    ErrorText  String. Message to be displayed.

Closing a Session

Start of instruction set To close an open session and leave the connection to Entire Connection active

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = CloseSession()

Start of instruction set To close all terminals (asynchronous call only)

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = CloseAllSessions()

    This will close any terminal session on the workstation, including those opened directly. This call should be used with caution. It also breaks the connection to the terminal. There is no completion event.

Start of instruction set To break the link to the terminal (synchronous call only)

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = BreakConnection(Closedown)

    The parameter is:

    Closedown Boolean. Is set to "true" to close the terminal window on disconnect.

    If Closedown is set to "false" and the Entire Connection terminal is not logged on, the terminal will be closed anyway. If the terminal was hidden, it will be automatically shown when the connection is broken.

Associated Events:

  • CurrentSessionClosed

    The session has closed down without a request from the application programming interface. This can happen if the terminal is interactive and the user closes the session, or if a session times out.

  • TerminalClosedown

    The terminal has completely closed down with no request from the application programming interface. This can happen in interactive mode if the user closes the application, or if CloseAllSessions is called from another API session.

Other Methods

Start of instruction set To return the current size of the open terminal

  • Call the following:

    APIReturn = GetScreenSize(NumberOfRows, NumberOfColumns)